What are you doing today?

Nice. My study faces west south west so the indoor temperatures climb fast in the afternoons. I went for a swim in the sea yesterday evening. It was lovely and made me realise how much I miss being in the ocean. I grew up on a beach and I surfed till my late 20s. I have decided to get back into some kind of water sports. Paddle boarding seems appropriate considering the lack of decent waves were I live now.

I took this photo whilst waiting for the ferry to get back home across the bay

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Stunning mate. I live about 50 mins from the nearest beach and don’t go often enough. I grew up about as far from the sea as you can get in the UK too, so nice to be a bit closer. I could certainly do with a swim now lol.
Another day in a south facing office with a full glass wall and no AC. It was 33C yesterday in there and I can’t wait to sweat it out all day again today [emoji1305]
Back when I used to work for a large regional bank over here we has a guy who'd sit next to the Windows which, with the blinds open, would amplify the heat from the sun.

He also sat next to the thermostat which was unprotected so would then turn it down to the 70's so he'd be nice and comfortable. The fact that this controlled the temperature for 100's of other people on the floor was neither here nor there and no amount of complaining made any difference.

He was even told to close the blinds if he was hot - which was supported by everyone within eyeshot of the Window and he complained that if he did that we'd not get enough Vitamin D from the sun and so he was going to continue doing that.

That was one of about 10 reasons I listed in my resignation letter a few weeks later.
Back when I used to work for a large regional bank over here we has a guy who'd sit next to the Windows which, with the blinds open, would amplify the heat from the sun.

He also sat next to the thermostat which was unprotected so would then turn it down to the 70's so he'd be nice and comfortable. The fact that this controlled the temperature for 100's of other people on the floor was neither here nor there and no amount of complaining made any difference.

He was even told to close the blinds if he was hot - which was supported by everyone within eyeshot of the Window and he complained that if he did that we'd not get enough Vitamin D from the sun and so he was going to continue doing that.

That was one of about 10 reasons I listed in my resignation letter a few weeks later.

Haha! Every company seems to have those sorts of people.

We’ve had ‘thermostat’ wars where I work and even people who work in positions where they walk around all day, turning the heating off for those that sit still at desks.

I used to work with a woman that would come into the tea room everyday and microwave rice and tinned mackerel which would stink the place out. I told her in front of everybody that it was anti-social and we’d appreciate it if she didn’t eat that at work. She just laughed and I ended up bringing it up in a meeting. She still ignored it so I cut the plug off the microwave [emoji3]
Haha! Every company seems to have those sorts of people.

We’ve had ‘thermostat’ wars where I work and even people who work in positions where they walk around all day, turning the heating off for those that sit still at desks.

I used to work with a woman that would come into the tea room everyday and microwave rice and tinned mackerel which would stink the place out. I told her in front of everybody that it was anti-social and we’d appreciate it if she didn’t eat that at work. She just laughed and I ended up bringing it up in a meeting. She still ignored it so I cut the plug off the microwave [emoji3]

Back in the 2000's we'd have one person who'd ALWAYS finish off the last coffee then put the empty pot back on the warmer. This was in an office of 200 people so it was impossible to know who it was. Eventually one of the managers hooked up a fake camera pointing at the coffee pot and told everyone it was now recording.

Oddly that's all it took.

We never did find the guilty party, but we never had a problem afterwards.

Years later - same company, totally different office, I came in early one morning then hard to get out fast when the alarm went off.

Turned out some idiot had poured coffee grounds IN the pot then brewed it and left it on overnight. Within 30 minutes of my arrival the last of the liquid had been evaporated by the burner and it started smoking.

So I wasn't surprised when they changed the coffee machines over to have a 1 hour shutoff...
I’m on the road again. This time on an Amtrak from Jacksonville to Orlando. Then it will be a bus from Orlando to Tampa. Dinner tonight with my daughter and eldest nephew.
Worked from home today as I was expecting a delivery. Guess what. It was delayed until tomorrow! Typical. So I’m at home again tomorrow.
Can’t really leave Mrs AFB with a pallet delivery to deal with.
At the moment I’m enjoying my morning hot beverage on my daughter‘s balcony. Almost as good as my deck, but fewer trees and no birds to speak of. In a while we’ll get in the car and head to Tarpon Springs to visit the sponge docks and eat some good Greek food.
At the moment I’m enjoying my morning hot beverage on my daughter‘s balcony. Almost as good as my deck, but fewer trees and no birds to speak of. In a while we’ll get in the car and head to Tarpon Springs to visit the sponge docks and eat some good Greek food.
What’s a sponge dock?

Here it’s Friday evening. Work is done for today. Had some garage shelves delivered this morning. Will put them up over the weekend.
That was fascinating reading, MissNomer! VERY cool..... Not that I'm planning a visit to Florida any time soon, but when and if I do I will stop by Tarpon Springs.....
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I took advantage of the sunny, hot — but dry — conditions this afternoon by going on a nice walk alongside the railway tracks. (Walking alongside railways is one of my favourite pastimes.) Along the way, I found a pristine, working analogue wristwatch lying on the rock ballast, and so far there’s been no lost mention on CL or Kijiji.
What’s a sponge dock?
Thank you, @MissNomer for answering that. Such a great little Greek area. We bought soap and sponges and a few touristy things like jewelry.

Today we’re going to a vegan bakery and then spend some time by the (salt water) pool. Dinner out tonight overlooking the water. Can’t believe I’ll be heading home tomorrow. I suppose my husband and cats will be ready to see me.
Went for a walk with Mrs AFB this morning. Then continued to sort out the garage together for most of the afternoon. Then I did some exercise (run and cross trainer whilst Mrs AFB cooked dinner.

After dinner I took my macro lens and D750 for a walk. found some bugs and flowers. A few butterflies, but not as many as I had seen earlier (minus my camera of course).

Then I came back and watered the plants and washed up. Now I'm procrastinating before I start work for the week.
On Monday, I really enjoyed looking at the low-contrast shadow my meat sack projected onto all the orange sunlight hitting the pavement at four in the afternoon, some five hours prior to sunset. The nearest major wildfires are at least a thousand kilometres away.

The air quality health index of “Unhealthy” in the PM2.5 range, coupled with that indescribably dry-musty-stale odour of the breathing air and public health advisories warning us not to engage in aerobic exercise, even if one is in in tip-top shape, really brought home that retro-memory of the good new days of 2056 when, even during a mid-wintertime polar vortex and a stiff northern wind of about +5°C (lowering wind chills to -4°C), the AQHI never gets lower than 150 (”Unhealthy”) and the weaksauce sunlight at noon is the hue of a blood orange.

Ah yes, a preview of the good new times ahead.

Aaaaand we’re baaaack…
