Why do conservatives hate AOC?

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His phrasing may be, but we’re here to get to the root, not stop with the stems.
When you look at it, the current economic system is set up to maximize the rate of flow of raw materials (resources) into landfills (shitpiles). Economic growth is about how much faster we can turn stuff into garbage.
When you look at it, the current economic system is set up to maximize the rate of flow of raw materials (resources) into landfills (shitpiles). Economic growth is about how much faster we can turn stuff into garbage.

That’s the culture of overcomsumption, supercharged by capitalists, killing the planet.

Meanwhile, Herdfan is all pondering what “capitalistic output” actually is:


[UPDATE, ONE WHOLE DAY LATER: Still waiting to hear from you, @Herdfan, on what you think “capitalistic output” actually is. :) ]
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That’s the culture of overcomsumption, supercharged by capitalists, killing the planet.

Meanwhile, Herdfan is all pondering what “capitalistic output” actually is:

View attachment 7059
The main issue is the markets ignoring the long-term ecologic impact of production.
The big question is whether markets and human intelligence are able to to integrate such not-so-straightforward long-term aspects or whether we need governmental intervention with these. Before COVID I used to think (hope) that markets can self-correct, but COVID was a major stress test on how economic superpowers deal with a global calamity and most failed miserably. Coordinated, international governmental intervention cannot be circumvented here. The worst we can do is to leave problem solving to a bunch of libertarian-type politicians.
When you look at it, the current economic system is set up to maximize the rate of flow of raw materials (resources) into landfills (shitpiles). Economic growth is about how much faster we can turn stuff into garbage.
In the UK carbon emissions per capita were flat between ~1875 and 1990 and have dropped since then, and I believe US emissions were roughly flat per capita through the 20th century. So it’s difficult to judge whether reducing growth will help fix emissions or make little difference. I suspect it will make little difference to be honest.

Tackling climate change may need us to make compromises in our lives such as travelling by (high speed) train rather than flying for example.
but COVID was a major stress test on how economic superpowers deal with a global calamity and most failed miserably.
A big part of that is that the US was governed by a clown, China and India have no Interest in global leadership, Russia has no moral authority and the EU has weird politics where it’s isnt able to have stronger leaders than it’s big countries and for historical reasons it’s hard for any one member state to take the lead.
In the UK carbon emissions per capita were flat between ~1875 and 1990 and have dropped since then, and I believe US emissions were roughly flat per capita through the 20th century. So it’s difficult to judge whether reducing growth will help fix emissions or make little difference. I suspect it will make little difference to be honest.

Tackling climate change may need us to make compromises in our lives such as travelling by (high speed) train rather than flying for example.
Hold on hold on. Per capita numbers are not helpful here because the output continued to grow With the population. I’ll add, that I have doubts the charts actually take into account outsourced carbon emissions, which means China’s numbers are more likely to be precipitation of the western world demand.
A big part of that is that the US was governed by a clown, China and India have no Interest in global leadership, Russia has no moral authority and the EU has weird politics where it’s isnt able to have stronger leaders than it’s big countries and for historical reasons it’s hard for any one member state to take the lead.
Sure, under no other president I can name would have the USA flopped like under Trump. What happened is exactly what concerned most of us about his severe personality disorders: he's so addicted to attention, he sacrificed his re-election in exchange for instant gratification. Declaring COVID precautions patriotic would have been a checkmate, because the medical community (including me) would have stood behind him on that because safety over politics.

Now from a global leadership, umm. It really depends on how you define it. China's definitely striving for major global influence through infrastructure loans/contracts. Agree about Russia or the EU. EU has major issues, from Brexit to Orbán.
AOC is a conglomerate of a lot of things the Republican Party and conservatives in general hate - Latina, female, democrat/liberal/progressive, smart, a NY east-coast person from a big democrat city/state…

They can pick on a half-dozen things at once when they pick on her. The funny thing is, Trump is also a grab-bag of things conservatives, Americans and people in general claim to hate: Uber-wealthy, a tax-dodger, a bragger with a massive ego, a flip-flopper and astounding liar. But because he validates racist beliefs, he’s a cult leader. If AOC started espousing conservative tropes, they’d claim they “always liked her”. See: Candace Owens.

