2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

IMO both parties should be allowing someone younger to step up. I don't agree much with Nikkey Haley but she's right on this one, it's like we're being held hostage by these candidates that are aged out yet refuse to just step aside. No matter who wins here I think the American people lose and it'll take another election cycle before we're able to consider new blood.
Prices are high and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. I find it odd that those who want a higher minimum wage aren’t fighting this as hard. It has the same, and you could say a worse, effect.

It’s all part of the predictable decline and implosion of neoliberalism which both parties have been complicit in since at least the 80’s. They think they can still distract people with traditional economic indicators that will somehow override their personal reality. Short of a complete economic collapse or civil/class war I wouldn’t expect much to change until the people who have thrived under neoliberalism are out of office.
IMO both parties should be allowing someone younger to step up. I don't agree much with Nikkey Haley but she's right on this one, it's like we're being held hostage by these candidates that are aged out yet refuse to just step aside. No matter who wins here I think the American people lose and it'll take another election cycle before we're able to consider new blood.

Haley could win.
IMO both parties should be allowing someone younger to step up. I don't agree much with Nikkey Haley but she's right on this one, it's like we're being held hostage by these candidates that are aged out yet refuse to just step aside. No matter who wins here I think the American people lose and it'll take another election cycle before we're able to consider new blood.

It’s fairly established at this point that Nancy Pelosi is almost singlehandedly participating in elder abuse because she wants her buddy Adam Schiff to replace Feinstein and Newsom said he’d appoint a woman of color. I don’t know much about Schiff but I know for a fact that he isn’t a woman of color. So Pelosi won't let Feinstein go.

On a related note, the Democrats really need to stop with the “I’ll appoint a woman of color” garbage. It’s cynical transparent pandering. Go ahead and do it, but don’t pre-announce it.
So far, talk of Biden’s health has been more about theoretical than reality. I watch Biden press conferences a lot - he’s fine.

So I think there needs to be a distinction made when talking about someone like him vs. someone like Feinstein. Biden is 81, but I’ve seen unhealthy 80’s and healthy 80’s, and Biden is a high-functioning and sharp 80 year old.

I do understand the broader argument about age and political office, and in general yeah, it would be nice to see a sane Ramaswamy or a Nikki Haley who hadn’t already sullied herself for Trump going up against a Hakeem Jeffries or something, but we aren’t there yet, and it’s also important to realize age and mental acuity should be determined on a case by case bases. Trump is clearly firing on all cylinders, which probably puts him at about 10% the smarts of a Biden operating at 40% capacity, for instance.
Prices are high and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. I find it odd that those who want a higher minimum wage aren’t fighting this as hard. It has the same, and you could say a worse, effect.

I am curious as to how you go about fighting oligarchic price-gouging. I mean, you could try to blame the Fed for opening the money taps (and you might well succeed in convincing a lot of people), but the reality is that we have closed markets, and those who control the markets are just raising prices because they can. Profits were throttled during the lockdowns, so now we are being punished for industry's naked lack of foresight.
So I think there needs to be a distinction made when talking about someone like him vs. someone like Feinstein. Biden is 81, but I’ve seen unhealthy 80’s and healthy 80’s, and Biden is a high-functioning and sharp 80 year old.

I agree with the above in general. He's still sharp. But optics often drives voter impressions and candidate electability. Optics meaning how one projects and the time it takes and the forcefulness in answering (and rebutting) complex questions, the manner in which one walks with confidence, etc.

That will be first revealed in televised debates a year from now, where one candidate (Biden) emerges from stage left with the other candidate (desantis/Haley/etc) from stage right, both walking to center stage to shake hands, and then waling to their podiums. And will then be further revealed in how quick and how confidently difficult debate questions are answered and rebutted.

Over the last year or so I've seen a very noticeable slowing down on the above with Biden. How will that change over the next 12 months? Or if he had a Feinstein or mcconnell event or two?

If Biden were 60 or 70, and as quick/sharp/forceful as he was even 10 years ago I wouldn't be so concerned. But he's not, and thus I'd feel a lot better if there were a Plan B the dems could quickly pivot to should it be necessary during the last six months of 2024.

I have no idea how the mechanics of that would work, likely depending on what happens during the primaries. But not having a backup plan (whatever that could be) sure seems incredibly risky when considering the potential horrible consequences.
I'd feel a lot better if there were a Plan B the dems could quickly pivot to

I can think of one, but it is unlikely because the modern D Party is not about making bold moves. She would be old enough, by months, and with the right coaching and handling, she could go up against the ugliest of them. Her slogan will be you can be a leader or you can be an asshole – choose.

And her signature speech will compare the challenges that have been overcome in the past to what we are facing now, "… and when they tell us that doing this will be too hard, I say are we Americans!" Which will become the MAGA of the Ds.

Hey, I can dream anyway.
I can think of one, but it is unlikely because the modern D Party is not about making bold moves. She would be old enough, by months, and with the right coaching and handling, she could go up against the ugliest of them. Her slogan will be you can be a leader or you can be an asshole – choose.

And her signature speech will compare the challenges that have been overcome in the past to what we are facing now, "… and when they tell us that doing this will be too hard, I say are we Americans!" Which will become the MAGA of the Ds.

