2024 Democrat Presidential Candidates

Fine. But there is a process for this already in the law. Want to be a citizen then follow the law.

Want to adjust the numbers, fine, but that is a discussion for another day.

"Another day" has been happening for years.

Since we have the issue today, let's have that discussion today and start moving forward providing more opportunities for legal immigration while making the US stronger. Otherwise we'll be kicking that can down the road forever.

Sadly, there'll be too much pushback from the repubs hell-bent on "othering," deathly afraid immigrants will become Democrat voters someday. "Othering" is also a great way to stir up hate across the party, making it something for its members to coalesce around.
For one, I think the trigger points are too low. 5000 a day is 150,000 a month. Too low. How about we just shut it down completely.

What issue I have is that we are being overrun at the southern border and the current administration had done nothing to enforce existing laws.

This is a lie, because this bipartisan legislation didn't materialize out of the ether. This has been a process that everyone worked on except the dipsh*t freedumb caucus. Trying to pass legislation to fund border initiatives so that we have the resources to enforce the law IS doing something to enforce the law.

They do not want a deal. GOP Senator James Lankford was censured by the Oklahoma GOP for the crime of working on a deal. I guess they expect him to just abdicate his actual duties to legislate and work with others in favor of falling in line for the former president.

You do not seem to want to address the fact Trump is out there telling people not to pass this deal, and they are listening, for no good reason other than the boss said so. This is a cult, man.
A for effort, F for execution. ;)

It isn't backwards because of the bill. It is backwards because of the tension knob.
You got me there. I will admit, I didn't look at the picture too hard until you pointed it out. I have been keeping myself out of the news cycles lately. Yep on backwards, but... Tell me again how your dear leader didn't do something foolish during his term?

For all the gaffs Biden makes I am sure there are two or three that Trump made during his term. Heck every president since I can remember has made a least 50 - 100 during their term. Not sure that its worth more than a few comedic jokes and to move on.
WTF does this remotely have to do with this? JFC man, put your nonsensical partisan bullshit aside and try to comprehend that BOTH SIDES came to an agreement here, Trump doesn't like it, and now you don't like it after screaming for them to act. You have zero shame man.

I didn't want new legislation. I want existing laws enforced.

What do you have against the enforcement of the existing laws?
I didn't want new legislation. I want existing laws enforced.

What do you have against the enforcement of the existing laws?
I have a problem with hypocrisy, would love to see you think for yourself just once instead of toeing the line for Trump, which you are clearly doing here. You guys have a hive mentality with zero individuality.
I didn't want new legislation. I want existing laws enforced.

What do you have against the enforcement of the existing laws?
Interesting... It wasn't too long ago that the Republicans wanted legislation, but now the party line is different. Its almost as if you are parroting what they now claim. 🤔
I have a problem with hypocrisy, would love to see you think for yourself just once instead of toeing the line for Trump, which you are clearly doing here. You guys have a hive mentality with zero individuality.

I have been wanting Biden/Dems to enforce existing immigration laws LONG before this legislation was even considered.

And I think I've been pretty clear on that for a long time going back to PRSI. Was pissed when the Dems put up every roadblock they could against Trump's attempt to secure the border.

Besides, what guarantees are there that the new legislation will be enforced?
I have been wanting Biden/Dems to enforce existing immigration laws LONG before this legislation was even considered.

AFAICT, they have just been carrying forward W-like policies. Which, well, I guess you could unwind that pretty far back.
Besides, what guarantees are there that the new legislation will be enforced?

So why legislate at all? Why do anything? Grab your guns boys, it’s the wild Wild West.

You asked for work to be done on the border. It was done, by a bipartisan group of members. It doesn’t happen at the snap of a finger. Greg Abbott has been taking matters into his own hands, yet is still whining and has done nothing to address the actual influx. Do you think he’s hurting or helping the situation with these stunts? Because by your own admission, it’s not working.

