2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

I know nothing of these "word salads" and I doubt any average American does either. This sounds like it's probably some Fox News talking points or something.

I don't know what is going on with this on Fox News. I've heard audio clips on progressive podcasts. I didn't really think this was a secret. I'll try to find some clips later.
They can't. If Biden bows out, they are stuck with Harris. Not legally, but how can they drop her. The optics of doing that would be horrible.

All rules would be the off the table, but let’s be honest, Harris may be disliked, but she is still a competent and intelligent woman and not a lunatic like Trump. There’s no enthusiasm for Harris because there doesn’t need to be, just like there wasn’t much enthusiasm for Biden in 2008 or Pence or Tim Kaine.

However, if Harris suddenly found herself as the nominee for whatever reason, the enthusiasm would materialize. This same argument played out with Biden in 2020, but the enthusiasm materialized.

Republicans have an ace up their sleeve - Condemning Donald Trump and moving the party on from him by selecting a different nominee who isn’t insane. We are a forgiving folk and the relief of seeing the party regain its values would probably see them have a surge in popularity. Will they use it? Probably not. Because there’s no guarantee a different nominee would condem Trump/Trumpism. Only Christie and Hutchinson have done that. If it’s Nikki Haley or Tim Scott trying to move on but also protecting Trump, then they may have a chance, but that’s still clinging onto Trumpism and it won’t be good for them.

But back to Harris, I don’t think the situation is as dire as it sounds, even if she were the nominee. The republicans have to do too much work on themselves and I’ve seen very little such work being done.

But there’s no rule that says it has to be Harris anyways.

I don’t share the same concerns folks have with Biden, at least not the same degree. This is the new normal with more people engaged in politics and the 24 hour news cycle that’s everywhere you look. Most of the nagging concerns I have go away immediately if Trump is the nominee - he cannot win a general, and I’d almost believe that even if some milquetoast democrat got shoehorned into the nomination for whatever reason. So do I want Harris right now? No, I’d prefer Biden. Did I want Biden in 2020? Not necessarily, but he’s proven me wrong.

So the polls are good for making folks worry, and you can glean a lot about the minds of voters from them, but people like to win, especially if they have a reason. What’s going to happen when Trump loses the nomination and tells his supporters not to vote in a rigged election? Or wins the nomination and then just loses again because he’s an insane criminal?

The republicans are so disjointed right now that it’s hard for me to envision them making it to Election Day 2024 without a crisis.
You need to understand that the genuine Left does not much care for Ms Harris. She would be tolerated, the way Joe the President is tolerated, but to ask the Left to support her would be a major reach. Her base is just too narrow. A Democrat who has difficulty getting the Left on board is in a bad place. Now, Tammy, there is a woman who could rally the troops, just out of her sheer likability.
I would love to see Newsom run, we need someone who isn't afraid to stick it to them.
I know nothing of these "word salads" and I doubt any average American does either. This sounds like it's probably some Fox News talking points or something.

To be fair, when searching for word salads most of the sources were from the right. But my exposure came from the left.

So instead of pointing to sources so that the source can be analyzed and picked apart attacking their commentary, I’ll just post quotes.

"The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires. What we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children."

"We will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues…and to work together as we continue to work, operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together...we will work on this together."

“We got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are because you have been forced to have taken this seriously,”

“So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”

Like I said, it’s like somebody in grade school doing a minimum word count essay on a book they didn’t read. Unlike the right, it’s not littered with buzz words and dog whistles. It’s just a bunch of words full of redundancy and not much depth.
I'm listening to Biden this morning; find me one stretch of five minutes where Trump has EVER been as concise and focused on policy without his usual rambling and meanderings.
:D That's never happened. The only time he shows a hint of focus is when he's angry. Then it's downhill from there.
I'm listening to Biden this morning; find me one stretch of five minutes where Trump has EVER been as concise and focused on policy without his usual rambling and meanderings.
Totally different standard, yes he shows his age but is still sane and coherent. Trump rarely makes sense, he's just a megaphone of hate but would never do something as crazy as have a rational and thoughtful discussion on policies. Guess which approach sucks all the oxygen out of the room.
I know nothing of these "word salads" and I doubt any average American does either. This sounds like it's probably some Fox News talking points or something.

Poke me all you like. I won't change how she talks. So maybe CNN and MSNBC won't cover it, if she has to get out on the campaign trail as the nominee, everyone will hear them.

An example:

“So, I think it’s very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time — and certainly this one — to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future,” she told a crowd at Howard University, her alma mater.

To be fair, when searching for word salads most of the sources were from the right. But my exposure came from the left.

“So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”

Like I said, it’s like somebody in grade school doing a minimum word count essay on a book they didn’t read. Unlike the right, it’s not littered with buzz words and dog whistles. It’s just a bunch of words full of redundancy and not much depth.

That's my favorite. :)
Poke me all you like. I won't change how she talks. So maybe CNN and MSNBC won't cover it, if she has to get out on the campaign trail as the nominee, everyone will hear them.

An example:

“So, I think it’s very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time — and certainly this one — to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future,” she told a crowd at Howard University, her alma mater.

That's my favorite. :)
I poke your blatant hypocrisy of ONLY ever calling out Democrats. It renders any sort of idea of objectivity moot. We get it, you're a hardcore Conservative who will never see two sides, but it throws all credibility out the window when it comes to politics. Just FYI, you can call out people in your own party, it's called thinking for yourself.
I poke your blatant hypocrisy of ONLY ever calling out Democrats. It renders any sort of idea of objectivity moot. We get it, you're a hardcore Conservative who will never see two sides, but it throws all credibility out the window when it comes to politics. Just FYI, you can call out people in your own party, it's called thinking for yourself.

