What are you doing today?

Were/are you a French teacher? My wife is/was a French teacher. Still won't teach my how to say "We Surrender" in French. :ROFLMAO:
22 years teaching h.s. French before transitioning to middle school technology and semi-admin.

She won’t teach you how to say “we surrender” in French cause it’s a German expression. 🤣
We did, took our time, we were careful with the drops, application, swabs, etc.

Negative. :cool:

Which kind of confirms what we figured based on who's sick on this end, timing, exposure, symptoms.

Whew, OK, decent recovery and operating at about 65-70%, nose still congested, a little end-of-nasal-issue cough, but not bad :) Looks like going into the weekend at about 90% :D
Yesterday my boss had me drop my other things to concentrate on fixing a serious issue. I came into work today to find a bigger emergency to push that one out of the way. Not being able to take payment from members over the phone wins. Hopefully tomorrow I can find some time to get to yesterday's emergency. :ROFLMAO:

Finally got it fixed today.

Somehow we had a certificate for US Bank expire. I think someone used to keep up with that, then left the team. Regardless, it got dropped. That wouldn't have been the end of the world, but the next morning, the new certificate wasn't working.

Long story short. After 2 more days of digging through the code, we finally figured out the new certificate had the wrong provider. I suspected we got a bad certificate. But until you can prove it, there's wasn't much to do. It probably would have gone quicker, but it's horrendous code. Some of the worst I've come across. It gets a D grade only because it works. But we eventually tracked it down, got a new certificate, got it installed and successfully tested from our end.

The problem now is US Bank probably can't get the new certificate loaded until tomorrow night. So it won't be back up till Tuesday morning for the business. Fortunately, they have a work-around for now. But I now have this dangling thread that I think is fixed, but won't know for sure until tomorrow night. I just want that last 1% of certainty that the problem is squashed, but I'll have to wait I guess.
Had a lovely afternoon at a local public gardens....all kinds of wonderful flowers and plantings ready for the camera's attention! This was a great opportunity to put my new camera through its paces plus to really get to know a couple of lenses better. Aside from that, well, it just felt SO good to be seeing something different from my usual home environment and different flowers than we have around here. Today was amazing in terms of weather, which is why I ventured beyond my usual haunts. Low humidity and not very hot -- just delightful! :) Thank you Ida! (But yes, Ida unfortunately also caused an awful lot of damage in so many places, much of which will be felt for a long time.....). Anyway, I enjoyed myself thoroughly today although my back is now complaining. I've been way too sedentary the past several months and I'm paying the price for that now.
I think this describes a lot of us...


If there's one thing I've done really well professionally, it's carefully engineer, a "business lifestyle" that is the exact opposite of that. I knew very early on, I didn't want a "boss" and I knew regardless of my hard skill expertise, it was the soft skills that would allow me to position myself outside of the typical lifestyle for my profession. I had very necessary needs around family, spending time not working, being able to jump on life opportunities (i.e., waves are breaking, done for the day, VIP invite to ride a new coaster, hop in the car, head to Orlando for a couple of days).

There's definitely some randomness in the universe, which I am thankful has tilted my way on occasion, but to quote Edna Mode (by way of Louis Pasteur and Eisenhower): "I'm sure I don't know darling, luck favors the prepared ..." :D
Speaking pumpkin things ...

Word from Universal is that Halloween store is already open and selling "the best pumpkin coffee ever", we're not there till mid-late Oct (if that even happens), so I tracked down the company, found their site, ordered some online, they're local-ish to us, so hopefully it will come quickly - started with an 8oz, figured a 2lb later if it's good - since it's a flat rate shipping added a second bag of blueberry (hahaha, it's called Violet Blueberry Explosion).

It's hard to find flavored whole bean like this (though I did find a new company on Amazon, I figured since the wife saw this one specifically I'd surprise her with a couple of bags).

It's here !

They apparently do the infusion, fresh roast it, then get it immediately into bags (they're just south of us), so it should be incredibly fresh.

The wife was happily surprised :love:

Also picked up Chobani Peppermint Mocha creamer this morning, the first of the year :cool:
I almost got taken out by a trump truck. What a horrible way to go.
I was on bell avenue getting ready to turn left all the way to the left. A couple cars at least behind me. I must have heard my garmin radar give the sound of a fast vehicle or I was not quit close enough to turn not sure. But an orange trump truck with three flags flapping passed the cars on the left and me at 60mph or more. this intersection is only a block from a 4 way light so this guy most have sped through the intersection to be going that fast. this is a 25mph road. I I was turning before the street I pictured. its only a block from that intersection. when I went through the intersection I was the only one on that road so no clue where that guy came from.
It's here !

They apparently do the infusion, fresh roast it, then get it immediately into bags (they're just south of us), so it should be incredibly fresh.

The wife was happily surprised :love:

Also picked up Chobani Peppermint Mocha creamer this morning, the first of the year :cool:
Thanks DT. You just made me gag. Now I have to go brush my teeth.
A day of attacking things in the garden so far. A more relaxed gardening this afternoon as my back is already complaining from all the tree stump and root removal.
A day of attacking things in the garden so far. A more relaxed gardening this afternoon as my back is already complaining from all the tree stump and root removal.

Was planning on spending the entire weekend getting the yard ready for fall. That was Thursday when the forecast said 78-82 and at most a 20% chance of rain. Now Sunday is 80% chance of rain. So that is one less day I have to get it done. So I better get at it.
Working the special ops translator issue and now the Guinea issue. The two should keep me out of mischief!
What are the hopes of getting more people out of Afghanistan? The land routes are pretty difficult. It would be great if there were more flights, but it looks like that route is closed now.
Yesterday I had to close/replace my bank‘s debit/Visa card, firva fraudulent attempted charge and today my bank’s Visa card for a suspicious charge. Then I got a call from American Express about a charge which I did not recognized. For the latter, the automated system turned “CondeNast Traveler” (wife’s subscription) into “”Advanced Tuning Procedures” so I said no and the subscription payment was cancelled. Modern finances… :oops:

A day of attacking things in the garden so far. A more relaxed gardening this afternoon as my back is already complaining from all the tree stump and root removal.
How warm has it been in the UK this summer? I can handle Celsius. :)