What are you doing today?

Had a brainstorm last night, so I’m heading to school today to register my first four parents for my study.
Reminds me of James Holden’s eight parents. Will likely watch some The Expanse tonight and I’ll for sure blame you for it! 😂
Yeah, too bad about the horrible anti-maskers and racists and Mango Madmen :(

True, dat....... I tend to forget that this is where a lot of them do hang out! Up here in Northern Virginia, while of course there are some anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers and racists, they aren't nearly as predominant as in other areas of Virginia and the country as a whole.
I'm making iced tea because the forecast was on the money and it's 83ºF and sunny outside.

So lunch was that tea plus a wacky mashup on california rolls... some avocado and sliced black olives rolled up in nori and sticky rice.

And for the afternoon, beach reads and more iced tea. Gotta love late August unless you're a teacher hauled back into the zoo...
I got a full presentation about buying a videogame for the little G, this slide (it was an actual slide deck) was the best ...


(It is actually on sale for 50% off)
^^^ Ugh, how can it be time to be thinking about Christmas. I felt like that earlier this month when I made my winter fuel buy!!

But it's true that it's almost time to haul out the novelty Xmas fabrics... even if I might only use some of them as wrapping "paper" instead of sewing them into a seasonal table runner or even little tree ornaments. OK, it's on my to-do list but not until mid-September.
True, dat....... I tend to forget that this is where a lot of them do hang out! Up here in Northern Virginia, while of course there are some anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers and racists, they aren't nearly as predominant as in other areas of Virginia and the country as a whole.
Our county is GQP/Mango territory. With blue clusters around a couple schools and/or pockets of newer Virginians. For the most part, the anti-maskers aren't vocal. Just persistent since the peak of the Pandemic. Now they're even more emboldened and it's scary seeing so few masks everywhere. Everywhere!! At least now we don't get sneers when we wear masks outside like last year. And our new InstaCart person wears a mask and informed us before her first drop-off. When she arrived she thanked us for both wearing masks and not canceling when she informed us that she wears a mask.
Oil? or other. If you bought oil, you probably got it just in time before the price jumps on Afghanistan worries.

Propane. Last season pre-buy just under 1.99 a gallon, upcoming season 26% higher after a credit I had from a little leftover on the contract. So about 2.50 which yeah was sticker shock on 750 gallons, although I had budgeted for about a 20% increase. C'est la vie. Might skip an iPad upgrade. Might just upgrade my old iPad mini instead if Apple finally brings a new one. But I'll tell ya, if some hardwood maple or cherry out back snaps off in a straightline wind around here again any time soon, I'm reviving my woodstove habit.
Propane. Last season pre-buy just under 1.99 a gallon, upcoming season 26% higher after a credit I had from a little leftover on the contract. So about 2.50 which yeah was sticker shock on 750 gallons, although I had budgeted for about a 20% increase. C'est la vie. Might skip an iPad upgrade. Might just upgrade my old iPad mini instead if Apple finally brings a new one. But I'll tell ya, if some hardwood maple or cherry out back snaps off in a straightline wind around here again any time soon, I'm reviving my woodstove habit.

Oh yeah, holy smokes at that math.

Is that for stove and general heating? What's your consumption rate?
Oh yeah, holy smokes at that math.

Is that for stove and general heating? What's your consumption rate?

Just for the HW heater and the furnace (forced air). They top off tanks in September from the late spring and minimal summer usage, usually 50 gallons or so (but more lately due to colder springs), skip October, then monthly Nov-Mar are around 100-130 gallons each, April a wind-up filler of 40-60

The kitchen woodstove is a Fisher "Baby Bear" pedestal type, with a catalytic converter in the damper before the main stovepipe; I used to heat my whole place (including the upstairs) off 14" logs with just a tiny fan parked in upper corner of the doorway from kitchen to the living room. The downstairs would get up into the 70s and I'd have to open the back door of the kitchen to keep that from hitting the 80s. My place isn't that big, only around a thousand square feet, 600 down, 400 up. The Fisher was meant to heat a place up to 1250 sq ft, so that was perfect.

Now that I don't routinely burn wood, I close the stairwell door to 2nd floor in winter and only heat the downstairs with the gas furnace. Used to just leave that door open and set the thermostat to kick in at 48ºF so water pipes in cellar and first floor weren't at risk of freezing before a new fire got going in the morning.

I don't miss the hassle and mess of the firewood cuttting, splitting, stacking, toting. It's true what they say about a piece of firewood, that it warms you up four times before you finally burn it.
Went to the dermatologist followed by a trip to CVS, where I got my Rx but forgot to get the Allegra and cream he recommended. So out again. We went to WalMart (haven’t been there in over 2 years!). The blood mobile was parked outside, so when we finished getting the few things we needed we went and donated blood.

Now I guess we’ll sit and watch Ida and hope she stays west.