Yet there are posters on here who don't think Biden is declining. Think he is sharp as ever. Do you call them out? Ask them to share what they are smoking?

You are one of the very few who will call out a Dem without being pressed. So I get where you are coming from in that aspect. But you don't call out those who do exactly the same thing I do, but from the other side.
That's my favorite. :)

That is pretty painful, as is the one above from CTM. This is news to me. While I think she's a decent person, I've never felt she's distinguished herself as a potential US commander in chief. Seems there's been enough time for her to do so, in some manner.
That is pretty painful, as is the one above from CTM. This is news to me. While I think she's a decent person, I've never felt she's distinguished herself as a potential US commander in chief. Seems there's been enough time for her to do so, in some manner.

Much like Hillary, I’ve heard she is much more thoughtful, intelligent, and relatable one to one and in private, but that doesn’t really matter if you can’t pull that off publicly and as a leader. It seems when Kamila is put on the spot there’s a looped voice in her head going “Show them you’re smart! Show them you’re smart!” and then the exact opposite comes out of her mouth.
That is pretty painful, as is the one above from CTM. This is news to me. While I think she's a decent person, I've never felt she's distinguished herself as a potential US commander in chief. Seems there's been enough time for her to do so, in some manner.

That isn't surprising. I'm sure CNN and MSNBC don't cover it. They may put the clip on their website, but they don't point it out. Or her cackling at inappropriate times..
Poke me all you like. I won't change how she talks. So maybe CNN and MSNBC won't cover it, if she has to get out on the campaign trail as the nominee, everyone will hear them.

An example:

“So, I think it’s very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time — and certainly this one — to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future,” she told a crowd at Howard University, her alma mater.

That's my favorite. :)

With the absence of any obvious political slant you’d be hard pressed to tell if the quotes were made by Harris or Trump when they don’t seem to know what they are talking about but want to come off as smart and fail.
That isn't surprising. I'm sure CNN and MSNBC don't cover it. They may put the clip on their website, but they don't point it out. Or her cackling at inappropriate times..

I really don't know, using CNN mostly for news summaries and headlines when I'm out and about and don't have time to dig deeper. And I never got into MSNBC.

I suspect CNN, MSNBC, and other legitimate news sources don't cover "it" or call out her "cackling" because they're professional news organizations and don't want to make an issue of someone's speech patterns.

Viewers/listeners themselves can draw their own conclusions as to whether that's important.
Yet there are posters on here who don't think Biden is declining. Think he is sharp as ever. Do you call them out? Ask them to share what they are smoking?

You are one of the very few who will call out a Dem without being pressed. So I get where you are coming from in that aspect. But you don't call out those who do exactly the same thing I do, but from the other side.
Bottom line, is you NEVER do it. You praise and defend Conservatives on a regular basis no matter how dirty they are. You expect us to see you as objective when it's nothing like that. Fine, it's just a message board but your credibility here is shot when it comes to this type of discussion, it's more like pointing and laughing at the absurdity in most cases.
That isn't surprising. I'm sure CNN and MSNBC don't cover it.
Nor did they cover Pence very much, most of the time. Biden did not get a lot of coverage either. Cheney got a little more – not nearly as much as he should have. It reminds one of what D. Webster said when offered the VP slot: "I refuse to be buried before I am dead."
The complaints about Harris come from an educated view. You/we are not the audience. Don’t forget that the average American has a 10th grade comprehension level, and that’s probably being generous. So yes, we know what and where Ukraine is, but the overwhelming majority of Americans (read: American voters) are clueless.
Nor did they cover Pence very much, most of the time. Biden did not get a lot of coverage either. Cheney got a little more – not nearly as much as he should have. It reminds one of what D. Webster said when offered the VP slot: "I refuse to be buried before I am dead."
Vice presidents are rarely in the news unless they do/say something really stupid. Prime example is Dan Quayle. Beyond that, the job is to be seen and not heard.
Yet there are posters on here who don't think Biden is declining. Think he is sharp as ever. Do you call them out? Ask them to share what they are smoking?

Not trying to pile on, but I have to call this out; Simply saying "He seems fine for his age and still capable" is not the same as saying he's shown no signs of slowing down or aging. I've not seen anyone here say "Man, he looks as lively and sounds as sharp as he did 15 or 20 years ago!". No, all many of us here are saying is that he seems like a capable and healthy 80+ year old man, but clearly being that age - no matter your health - is an issue. That's how it works - you can have two reasonable opinions, not everything is mutually exclusive, and not everything needs to be a false equivalency. Can you honestly say you think Trump - at any point in the last ten years - has sounded as intelligent and focused as 81 y.o. Biden does during his speeches? Prepared speech, off the cuff, teleprompter or not?

All I'm asking for is republicans to show the same concerns when Trump sniffles non-stop through an interview, says he defeated Obama and that Biden will start World War 2 while goofy music plays in the background.

Again, its not that you have concerns - it's the constant nit-picking about small things while Donald Trump is off acting like a deranged cult leader. If I went out and voted for OJ Simpson for President, do I have a right to sit there and grill you about voting for Jim Jordan or Ted Cruz? That's how this all comes across.