I don’t think merely pissing the other side off means you’re doing a good job - I hate when people claim that, even though I’ve done it myself. But in her case, I think it’s an apt thing to say.
I already said my version of this in the CRT thread

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1415061724261228545/
It's interesting. If I had to do and say shit for a living that McCarthy does, I couldn't look myself or my family in the eye. He's an intelligent person, so he knows every bit of how much bullshit he managed to pack in that 10 seconds. He follows the principles along which MLK was murdered and now he's trying to use MLK to promote those very principles. Yuk.
It's interesting. If I had to do and say shit for a living that McCarthy does, I couldn't look myself or my family in the eye. He's an intelligent person, so he knows every bit of how much bullshit he managed to pack in that 10 seconds. He follows the principles along which MLK was murdered and now he's trying to use MLK to promote those very principles. Yuk.
It's been said for years that there is two versions of MLK.

The MLK that was assassinated, and the MLK SOME people created that they are more comfortable with.
I guess our charge shoulld be to comb through all the shit that came out of Saint Ronnie's mouth and start screwing up and distorting his inane pronouncements.
It's been said for years that there is two versions of MLK.

The MLK that was assassinated, and the MLK SOME people created that they are more comfortable with.
If you want to see Republicans scream, mention giving even one penny to only black people that white people also don’t get. But they love MLK so much? What do they think of MLK asking the government to give $50 billion in 1967 dollars to black people? See, there is a reason they assassinated him. White people were somewhat upset that black people could now eat at the same restaurants and such, but when it came to financial repercussions, they got violent.

While still involved in the Scripto affair, King sat for a Playboy interview with Alex Haley, in which he endorsed a massive federal aid program for blacks. Its whopping $50 billion price tag was, he pointed out, less than annual U.S. spending for defense. Such an expenditure, he argued, would be more than justified in “a spectacular decline” in “school dropouts, family breakups, crime rates, illegitimacy, swollen relief rolls, rioting, and other social evils.” Many poor whites were “in the very same boat with the Negro,” he added, and if they could be persuaded to join forces with blacks, they could form “a grand alliance” and “exert massive pressure on the Government to get jobs for all.”
I think this article from the Smithsonian is a great read for anybody who is anti-BLM but says they like MLK. Sorry to tell you, but you can’t have it both ways. They should make Kevin McCarthy read this, and maybe read some of MLK‘s later speeches out-loud on the House floor.

The main issue is the markets ignoring the long-term ecologic impact of production.
The big question is whether markets and human intelligence are able to to integrate such not-so-straightforward long-term aspects or whether we need governmental intervention with these. Before COVID I used to think (hope) that markets can self-correct, but COVID was a major stress test on how economic superpowers deal with a global calamity and most failed miserably. Coordinated, international governmental intervention cannot be circumvented here. The worst we can do is to leave problem solving to a bunch of libertarian-type politicians.

Markets are producing what consumers will consume. Again, a culture of overconsumption.

In the UK carbon emissions per capita were flat between ~1875 and 1990 and have dropped since then, and I believe US emissions were roughly flat per capita through the 20th century. So it’s difficult to judge whether reducing growth will help fix emissions or make little difference. I suspect it will make little difference to be honest.

Tackling climate change may need us to make compromises in our lives such as travelling by (high speed) train rather than flying for example.

In both cited nation-states’ circumstances, a truer picture of those emissions per capita comes from factoring in how much emissions were off-loaded to — and generated by — their aggregate imperial holdings, off-shore.
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With out reading through every response, they hate her because

1. She’s a woman
2. She’s not white
3. She’s popular (with extreme liberals and even regular Democrats seem to admire her)
4. She outsmarts the republicans at almost every opportunity. Ted “Cancun” Cruz is regularly used as a mop by AOC for the men’s bathroom.