2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

Republicans are so desperate to drag everyone down

Thank you for the perfect lead-in ;)

The story isn't about Navy Joan Roberts. It is about the liberal media turning on Biden.

So first you have the story about his grandaughter from Maureen Dowd, a liberal columnist for the NYT. Then you have the Axios (rated as a heavy lean left by Allsides) story about how Biden curses and yells at his aides and staffers. They called him "old Yeller". Both were hit pieces against the President.

And now Jake Tapper has come out and said he will cover Hunter stories for 2024 after ignoring the laptop in 2020.

Is a message being sent to Biden not to run?
Thank you for the perfect lead-in ;)

The story isn't about Navy Joan Roberts. It is about the liberal media turning on Biden.

So first you have the story about his grandaughter from Maureen Dowd, a liberal columnist for the NYT. Then you have the Axios (rated as a heavy lean left by Allsides) story about how Biden curses and yells at his aides and staffers. They called him "old Yeller". Both were hit pieces against the President.

And now Jake Tapper has come out and said he will cover Hunter stories for 2024 after ignoring the laptop in 2020.

Is a message being sent to Biden not to run?

I guess if gossipy stories about candidates' relatives, or management style and what happens behind closed doors in private floats your boat, that's cool.

For me that's just trashy entertainment reporting. I'd much rather stick to real news regarding candidates themselves; ie positions, policies, governing, accomplishments, legislation, indictments and charged felonies, etc.
I guess if gossipy stories about candidates' relatives, or management style and what happens behind closed doors in private floats your boat, that's cool.

I still think the point is being missed that over a period of 2 days there were 2 hit pieces by left leaning sources against Joe. Not his family, but him. I think this is the media telling him not to run. Now whether the DNC is behind it remains to be seen, but the gates are opening.

For me that's just trashy entertainment reporting. I'd much rather stick to real news regarding candidates themselves; ie positions, policies, governing, accomplishments, legislation, indictments and charged felonies, etc.

When you find this perfect world, will you invite me? ;)
I still think the point is being missed that over a period of 2 days there were 2 hit pieces by left leaning sources against Joe. Not his family, but him. I think this is the media telling him not to run. Now whether the DNC is behind it remains to be seen, but the gates are opening.

When you find this perfect world, will you invite me? ;)

I just can't give any time to gossip designed to get people stirred up. Kind of like stuff about trump's son Barron when trump was running in 2016. Why would I care?

Reminds me of limbaugh in the past whose sole purpose was getting people juiced up for ratings.
Thank you for the perfect lead-in ;)

The story isn't about Navy Joan Roberts. It is about the liberal media turning on Biden.

So first you have the story about his grandaughter from Maureen Dowd, a liberal columnist for the NYT. Then you have the Axios (rated as a heavy lean left by Allsides) story about how Biden curses and yells at his aides and staffers. They called him "old Yeller". Both were hit pieces against the President.

And now Jake Tapper has come out and said he will cover Hunter stories for 2024 after ignoring the laptop in 2020.

Is a message being sent to Biden not to run?

I would say the liberal media is telling Biden not to run just as much as Newsmax is telling Trump not to run.
I would say the liberal media is telling Biden not to run just as much as Newsmax is telling Trump not to run.

They’re just trying to use Democrats’ so-called purity test against them because everybody knows if Hunter Biden was running for Congress as a Republican all these charges and allegations would mean jack shit to voters on the right as they’ve proven repeatedly and will continue to. But as always, they are ignorant that Democrats and people on the left don’t share the hivemind mentality of the right. The purity test mob is just one of many groups that make up the left. It’s nowhere near the majority.

Are you under the impression that the Left likes Joe the President?

Like I said above, hivemind. They think with the Trump worship on their side then surely there must be an equivalent on the left. There is not.
I like Joe Biden. I may or may not got to see him if I could walk to the event. And if it was indoors. But I think he’s done a damn good job given the circumstances. He’s a normal human, with empathy, and he has a normal staff and cabinet around him which, to my knowledge, he’s never needed to call any of them “dumb as a rock”, “fat slob”, etc on Twitter.

So when people joke about him campaigning from his basement or smaller rallies, it doesn’t matter. I don’t own a Biden flag, I didn’t go see him at any events, I didn’t buy a dumb hat… but votes like mine count as much as the fervent MAGA cultist who turns their truck into a political statement.

In the same way republicans were happy Trump defeated Clinton, I’m happy Biden defeated Trump. He was the man for the job, like republicans say about Trump. The difference, is Biden isn’t a criminal lunatic.
I like Joe Biden...[snip]... The difference, is Biden isn’t a criminal lunatic.

Do I wish we had a younger aka Pete Buttigieg age option? Sure. But I don't think Joe has done a poor job, especially considering what he inherited and had to clean up.

At least I no longer wake up dreading the embarrassment from whatever Twitter tantrum Trump THREW IN ALL CAPS for all the world to see. I don't miss that. Not for one nanosecond.
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Given that twitter is barely more than a troublesome lump in the P-trap at this point, the fact the PotUS is not using it much is not surprising. But even last year, the PotUS account was tweeting slightly less than once a day, and only official statements, devoid of typos, BS and vitriol (as it ought to be). We like to hope that Individual-ONE was anomalous.
I would say the liberal media is telling Biden not to run just as much as Newsmax is telling Trump not to run.
I wish there were younger Dems planning on running. There is a feeling that Biden is Trump repellent, and there is the obvious, if Biden beat Trump in 2020, it’s looking like more people will vote Biden over the Maniac this time too. The wild card will be how States have broken bad when it comes to accepting election results. :unsure:
They latch on to this because they have nothing else. It's remarkable to me that Trump supporters no only ignore what you mentioned, but also seem to be OK with policies, like paying no attention to climate change, that will directly harm them and their families.
They cannot survive without being able to stick it to someone else. It never enters their little minds that when someone else is getting “stuck,” so are they. They just want to see the other guy hurt. They will never accept that they are the other guy.
An interesting idea I heard is even though he’s not running (yet), Gavin Newsom should go on the Joe Rogan podcast. Newsom loves a good fight and debate and doesn’t shy away. He even recently went on Fox and in the interview said CA’s homeless situation is a disgrace. He didn’t pull some Republican-esque “but women unable to have an abortion are dying in the thousands!!!” deflection horse shit. He believes Democrats don’t fight back hard enough which is the opinion of many voters, be it more progressive voters or voters on the right who vote Republican as they see the candidate as a fighter (or bully, whatever). Joe also moved from CA to TX over political/rich guy reasons. So a good debate could be had and possibly clear some things up for Rogan’s “open minded” mouth-breather fans.
If Newsom ran, he would be President.

Surprising coming from you. Even I can see how he’d have national appeal issues. But an insider said he actually watches a lot of Fox News, doesn’t just exist in the left-wing echo chamber. It’s good to know the hot button concerns of the opposition, not just ignore them which a lot of Democrats do through either not addressing them directly or seeing them as nothing more than those of the fringe right. I’d say the Republicans do the same but at this point they aren’t even trying to gain new voters. It’s all about brute force minority rule.