2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

I like that Newsom is a fighter, he's sharp, informed and will take it to his opponent. What I don't like is how partisan he is, I don't mind being Liberal but there seems to be no middle ground with the guy and I think you need to have some give and take.

As for Biden v Trump, unless Biden doesn't survive the election for some reason it will be a walk for him. Nobody in the middle is going to switch their vote back to Trump, like "all these extra felonies will really help!", the only people who think that are hard core Trump fans and they don't make up enough of the electorate to pull off a win.
I like that Newsom is a fighter, he's sharp, informed and will take it to his opponent. What I don't like is how partisan he is, I don't mind being Liberal but there seems to be no middle ground with the guy and I think you need to have some give and take.

With the possible exception of Social Democrats most politicians don’t address the concerns of the other side other than to make some blanket “See how fucked up that is? Come our side.” Statement. Most people aren’t that black and white. OK, your state may have lower taxes but I’d rather not witness a truckload of armed nazis going for a cigarette run every time I go to pump my gas. OK, you protect women’s reproductive rights but I’d rather not be tripping over homeless people every time I leave the office.
The problem is with the Rs. Their idea of give and take is "you give, we take". There can be no compromise if all you do is cede ground.

And I can say the exact same thing about the D's. ;)

Neither side wants to compromise, not because they actually care about what is being compromised on, but because it would show weakness and get their base fired up against them. Same reason the D's hate Manchin and the R's hate Romney.
And I can say the exact same thing about the D's. ;)

Neither side wants to compromise, not because they actually care about what is being compromised on, but because it would show weakness and get their base fired up against them. Same reason the D's hate Manchin and the R's hate Romney.
At least Dems seem willing to come to the table for discussion. Rather than take off on some extended break or whatnot.

Before you assume to know my prefs, because you do seem to make a lot of assumptions on this board, I am neither R or D. But I most certainly believe in a woman's rights to govern what is done to her own body. I also believe in common sense gun reform, protecting our natural habitats and wildlife before it's too damn late. Which it may already be.

If that's "woke" or left leaning, then I'm proud to say I most assuredly am. Better that then some MAGA cult Kool-Aid® drinking sheep follower who doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone other than their own selfish selves.
The problem is with the Rs. Their idea of give and take is "you give, we take". There can be no compromise if all you do is cede ground.
Yes, they are better at sticking together with "NO!!!!" better than anyone, it's just who they are. Even then, I prefer someone who can appeal to both sides to a degree, we're never going to get past being so bitterly divided without some sort of compromise on both sides and someone who can bridge it. Newsom isn't that person, neither is a single one of those Fascist assholes on the Republican side. We need new blood IMO.
Before you assume to know my prefs, because you do seem to make a lot of assumptions on this board, I am neither R or D. But I most certainly believe in a woman's rights to govern what is done to her own body. I also believe in common sense gun reform, protecting our natural habitats and wildlife before it's too damn late. Which it may already be.

My views dovetail with yours. Including being neither an R or D.
Even then, I prefer someone who can appeal to both sides to a degree, we're never going to get past being so bitterly divided without some sort of compromise on both sides and someone who can bridge it. Newsom isn't that person, ...

I think Newsom can/could be. He's smart enough to know that would carry him forward to success.
I think Newsom can/could be. He's smart enough to know that would carry him forward to success.
One thing he has that none of the others do is charisma, I think it's fair to say Trump does to some degree (whether we like it or not) but when it comes to being clean cut and sharp Newsom definitely has it.
I think Newsom can/could be. He's smart enough to know that would carry him forward to success.
Yes, exactly. Many politicians morph over time; the bigger the office you seek, the more you adjust. I could see Newsom doing that.
As for Biden/Trump 2.0, I think Trump takes it this time.
How do you figure that? Biden won the popular vote by more than 7 million. I realize swing states have a disproportional effect on the outcome because of an antiquated institution called the Electoral College, but Trump would still have to pull in new voters and/or convince Democrats to switch sides or sit this one out. And, by election time, he'll be even less attractive as a candidate because of his criminal activity, despite his bluster about new cities, ending the war in Ukraine, and reinstating the Muslim travel ban. Democrats will have to be much more pointed about why Trump should never be given a second term.

I and several others here have said we'd prefer a younger Democratic candidate who can go toe-to-toe with Trump and call him out at every opportunity. But if this doesn't happen, I'll certainly vote for Biden, who is almost the antithesis to Trump and has accomplished much in his first term, in some cases through compromise.

I think we can all agree the crop of Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates over the past few decades hasn't been stellar, with few exceptions. Repealing the Constitutional prohibition against naturalized citizens would enlarge the pool. People born in foreign countries have a valuable perspective on life, and they are citizens because they wanted to be here, not because they happened to be born here. But I'm afraid this change will never happen because the ruling class wants to maintain the status quo for their benefit.
I have been tracking Gallup's party identification poll numbers for several years, putting them into a spreadsheet and applying the available statistical functions.

By that numbers, people that identify are R or D currently add up to a little over 50% of the total, most of the rest choosing the I category. When a trendline is applied, how it looks depends on where you anchor it (my record goes back to '04). The longest trend shows a steady decline, slightly higher for D than R (but D started out a little above R). R seems to have bottomed out around 2015 and is slowly moving toward parity with D through neither is likely to maintain a position at or above 30%.

In '04, the I category was a little behind the other two but gradually passed them both and is hovering around 40%. It peaked around 2018 and is just starting to fade a little.

The fact that R decline has stalled is somewhat troubling since D decline continues, albeit slowly. The fact that a lot of people seem to think that the Rs do better for the economy baffles and worries me – they have a PR machine that works for them, and the "lamestream" media still gives them way to much oxygen. The Ds are simply too milquetoasty, and I get the feeling that they will just watch everything collapse around them and do basically nothing to stop the Rs from accelerating it.
I have been tracking Gallup's party identification poll numbers for several years, putting them into a spreadsheet and applying the available statistical functions.

By that numbers, people that identify are R or D currently add up to a little over 50% of the total, most of the rest choosing the I category. When a trendline is applied, how it looks depends on where you anchor it (my record goes back to '04). The longest trend shows a steady decline, slightly higher for D than R (but D started out a little above R). R seems to have bottomed out around 2015 and is slowly moving toward parity with D through neither is likely to maintain a position at or above 30%.

In '04, the I category was a little behind the other two but gradually passed them both and is hovering around 40%. It peaked around 2018 and is just starting to fade a little.

The fact that R decline has stalled is somewhat troubling since D decline continues, albeit slowly. The fact that a lot of people seem to think that the Rs do better for the economy baffles and worries me – they have a PR machine that works for them, and the "lamestream" media still gives them way to much oxygen. The Ds are simply too milquetoasty, and I get the feeling that they will just watch everything collapse around them and do basically nothing to stop the Rs from accelerating it.
Good points. Independents will make a huge difference.
And I can say the exact same thing about the D's. ;)

Neither side wants to compromise, not because they actually care about what is being compromised on, but because it would show weakness and get their base fired up against them. Same reason the D's hate Manchin and the R's hate Romney.
That is simply not true. Dems just negotiated the debt ceiling, they gave up items, Republicans demanded. The GOP line in the sand is the farthest Right since WWII.
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