Hey, I can dream anyway.

I also think Stacey Abrams would be terrific!
Joe Biden placing a wreath at the only monument of John McCain in the world in Hanoi, Vietnam. No matter what side one is on this deserves respect.

Greenshot 2023-09-11 09.27.28.png
Joe Biden placing a wreath at the only monument of John McCain in the world in Hanoi, Vietnam. No matter what side one is on this deserves respect.

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It amazes me, that the only memorial for someone who served and literally shed blood for this country, is in a Country that up until recently had a less than lukewarm relationship with.

I didn't completely agree with his politics, but I did respected the man. I even attended his Presidential campaign rally in Nashua NH. I still cannot believe he was vilified by the Republican party, because he stood up to Trump.
Joe Biden placing a wreath at the only monument of John McCain in the world in Hanoi, Vietnam. No matter what side one is on this deserves respect.

View attachment 25844

It would be interesting to know when this monument was erected. If it was recent, and for the benefit of Biden's trip to Vietnam, that's fine. Nothing wrong with that and Vietnam deserves props for erecting it.

If it were years ago, well, that's a much different story. And deserves a much deeper respect. Imo.
It’s all part of the predictable decline and implosion of neoliberalism which both parties have been complicit in since at least the 80’s. They think they can still distract people with traditional economic indicators that will somehow override their personal reality. Short of a complete economic collapse or civil/class war I wouldn’t expect much to change until the people who have thrived under neoliberalism are out of office.

The problem with indicators is they only measure one thing over a specific point of time. So let's say inflation drops to 2% (Fed target), that should be good news right? But it doesn't take into account the previous years of inflation. So that gallon of milk or dozen eggs is still very high compared to where it was 2 years ago.

I have always done most of the shopping and I was fortunate enough to not really ever have to look at food prices. I would take a deal with the card or an in-store buy X, get Y free. But I am now looking at prices and going through the store app looking for coupons.

Not sure how those who were struggling before are able to feed their families. :(

Don't get me started on the joke the "unemployment rate" is.
The problem with indicators is they only measure one thing over a specific point of time. So let's say inflation drops to 2% (Fed target), that should be good news right? But it doesn't take into account the previous years of inflation. So that gallon of milk or dozen eggs is still very high compared to where it was 2 years ago.

I have always done most of the shopping and I was fortunate enough to not really ever have to look at food prices. I would take a deal with the card or an in-store buy X, get Y free. But I am now looking at prices and going through the store app looking for coupons.

Not sure how those who were struggling before are able to feed their families. :(

Don't get me started on the joke the "unemployment rate" is.

I've noticed the long term price increase the most in gas, which is almost 100% price manipulation. Sure it's less than it was a year (or was it 2?) ago, but it's still a lot higher than before Putin started his failed attempt at rebuilding the Soviet Union...or whatever we're using as a deflection of the real cause.
The problem with indicators is they only measure one thing over a specific point of time. So let's say inflation drops to 2% (Fed target), that should be good news right? But it doesn't take into account the previous years of inflation. So that gallon of milk or dozen eggs is still very high compared to where it was 2 years ago.

I have always done most of the shopping and I was fortunate enough to not really ever have to look at food prices. I would take a deal with the card or an in-store buy X, get Y free. But I am now looking at prices and going through the store app looking for coupons.

Not sure how those who were struggling before are able to feed their families. :(

Don't get me started on the joke the "unemployment rate" is.
I believe the grocery prices are much higher due to what the industry learned from the pandemic. They are intentionally higher and most likely won't go down to increase their margins. I read an article (probably in one of the news sources you don't like), that had some information on this. Been a while so I don't remember which news source or the title of the article. I wish I had more sources facts on this, but from what I remembered, the prices you are seeing are artificially inflated, but I will also admit that inflation, climate, and geopolitical factors are partly to cause the higher prices for some items.

What I remember from the article was this. If there is a legitimate reason for an increase on a food item by say .05 per pound, the common practice was to bump the price increase to .10 - .15 per pound. That industry portion increase might be exaggerated but point was that it was significant. What they learned was the people will pay and eventually accept it.
The republicans said “this impeachment will only make Trump more popular and help him get re-elected”.

Didn’t happen. However, I do think this is going to help Biden. Do you remember Senate Democrats saying “Nah, we shouldn’t waste time with this” with either of Trump’s impeachments? Nope. But that’s what senate republicans (and some house members) are saying.

Jesus Christ - even MAGA dipstick Tommy Too-Dumb Tuberville isn’t for impeachment. I’ve heard a half-dozen republicans shit on the idea, and yet McCarthy is getting his 🥜 in a vice and forced to pretend this is a serious inquiry.

You know what would hurt Biden more? If they let the Hunter Biden saga play out and let him suffer his consequences, and focus on policy and pretending Trump doesn’t exist.

Instead, at this rate, Biden WILL be able to campaign from the basement, and will coast to reelection just like Bill Clinton did in 1996. If republicans don’t get their stuff together and nominate someone who poses a threat to Biden’s second term, then they will just stick with Trump and do all the same shit that has lead him here in the first place. I’m cautiously optimistic everything is playing out as it should.