2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

43,000 votes.

That is what Trump lost by. Flip that many votes in Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona and the EC is tied at 269-269. In which case, Trump probably wins.

That's how I figure that. ;)

And while we are at it, flip another 14,000 votes in GA and the GOP has the Senate and full control of Washington.

Really won't take much. The GOP voters will be fired up, but will the Dem's?
Credible source please. It's one thing to debate opinions, it's another to post false information, you need to back this up.
Credible source please. It's one thing to debate opinions, it's another to post false information, you need to back this up.

Sure thing. (If CNN is credible enough).


Wisconsin - Trump lost by 20,680 votes

Arizona - Trump lost by 10,057 votes

Georgia - Trump lost by 11,779 votes

Doing math - 20,680+10,057+11,779=42,516.


The Senate is a little more complicated because any candidate needs 50%+1 to win, otherwise there is a runoff.

So in the regular election, there were 4,952,175 votes cast in the Purdue/Ossoff race. So to win outright, a candidate would need 2,476,088 (maybe 089). Purdue received 2,462,617 which is a difference of 13,470 (13,471).

So if the EC is tied, it goes to the House, but not a full House vote. Each state gets 1 vote, so CA gets 1 vote same as AK. Trump most likely wins since the GOP has the majority in more states than the Dems do.. No guarantees, but likely.

Any questions?

I am going to guess by your asking for a source, you had no idea is was this close.
Any questions?
Yes, in what reality do you base an election on a factor that is not used for deciding it? "If it were handled like THIS it was so much closer" is not reality man. JFC you guys are out of your minds. STOP stating things that are false as fact, clarify specifically what you mean.
Yes, in what reality do you base an election on a factor that is not used for deciding it? "

What are you talking about?

If you are going to accuse me of stating false facts, you need to explain exactly what you mean.

You asked for my facts, please do me the favor of explaining why they are wrong and not just saying they are wrong.
What are you talking about?

If you are going to accuse me of stating false facts, you need to explain exactly what you mean.

You asked for my facts, please do me the favor of explaining why they are wrong and not just saying they are wrong.
By your logic Al Gore won by half a million votes... BRB going to look for your posts praising his victory, go ahead and hold your breath.
So I will just say this. I had a mom. I would guess most of you all had "mom;s" as well. I am not going to reduce her memory by referring to her as my birthing person.

On the one hand, part of the issue pertains to distinguishing between the person who actually gave birth are you versus the person who raised you as a parent, who for many people is the same person but for some is not (cf. the case of the actor Jack Nicholson).

But the main point is that for the lions share of English speakers, "birthing person" is simply not going become common usage. The hallmark of the right wing is taking edge cases and mainstreaming them. Case in point: Bud Light. Or like a couple of decades ago, when gay marriage was really not on the average person's radar, until the foaming RWs started raging about it. Near as I can figure, it is because they themselves are an edge case, so that is the only thing they know.
On the one hand, part of the issue pertains to distinguishing between the person who actually gave birth are you versus the person who raised you as a parent, who for many people is the same person but for some is not (cf. the case of the actor Jack Nicholson).

But the main point is that for the lions share of English speakers, "birthing person" is simply not going become common usage. The hallmark of the right wing is taking edge cases and mainstreaming them. Case in point: Bud Light. Or like a couple of decades ago, when gay marriage was really not on the average person's radar, until the foaming RWs started raging about it. Near as I can figure, it is because they themselves are an edge case, so that is the only thing they know.
One thing is for sure, none of us here would've ever heard of "birthing person" had Herdfan not mentioned it. There's no outrage like Conservative faux outrage based on some bullshit they unnecessarily make into an issue.
By your logic Al Gore won by half a million votes... BRB going to look for your posts praising his victory, go ahead and hold your breath.

Nope. Going to stand by my original post.

Flip 43,000 votes in 3 states and Trump wins.

Nothing to do with stolen elections or midnight ballot dumps or anything else.

It really was that close. And that probably scares the :poop: out of you.
Nope. Going to stand by my original post.

Flip 43,000 votes in 3 states and Trump wins.

Nothing to do with stolen elections or midnight ballot dumps or anything else.

It really was that close. And that probably scares the :poop: out of you.
Trump lost by 7 million votes according to the standard used in US presidential elections. You think I'm "scared" of your ignorant misleading post? I'm more likely to label it false information if you don't make your point clear.
Trump lost by 7 million votes according to the standard used in US presidential elections. You think I'm "scared" of your ignorant misleading post? I'm more likely to label it false information if you don't make your point clear.

The popular vote is nice to talk about, but doesn’t mean anything when it comes to seating a President.

Unless you can point me to a President (USA) who took office based on the popular vote.

We use the EC in this country and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
Yes, The Atlantic is such a conservative source.

And this horrible person:

She must be some rabid conservative.
Featured on Fox News and Conservative outlets, right? My point is who gives a shit about anyone (from either side of the aisle) making these claims. You simply refuse to ignore them and think for yourselves, it's like you guys are part of a cult.

I have to laugh because we only hear about this shit from you. Not what we would consider just a Conservative, but you're radical with all of these things. JFC man, seriously, get out of the house and live a little instead of dwelling on this stuff.
I will guess that there is one WH hopeful who will not be able to leverage the family name for, um, a leg up.

"I apologize for using my flatulence as a medium of public commentary in your presence."
— Doug Deschert​
I will guess that there is one WH hopeful who will not be able to leverage the family name for, um, a leg up.

"I apologize for using my flatulence as a medium of public commentary in your presence."
— Doug Deschert​
Thanks for the laugh.

Regarding whether his flatulence was a comment on climate change or was personally directed at Haden-Guest, he should have exclaimed “I fart in your general direction!” in a faux French accent as he uncorked.
If the rest of the republican party wasn't so f'd up engaging in clown shows and political theater/stunts, with their wagon still hitched to trump, I *could*, under the right conditions, and doing more research, vote for someone like Asa Hutchinson. I think.
Nope. Going to stand by my original post.

Flip 43,000 votes in 3 states and Trump wins.

Nothing to do with stolen elections or midnight ballot dumps or anything else.

It really was that close. And that probably scares the :poop: out of you.

Well, seeing as republicans have only won the popular vote once in 35 years, yeah, it does irk me that, among many outdated ideas and procedures, the popular vote allows someone to lose by millions of votes and still be competitive. I mean, even with Clinton, it was close, but not really. With Biden, it was even less close.

I don’t want to go off on a tangent here, but I get tired of hearing republicans telling us how the voters will ultimately decide this, that or the other when they speak with their vote - which is how it should be - and then just say the election was rigged and stolen when voters do just that. Or, like Trump, without ever having the majority of support from voters, ever.

One thing republicans need to think about is that each time they say the vote was stolen, they are surely drawing the ire of each person who did not vote for Trump.