What are you doing today?

We're did a little Charcuterie today, er, it was a "board" :D Actually chilled inside for a change, no beach, no yard - I hit up Pubs early, picked up a Redbox rental (still do that on occasion, it's hard to pass on a $1 Blu-ray rental that returns ~2 miles from us). A little work, maybe a little more gaming later (we had an intense Mario Party sesh last night :D)
Officiated a swim meet. That was interrupted twice due to lightning. Yay!

Arrghh... Keep that stuff! We got the torrential rains today that usually come with that, but no light show or thunder at all. More like a tropical deluge where the heavens just open for half an hour to let some outrageous amount of water fall out. Have ten inches of rain so far this month when three is the usual max for July. The jungle advances but not sure the corn is loving it. Interesting. Whole area is on what feels like perpetual flash flood watch lately.
Practicing drawing trees in charcoal, I'm obviously new at it but it's a fun hobby and doesn't cost much to start out with. One day I'm hoping to work my way up to Bob Ross paintings, both the man and his paintings are awesome.

Practicing drawing trees in charcoal, I'm obviously new at it but it's a fun hobby and doesn't cost much to start out with. One day I'm hoping to work my way up to Bob Ross paintings, both the man and his paintings are awesome.

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Very good. I have zero talent for stuff like that.
Today is meant to be even hotter than yesterday. So mostly chilling inside. Went for an early walk, but it’s too hot for me out there. Keeping all the curtains and blinds closed helps a bit.
Working on the seating plan for my step-daughter's wedding which will take place at the end of the month. As there will be a number of guests coming from London who do not speak Finnish and a few older guests from Helsinki who do not speak English it is a bit of a balancing act to not end up with a divided celebration. It will all work out as it did 14 years ago when I married her mother.
Still in the high 80's/low 30's here. Not enjoying it at all. Was in the office today in trousers. Roasting. Looking forward to a change in the weather. Too hot for me.
Very good. I have zero talent for stuff like that.
Today is meant to be even hotter than yesterday. So mostly chilling inside. Went for an early walk, but it’s too hot for me out there. Keeping all the curtains and blinds closed helps a bit.

Decent Brother phoned yesterday and was commenting on how like "the continent" - this weather is; that wall of heat, lovely and balmy in the evening - I'm sitting in a t-shirt (well, I changed into a proper shirt, sleeves rolled up for my French class) - windows open at 11 at night (23.00) - unprecedented - and have been for the past few nights, this is the kind of weather both parents would have adored; my father would have been sitting out in the garden, smoking his pipe, sipping wine or whisky, at 11 at night, perhaps listening to classical music or jazz, Mother would have been planning her activities for the following day - she really came alive in summer.
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Trying to finish off this bloody ZenDesk ETL load that's been my existence for too long. We need all the ZenDesk tickets in our Data Warehouse so we can mesh it with everything else, and, like the blithering fool I am, I said "I can do that!".

Spent all weekend on the thing and ended up publishing my freaking API key to a public repo by mistake. Caught it within minutes and then changed it then hid the repo. Stupid mistakes happen when I get tired.
Decent Brother phoned yesterday and was commenting on how like "the continent" - this weather is; that wall of heat, lovely and balmly in the evening - I'm sitting in a t-shirt (well, I changed into a proper shirt, sleeves rolled up for my French class) - windows open at 11 at night (23.00) - unprecedented - and have been for the past few nights, this is the kind of weather both parents would have adored; my father would have been sitting out in the garden, smoking his pipe, sipping wine or whisky, at 11 at night, perhaps listening to music, Mother would have been planning her activities for the following day - she really came alive in summer.
I'll be honest and say it was a polo shirt and trousers in the office. Within minutes of getting in the house it was socks off, trousers swapped for shorts and no top. I was still boiling. After my late walk I had my second shower of the day. Fan's are not really cutting it.
I'll be honest and say it was a polo shirt and trousers in the office. Within minutes of getting in the house it was socks off, trousers swapped for shorts and no top. I was still boiling. After my late walk I had my second shower of the day. Fan's are not really cutting it.

Well, for me to be in short sleeves in northern Europe at night is.....very unusual, and it needs to be very, very warm indeed..

I love that wall of warmth - those balmy evenings - you get with a serious hot spell.
I'll be honest and say it was a polo shirt and trousers in the office. Within minutes of getting in the house it was socks off, trousers swapped for shorts and no top. I was still boiling. After my late walk I had my second shower of the day. Fan's are not really cutting it.
I've got so used to living the AC life that it's one thing I'm dreading when I move back to blighty in a few years...

Spoke to my mum yesterday via Zoom and she was not at all happy with the temperatures. Granted it was significantly warmer here, but stuck inside my nice cool house I didn't even notice it.
I've got so used to living the AC life that it's one thing I'm dreading when I move back to blighty in a few years...

Spoke to my mum yesterday via Zoom and she was not at all happy with the temperatures. Granted it was significantly warmer here, but stuck inside my nice cool house I didn't even notice it.

@Apple fanboy is perfectly right; in Blighty one only needs A/C maybe - at a maximum, and even then, not every year - 10 days a year (and that is mainly in the south, south east and south west, and the southern midlands).

Now, I have lived & worked in places, (the Caucasus, central Asia, east Africa) where A/C was a necessity, but this hot spell is not expected to last more than another week (or so the current forecast appears to suggest).
The wife's folks didn't have AC, only took a couple of years of visiting before we bought them central AC for Christmas.

(which obviously was for us ... :D)
I had an A/C window unit in my bedroom in my NYC days, but never liked that closed-in feeling you get after awhile. The other thing that flat had though, being one of those coveted pre-war places with seven-room apartments that were cut in half and made rent-controlled by time the 60s rolled around, was one of those preposterously huge bathtubs you could stretch out in and fill with like three feet of water! Used to kill the A/C and just rely on my "private pool" for cooling off on August nights. That and the faint breeze off the Hudson River that used to show up most nights and kill some of the radiant heat of the day by around midnight.

Up here as long as I close the windows and draw the shades around dawn on hot days, the house stays pretty cool in the downstairs most of the time and then an evening breeze usually airs the place out and deepens the chill for me in no time once the sun's been down for an hour or so. The bros put in some excellent insulation when they helped renovate the place, but we didn't bother with much upstairs. Once in awhile I forget to open the windows up there after nightfall, and then when I do go up at bedtime, it's hot enough that I need to run a box fan for a little while in the hallway to exhaust the heat out a stair landing window. Heh, that's what another revisited episode of West Wing is good for... killing time down here while waiting for that fan to fix my mistake!