What are you doing today?


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Come on. Don't you know every project needs to include at least 1 additional trip to the store to get something you forgot. So you end up buying a few extra things just in case. Making sure you have everything you need BEFORE you start a project is just bragging. ;) :ROFLMAO:

I just did my additional trip before doing the work that required being outside. I couldn’t even start.

Get the unit, it doesn’t have a cable whip (unlike the unit it is replacing) and so I spend the first day getting the wire and a 6’ flexible conduit kit. Next day, realize my crescent wrench isn’t large enough to remove the old cable whip from the junction box, and the fitting that came in the kit for the whip really should be replaced with something easier to work with so I’m not trying to rotate a 20lb box+power cable while threading the end of the whip into the junction box (because I had pre-installed the fitting on the end of the whip and assumed the junction box was drilled, not threaded), so there goes another trip/day.

Whoever thought it was a bright idea to put those single-use fittings in the kits for flexible conduit needs their head examined. Especially when better fittings are not expensive.


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And when do you get your second eye done?
Got the second eye done a week ago. Today is my post-surgery check. It’s been amazing.
As for what I am doing, laughing at the offspring. She got put on a new account at work yesterday. Can't say who, but let's say she will be getting a new Pixel 7 for free and she has to use it while working on the project. She is so invested in the Apple infrastructure that this will be interesting. :ROFLMAO:
Sounds like my son when his main account was LG. (He eventually left the firm because he couldn’t stand working with LG.)
I was up around that time, so I was catching up on "The White Lotus". I watched the first ten minutes of the last episode before finally going to bed.
How could you not have finished it?!

Apple fanboy

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So glad it's Friday. No big plans for the weekend. Its pretty wet in our area (although all good here). Not sure I'll get a walk in. Here is the cricket ground in Worcester (not my photo)


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Seems to be the new normal. Hoping for better drier and warmer weather soon. Some lighter evenings and mornings wouldn't go amiss either. Basically I just want summer back!
Met an old colleague/friend (a retired colonel) with whom I had worked abroad, for coffee this morning, and we had a terrific (political) chat; heading to the coffee shop, (one of my favourites), on foot, to meet him, - he had come in by train (and local bus) to meet me - the sun was shining, the sky was blue, I felt able to don my (prescription) shades and my black (rather aged but still stylish) pure cashmere coat, and tried to convince myself that I looked not just cool but dashing....two hours later, when we parted ways, the sky was a bleak shade of murderous charcoal, while it was pouring something that was busily debating whether it should take the form of icy cold rain or nasty, hard-hitting, hailstones, and this served to remind me of exactly why I do not wear my (aged) black cashmere coat as often as I would like.

Paid some bills, purchased wine and beer (the owner - a friend - drove me and my purchases home), and also collected my organic milk and cream.

Now, later, much later, a wash is on, and I am debating the topic of dinner with myself.

That debate was suspended in favour of a few beers.......


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Had a lovely morning with a former colleague. She’s been leading a beginner’s group for a “table française” every few weeks, and as it coincided with our get-together this morning, I joined them. I might join them again some day.

This afternoon I went for my 3 week checkup on the first eye. She’s very happy with my progress. Another 3 weeks and I’ll go back for the final check on both eyes.


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How could you not have finished it?!
I starting dozing off at the end of the previous ep, but wanted to finish it. I wasn't suppose to watch the last ep till this weekend (which I'll do probably Saturday night or some time Sunday)


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After a sleepless night, getting ready to head down to Virginia. Love riding Amtrak in the Covid Caboose. Most don't wear a mask, not even in the alleged Quiet Car preferred by a lot of older passengers. Once we get to DC Union Station there are two changes: diesel engines are swapped in for the electric engines. And a generally lax crew exchange for the rest of the trip to Virginia. They may make one announcement about Quiet Car rules, but almost never enforce the rules. I usually rely on a fellow passenger or two to shush the rude folk. Don't want to be the scary Black guy doing the crew's job. The one time I had to do that I was yelled at for being "intimidating and threatening" to a poor li'l lady.


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I starting dozing off at the end of the previous ep, but wanted to finish it. I wasn't suppose to watch the last ep till this weekend (which I'll do probably Saturday night or some time Sunday)
Finally finished watching White Lotus, Season 2 last night. I'm not happy with the ending, especially the many loose threads. And I hope Season 3 in Asia (hinted at by Mike White) isn't as cringy as some of the action in Italy for Season 2.

Just finally catching my breath after an intense week and a half working on a book project, and assisting my husband with a conference in California and then the beginning of the Winter semester here in Virginia. I may pick up watching "The Menu" at the 8-minute mark. Didn't realize John Leguizamo was in it. Like him a lot.

Should go out for a speed walk since I've barely done that the last two weeks. But I hate walking down here with so many yapping dogs and crappy/no sidewalks.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
Celebrating the arrival of some actual snow before the end of January. I was starting to think someone had moved the mountains south a couple hundred miles or something. Not so. Eight inches of the stuff fell here, enough to make snow sculptures and snowballs and a big mess at the end of local driveways for at least a week! Looks nice though. I do like a proper winter, and all that snow makes even cloudy days seem brighter.

Past that, catching up on some library ebooks threatening to self-destruct in three days...


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Main Camera
Sadly, yesterday Costco closed their in-store photo centers, a service I used for making large prints (20" x 30") off and on for the last 13 years. That business has been taken over by Shutterfly for those wanting to use that service going forward.

So...I spent time downloading processed images files I wanted to keep before deleting them on their server. That seemed to go OK.

What was really great about Costco was that all 20x30 and 16x20 photos were printed on Epson professional large format printers, producing outstanding results (zero color tint on B&W prints), and priced at only $9.99 for a 20x30.

Making prints was easy. Upload digital files to the local Costco and they'd have prints ready to pick up at the photo counter a half day later.


Resident Redneck
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Sadly, yesterday Costco closed their in-store photo centers,

This reminds me. As we have been cleaning out the past 20+ years in one house, I have collected at least half a dozen undeveloped rolls of film.

What is the best place to send it off to now? Don't need prints as I have a negative to digital converter.


seeker of light
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Main Camera
This reminds me. As we have been cleaning out the past 20+ years in one house, I have collected at least half a dozen undeveloped rolls of film.

What is the best place to send it off to now? Don't need prints as I have a negative to digital converter.
indie film lab, reformed film lab, and the find lab are all reputable. most will assume you want scans so make sure you check the options.

not sure where you live but there are occasional local camera stores that still offer developing, so check around your area first. i develop locally and scan at home.


Elite Member
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Main Camera
This reminds me. As we have been cleaning out the past 20+ years in one house, I have collected at least half a dozen undeveloped rolls of film.

What is the best place to send it off to now? Don't need prints as I have a negative to digital converter.

Hmmmm... I haven't shot film in a looong time (only use an iPhone now). I just don't know. I think mollyc and Katbel shoot film - they might have some thoughts.


Resident Redneck
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indie film lab, reformed film lab, and the find lab are all reputable. most will assume you want scans so make sure you check the options.

not sure where you live but there are occasional local camera stores that still offer developing, so check around your area first. i develop locally and scan at home.

Just outside Charleston, WV. Come May 1st, I hope to be fully moved to Sedona, AZ. I know there is a nice store there he was willing to charge my wife's battery when she left her charger at home. But he doesn't do developing.
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