2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

Biden got the auto workers endorsement. Where was his opponent? Sitting in court while a jury determines how much money to shell out to his rape victim.

What is more pro-worker than the executive of the USA showing up to support the workers?

That’s why he will win. An uncomfortable number of Americans are ok with Trump. Most, fortunately, are not.


Can't think of a more blatant example of siphoning money from the poor to the rich. Biden wants to do something about it, but I guess this has less of an impact to the people of Iowa than somebody walking across a border 1,600 miles away.

Can't think of a more blatant example of siphoning money from the poor to the rich. Biden wants to do something about it, but I guess this has less of an impact to the people of Iowa than somebody walking across a border 1,600 miles away.

How is this going to fix anything?

For the past 10 years or so banks have been doing quite a bit to help customers from being charged overdraft fees. From 24-hour grace periods to changing the way they process credits and debits (banks used to process debits first, then credits. And on the debit side they would process large > small to make sure there were more checks overdrafting and creating more fees).

So if you completely remove the fees, here is what is going to happen.

1) Banks will simply stop banking these customers. So another law will have to be passed to prevent this.

2) If they don't stop banking them, monthly fees for accounts will go up. For everyone, including you.

3) Interest rates will go up. Maybe only a tenth of a point, but that is a lot on money in aggregate.

Banks will get their fees/revenue one way or another.
if you completely remove the fees, here is what is going to happen.

1) Banks will simply stop banking these customers. So another law will have to be passed to prevent this.

2) If they don't stop banking them, monthly fees for accounts will go up. For everyone, including you.

3) Interest rates will go up. Maybe only a tenth of a point, but that is a lot on money in aggregate.

Banks will get their fees/revenue one way or another.

I remember half my life ago, a regular passbook savings account had 5.25% interest. That was just normal. Also, credit cards would reject transactions that would put you over the limit – now, they just charge you an overage fee and were demanding a minimum payment that did not even service all the interest and fees, so that a marginal card holder would be driven deeper into debt (those practices have been addressed with regs, but why should they have to be?).

Banks are run by [insulting language redacted] who seem to be only able to figure out more imaginitive ways to steal other people's money. The lobbied hard to restrict the availability of credit unions, because, competition, arrgh. There used to be basic banking services provided by the Post Office, but, for some reason, that had to go away. Banks probably could not handle the competition.

Seems like the greatest avarice is seen in the businesses that do basically nothing but shuffle money around. I think those are the ones that need the mcst oversight.
Good one! That's showing us libs!

But I'll take Biden in a hardhat over Trump's incoherent word salad, insurrection incitement, sexual assaults, defaming, fraud, attempts at election stealing, malignant narcissism, sociopathy, and grifting any day.

Also... I think "lying as effortlessly as most people breathe" would be a worthy addition to your list.

Though it seems many in the GOP believe that's acceptable social behavior now that trump has normalized it.
I had assumed it was deliberate, to display the flag and other logos: a decision by whoever manages these photo ops. However, I can’t make out what the others are. The image is low def. Perhaps the semiotics or optics of ‘wearing it backwards’ undid whatever might have been intended.
Perhaps the semiotics or optics of ‘wearing it backwards’ undid whatever might have been intended.
I did not notice that it was backwards until someone pointed it out. The majority of Americans never wear a hard hat, so it will not register with them, and they may well be indifferent to the optics of it.

(It looks like the big sticker in the middle is labor union symbology, and the one on his left sort of resembles an AFL-CIO-type escutcheon.)
Good one! That's showing us libs!

But I'll take Biden in a hardhat over Trump's incoherent word salad, insurrection incitement, sexual assaults, defaming, fraud, attempts at election stealing, malignant narcissism, sociopathy, and grifting any day.

Not showing anyone. But for some undecided voter who isn't plugged in on a daily basis, he looks like a clown who doesn't know how to wear a hardhat.

What about Kamala's word salad?

I remember half my life ago, a regular passbook savings account had 5.25% interest.

Yes it was.. And mortgages were even higher than where they are now and car loans were at 12%.

Not sure I want to go back to those days.

The lobbied hard to restrict the availability of credit unions, because, competition, arrgh.

But they failed. And now almost anyone can find a CU they can join. So what is stopping them?
Where he looked like a clown with his hardhat on backwards.

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I already posted this (in this same thread for those paying attention). See, we are able to laugh at our guy. Your guy has 91 felonies topped with a count of sexual assault, let's see you address that with the same vigor. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Not showing anyone. But for some undecided voter who isn't plugged in on a daily basis, he looks like a clown who doesn't know how to wear a hardhat.

What about Kamala's word salad?
How plugged in do you have to be to see how horrible Trump looks, with his orange-dyed face topped by a yellow mop? Or for that matter to hear the garbage that spews from his mouth every time he speaks? I challenge you to find any examples of Harris coming close to Trump's confusion and nonsense. I know you enjoy stirring the pot here with whataboutisms, but seriously?
How plugged in do you have to be to see how horrible Trump looks, with his orange-dyed face topped by a yellow mop? Or for that matter to hear the garbage that spews from his mouth every time he speaks? I challenge you to find any examples of Harris coming close to Trump's confusion and nonsense. I know you enjoy stirring the pot here with whataboutisms, but seriously?
And he looks like he pulled his head out of the ass of an Oompa Loompa, talk about a clown.

Outside of his cult normal people treat him like a joke, polls will always show it close but there’s no way a maniac like that will ever move those in the middle.
Your guy has 91 felonies topped with a count of sexual assault, let's see you address that with the same vigor

Picky, picky, picky. :)

Back in 2016, with trump boasting on tape about "grabbing women by the..." etc, was excused by many saying, "But he's a BUSINESS MAN!"

Just gotta shake your head on some of these rationalizations.