What are you doing today?

It’s a weakness of mine. I’d prefer a homemade trifle, but as Mrs AFB can’t eat it it’s too much hassle to make for one.

Jelly and ice-cream (possibly - also, on occasion - with fruit, either tinned or fresh strawberries or raspberries, or peaches - depending on what flavour the jelly was) was one of Decent Brother's favourite desserts when he was a child, and I have small doubt that he would tuck in happily if offered this treat again today.

Homemade trifle: Yum.

Mother only ever made that at Christmas, and, not even every Christmas - and yes, I recall that she said it was a bit of a hassle - but I must admit that I loved it.

Anyway, enjoy your raspberry jelly.
Jelly and ice-cream (possibly - also, on occasion - with fruit, either tinned or fresh strawberries or raspberries, or peaches - depending on what flavour the jelly was) was one of Decent Brother's favourite desserts when he was a child, and I have small doubt that he would tuck in happily if offered this treat again today.

Homemade trifle: Yum.

Mother only ever made that at Christmas, and, not even every Christmas - and yes, I recall that she said it was a bit of a hassle - but I must admit that I loved it.

Anyway, enjoy your raspberry jelly.
I recall many years ago when Christmas was still a thing in the AFB household, we made a homemade trifle in a new glass serving bowl we had. I totally miscalculated the volume we would need. I had to basically triple the amount of custard I needed. The thing lasted until New Years.
I recall many years ago when Christmas was still a thing in the AFB household, we made a homemade trifle in a new glass serving bowl we had. I totally miscalculated the volume we would need. I had to basically triple the amount of custard I needed. The thing lasted until New Years.

Ah, brilliant; we are still discussing homemade trifle; yum.

I remember one Christmas - when I was around ten - my mother made a simply stunning (homemade) trifle; she bade me watch every step closely, advising me (correctly) that this was not a dish that would be served reguarly chez nous - not even at Christmas - but, when it was ready, it was served in one of her heavy and beautiful cut glass crystal bowls and looked (and tasted) absolutely amazing.

Actually, today is - or would have been - her birthday; she would have been all of 91.
Had the grandsons over last night to watch “Jaws 2”. They, like me, found it almost as satisfying as the original in its own way.

And hey, they’re not stupid. Early in the story we are introduced to Chekov’s power cable 😄, and once it reappears near the end of the movie, the kids immediately saw where this was all going.

God I love watching movies like this with them! Seeing them react = reliving those wonderful memories through their eyes. 🥰
Ah, brilliant; we are still discussing homemade trifle; yum.

I remember one Christmas - when I was around ten - my mother made a simply stunning (homemade) trifle; she bade me watch every step closely, advising me (correctly) that this was not a dish that would be served reguarly chez nous - not even at Christmas - but, when it was ready, it was served in one of her heavy and beautiful cut glass crystal bowls and looked (and tasted) absolutely amazing.

Actually, today is - or would have been - her birthday; she would have been all of 91.
Well I hope you have shared fond memories with her (like this one) with your brothers today or remembered her in some other way.
My wife broke her ass holder.
Yesterday my boss had me drop my other things to concentrate on fixing a serious issue. I came into work today to find a bigger emergency to push that one out of the way. Not being able to take payment from members over the phone wins. Hopefully tomorrow I can find some time to get to yesterday's emergency. :ROFLMAO:
I’m about to go have brunch with another retired French teacher and a student we shared almost 30 years ago, who turned up back in town 2 days ago to stay with her mother until the power comes back on in New Orleans where she works as a nurse.
Yesterday my boss had me drop my other things to concentrate on fixing a serious issue. I came into work today to find a bigger emergency to push that one out of the way. Not being able to take payment from members over the phone wins. Hopefully tomorrow I can find some time to get to yesterday's emergency. :ROFLMAO:
I feel your pain, this is literally every day at my job. I've tried taking two weeks off in the last two years (even though it's Flex "unlimited" time) and each time has been a nightmare of escalations and pissed off clients. I've given up on even trying on personal time.
I feel your pain, this is literally every day at my job. I've tried taking two weeks off in the last two years (even though it's Flex "unlimited" time) and each time has been a nightmare of escalations and pissed off clients. I've given up on even trying on personal time.

We rushed everything through last night and it's still not working this morning. It's rough. I can only do part of the work. Need the engineering department to do some of it. And then there's US Bank. If we were on a call, we'd have it fixed in 30 minutes. But its send an email, then wait 20-30 minutes, try the new thing, report back and wait 20-30 minutes. I hopped on early today hoping to have it resolved before the phones open at 8. Now they're 20 minutes into their second broken day. Thankfully, they found a work-around. But it doesn't stop the bitching.
Well, I have an illness that's been kicking my ass for the last couple of days. I'm 99% sure it's not Covid (rationale available upon request :D), it's like a flu or a severe sinus type cold, so a bunch of overlapping symptoms. I hoping another night of a good sleep, and I'll be on the mend tomorrow.

Interestingly, a while back I ordered several home testing kits and they're out for delivery today! So maybe I'll burn one just to confirm.
I’m about to go have brunch with another retired French teacher and a student we shared almost 30 years ago, who turned up back in town 2 days ago to stay with her mother until the power comes back on in New Orleans where she works as a nurse.

Were/are you a French teacher? My wife is/was a French teacher. Still won't teach my how to say "We Surrender" in French. :ROFLMAO:

She taught for 2 years at the Hillcrest School in Nigeria working for the Dutch mission. Taught French and Spanish.
So today I was in the office. Our MD was especially pleased as it was the most bums on seats we have had there since Covid began. I was feeling less enthusiastic about it. Apart from the social distancing thing, too many distractions for me. Not very efficient. Sadly I'm also in tomorrow and Friday. Yay!
Giving more training to Microsoft Customer Success Managers, we're on the 6th day now and it's extensive. Lots of labs, so I get them started on a timer for 10 minutes here, 20 minutes there and those are my only real breaks lol.
Another crappy day of meetings and distractions in the office. Came home, went for a run, knocked nine bells out of a tree stump (imagining a few peoples heads where my axe fell!).

Now its time to start the work I needed to get done earlier.