So do you want them to do something, try to do something, hire more agents, hire more people to process the influx, give border states some money, work with the feds, give the president congressional authority to temporarily shut the border down for a reshuffle, or is all of that just a bunch of horseshit that you guys want to bang the drum about?

Some people really like complaining about the problems more than solving it. Like I said, you’re claiming you’re drowning but complaining about the color of the life preserver.

*And before you reiterate that “I just want the laws enforced”, it’s not as simple as saying “Here’s a law, let’s enforce it.” That’s a monumental oversight or willfully ignoring the problem is multi-faceted and they clearly aren’t capable of enforcing the laws with the people and budget they have, internal conflicts and mass amount of migrants that are stressing the system to the max. That’s why you need legislation.
Goes to show these things are fluid. Trump is winning primaries and Biden is ticking up in the head to head polls

"Another day" has been happening for years.

Since we have the issue today, let's have that discussion today and start moving forward providing more opportunities for legal immigration while making the US stronger. Otherwise we'll be kicking that can down the road forever.

Agreed. Kicking the can isn't great.

*And before you reiterate that “I just want the laws enforced”, it’s not as simple as saying “Here’s a law, let’s enforce it.” That’s a monumental oversight or willfully ignoring the problem is multi-faceted and they clearly aren’t capable of enforcing the laws with the people and budget they have, internal conflicts and mass amount of migrants that are stressing the system to the max. That’s why you need legislation.

Not to mention that trends are not driven by border policy, but foreign policy (in so far that foreign policy supports or threatens stability in the countries that migrants are fleeing). And as part of the cold war, we've had an interventionist policy with South America that has included actively destabilizing governments that might go "red".

As much as Texas might want to, it has zero jurisdiction in foreign policy under the current system.

But here's something that I find interesting. The current levels of border crossings started towards the latter part of the cold war. Both parties have been plagued by high numbers of border crossings since the late 70s and into the 80s. And one reason we see a record high in fiscal 2021 is a change in reporting starting in 2020 under Trump to count expulsions as well as apprehensions in the statistics. The spikes in the 80s and 90s only represent apprehensions, so it's quite possible that under Regan and Clinton, there was more activity at the border than now, not less.

The recent spikes are high in comparison to a surprisingly calm 2010s, but not so much compared to the 1980s and 1990s. And I'd wager a lot of that early activity is in no small part to our interventionist policy during the cold war. In the last few years there's been new waves of instability in Latin America which aren't helping things. Going forward, climate change is going to be another factor. So if we want to push border crossings down, punitive enforcement alone ain't gonna cut it. There's probably some cheaper approaches as well by supporting the stability of our neighbors and start seeing them as potential allies rather than frenemies.

I didn't want new legislation. I want existing laws enforced.

What do you have against the enforcement of the existing laws?

May be behind if this has already been answered. What are the specific laws that aren’t being enforced? I honestly don’t know. In your opinion, why aren't they being enforced?

Good list. Didn't really see anything in there that the right should lose their shit over.

I'm sure the right never got and never will get the memo on the following.

The U.S. is producing more oil than anytime in history​

That just can't be true because Trump is running on drilling more which can only mean under Biden all drilling has been shut down which falls under the "total disaster!" umbrella.
NBC News calls SC for Biden with 6% of the vote in.

Biden is getting way more percentage of the democrat vote than Trump is of Republicans. Not even close. Republican turnout may be higher because they don’t have an incumbent, but regardless, I don’t think it’s good news for Trump.


Although constantly updating, I want to commend CNN for going all in on the scathing report on Biden's handling of classified documents. I don't think even Fox could come up with even more inflammatory titles. Hardly something a party shill would do. This is great news for Judge Cannon who has spent most of her time watching paint dry instead of taking Trump's case seriously.

But I am also open to the very distinct possibility that they did it in service of manufacturing the horse race the media insists must exist. The whole "Trump's entire empire is turning into absolute shit but polls don't reflect that" schtick was getting a little stale.