2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

Don't think this was mentioned yet, but there is audio of RFK Jr saying Covid-19 was “targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people.” and “the people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

No wonder the right loves this guy. When I read that I heard Trump's voice in my head saying it and it completely fit.
Yeah, in the Democratic Primaries, he is likely to make it about as far as the twilight zone.
Don't think this was mentioned yet, but there is audio of RFK Jr saying Covid-19 was “targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people.” and “the people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

No wonder the right loves this guy. When I read that I heard Trump's voice in my head saying it and it completely f.
Not only was it mentioned, he got his own thread because of the sheer craziness. For whatever votes he siphons off as a write-in, I wonder if he'll be more likely to get them from Republicans who are attracted to this conspiracy stuff.

Funny, whenever I read "RFK, Jr." I always think of Elaine on Seinfeld saying "JFK, Jr." and the way she used to draw it out.
Not sure if any of you have even heard about this, but it has been making the rounds on more conservative outlets.

And that is about Biden's 7th grandchild. The one Hunter fathered with a stripper. The Biden's have refused to even acknowledge the grandchild and have gone so far as to instruct staff that he has 6 grandchildren. But now Maureen Dowd of the NYT is weighing in. Wonder if this will bring enough attention to it that Biden will be forced to acknowledge the child.

Well, maybe he heard you.

“Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward," the president said. "This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter. Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy.”

Something tells me that his public acknowledgement wasn’t really an issue in the first place, but I’ll have to take their word that these conservatives are deeply concerned about family values, and it’s unconscionable that a grandfather would refuse to publicly acknowledge a grandchild.

Which is why they’ve chosen Donald Trump to help them in their quest to restore traditional values. I myself have been reaching out to the ghosts of Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest for ideas on how to heal the racial tension in the country. 🙄
Donald Trump never held himself out as a “family man”.

Biden has.
But Trump did hold himself out as a stable genius, a self-made man who got a very, very small loan from his father, the only one who can fix it, one who surrounds himself with only the best people, just to mention a few. And not claiming he's a family man excuses him from from the way he treats women and puts him on the same plane as Biden huh?
Donald Trump never held himself out as a “family man”.

Biden has.
We agree. He's always shown himself to be a total prick to everyone in his family. You care more about him than he ever has any single one of his family members, that speaks volumes.
Donald Trump never held himself out as a “family man”.

Biden has.

You’re not going to be able to force your values - let alone convince others to come around to your world view - by choosing leaders who don’t embody any of the characteristics you claim to base your values and morals on.

There’s no perfect candidate, but there’s no comparison between Biden and Trump either. None. One guy not being perfect doesn’t make him equal to someone who’s deplorable, which is always what these critiques attempt to portray.
You’re not going to be able to force your values - let alone convince others to come around to your world view - by choosing leaders who don’t embody any of the characteristics you claim to base your values and morals on.

There’s no perfect candidate, but there’s no comparison between Biden and Trump either. None. One guy not being perfect doesn’t make him equal to someone who’s deplorable, which is always what these critiques attempt to portray.

Watching the ABC national news on TV tonight revealed that trump's legal expense have topped $40 million for 2023. And are being paid out of campaign donations. What a guy.
Watching the ABC national news on TV tonight revealed that trump's legal expense have topped $40 million for 2023. And are being paid out of campaign donations. What a guy.
You get the impression his donating supporters are happy to do it.

Still, you have to wonder what the entire party is thinking hitching themselves to Trump under the current circumstances. He's going to be i legal peril for his entire campaign. Privately they have to be pretty concerned about it.
You get the impression his donating supporters are happy to do it.

Still, you have to wonder what the entire party is thinking hitching themselves to Trump under the current circumstances. He's going to be i legal peril for his entire campaign. Privately they have to be pretty concerned about it.

Astonishing numbers. Crazy times.

Astonishing numbers. Crazy times.

Yeah, he clearly doesn't stand a chance against Trump. His slavery comments have even the harder Republicans distancing themselves, trying to portray it as "woke" was just boneheaded.
Heard an interesting point from somebody on the center right. Right now journalists are falling all over themselves trying to get to know the Trump voter and trying to show them as people with real concerns and not just completely nutters. Although, from what I’ve seen and heard it really doesn’t take them long to start going into the tall weeds of far-right conspiracies. It’s like they can’t help themselves. Sometimes I read an article where I’m not completely sure of the agenda or political leanings and then towards the end they pepper in “woke” which serves no value whatsoever, but there it is. “Woke” is the new “Hitler”, completely invalidating your attempt to be taken seriously.

At the same time absolutely nobody is doing anything comparative with Biden voters. Imagine if right-wing media did an expose on Biden voters that doesn’t just show young adult pronoun police or communist sympathizers. There’s really nobody talking to the middle to late age voter who has a Biden sign on their lawn.

I think this just adds to the narrative of the smug silent Democrats. “We’re just correct on everything. Nothing to see or explain here. If it isn’t obvious to you then you are just a shit person.” Some people actually do need things explained, and they might actually come to your side in doing so.
I think trying to focus almost entirely on the economy (code for how rich people are doing) is a losing strategy. As long as the cost of housing, interest rates, gas, utilities, and insurance continues to shoot upward most voters aren’t going to give a shit about unemployment and Wall St numbers. It goes well beyond trying to stabilize the price of eggs.
Prices are high and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. I find it odd that those who want a higher minimum wage aren’t fighting this as hard. It has the same, and you could say a worse, effect.