Binge worthy TV

I thought Midnight Mass on Netflix was fantastic. It's hard to talk about without spoiling it so I'll just say there is an interesting twist. It comes at about the middle of the series and wihc givs them lots of time to explore it. There's a lot of double or deeper meaning in what happens. I'd give it a 9 out of 10, deducting 1 because sometimes the dialogue gets a little wordy. Not much of a spoiler here, but there's s scene where 2 characters ask each other what they think happens after you die and they both just ramble on endlessly about what they think happens. I suppose it adds to the deeper meaning but it's one of those situations where people don't really talk like that or as eloquently about a random question.

There were also some things that I thought were plot holes but after watching some YouTube explanation videos they really weren't. It was one of those things where you didn't really pay attention to something earlier that seemed meaningless.
I loved, loved, loved Midnight Mass. Amazing miniseries, very deep, and my second and third rewatch made me notice even more interesting stuff and lots of foreshadowing.

To my surprise, many if not all my Catholic friends that watched it - even in Italy - loved the series. Only a superficial viewing would made you think that it’s an attack on Catholicism/Christianity/Religion, which shows the strength of Flanagan’s work.

The series tackles some serious issues in a very delicate way and I love that almost everyone is afforded their dignity (whoever watched it knows what I am referring to).

As for the monologues, I loved them. They are indeed long so I understand why some people might not like them.

Important note: the soundtrack. From the actual Church hymns to the rock songs (Neil Diamond, anyone?) to the original soundtrack… outstanding.

Second note: from a liturgical point of view, this show is impressive. Very precise, it’s clear that someone on set knew Catholic liturgy.

highly recommended.
Will have to watch Midnight Mass.

One show that I can't recommend enough is Dope Sick. It is on Hulu. This is based upon the book by the same name. Michael Keaton is in it. Best show ever and based upon real events/people.

We have started True Story, starring Kevin Hart and Wesley Snipes. Netflix. Almost done with this season (? don't know yet if it's a season or just this one). WOW. Love it. really good show.
Will have to watch Midnight Mass.

One show that I can't recommend enough is Dope Sick. It is on Hulu. This is based upon the book by the same name. Michael Keaton is in it. Best show ever and based upon real events/people.

We have started True Story, starring Kevin Hart and Wesley Snipes. Netflix. Almost done with this season (? don't know yet if it's a season or just this one). WOW. Love it. really good show.
Just be advised MM develops slowly with lots of talking. :)
Will have to watch Midnight Mass.

One show that I can't recommend enough is Dope Sick. It is on Hulu. This is based upon the book by the same name. Michael Keaton is in it. Best show ever and based upon real events/people.

Dope Sick is very good, and just astoundingly crazy how that industry did what they did.

Kaitlyn Dever is excellent, I'd highly recommend the movie Booksmart.
Watching Dope Sick. So far so good and concerning.

(Side note: not to defend anti vax people as I am big pro vax, but I can see where some distrust comes from).
We loved the long, slow, talky, even preachy vibe of MM.

My wife is a non-practicing Catholic, her brothers were alter boys, they were also pretty spellbound by it. The other Mike Flanagan series are definitely worth a watch too: Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor

Speaking of Hill House, we did this back in October :)

My wife is a non-practicing Catholic, her brothers were alter boys, they were also pretty spellbound by it. The other Mike Flanagan series are definitely worth a watch too: Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor

Speaking of Hill House, we did this back in October :)

View attachment 10304
Flanagan is definitely one of my favorite directors.
1) Haunting of Hill House: horror masterpiece. On Netflix.
2) Hush: very good movie, with lots of interesting events.
3) Oculus: it looks like a teen-horror movie, but it builds up and proceeds very well to a great ending. On Netflix.
4) Gerald’s Game: Based on King’s novel. I don’t know how he did it, but he did. A movie entirely based on a woman chained to a bed. On Netflix.
5) Doctor Sleep. Based on King’s novel, and sequel to The Shining. Great movie if you ask me, and I particularly loved how he was able to combine the Kubrick movie and the original novel. Not an easy feat.
6) Absentia. This is his first movie. It’s a must watch. Done with less that $80,000 through Kickstart, this movie is a gem. Obviously the low budget is noticeable especially in the video quality, but wow what a movie with lots of twist and a great, impressive, original ending. On Prime Video. (Do not confuse with the other movie/series by the same title)
7) Haunting of Bly Manor. I found it ok, interesting enough for a series. I couldn’t stand the main character. On Netflix.
8) Before I Wake. Good movie, original, but somewhat predictable. Definitely worth a watch, impressive theme.
9) Midnight Mass. my favorite.
We loved the long, slow, talky, even preachy vibe of MM.
I tolerated it, I enjoyed the discussion about life and death, but at times, I was I get the picture, time to move on.
Flanagan is definitely one of my favorite directors.
1) Haunting of Hill House: horror masterpiece. On Netflix.
2) Hush: very good movie, with lots of interesting events.
3) Oculus: it looks like a teen-horror movie, but it builds up and proceeds very well to a great ending. On Netflix.
4) Gerald’s Game: Based on King’s novel. I don’t know how he did it, but he did. A movie entirely based on a woman chained to a bed. On Netflix.
5) Doctor Sleep. Based on King’s novel, and sequel to The Shining. Great movie if you ask me, and I particularly loved how he was able to combine the Kubrick movie and the original novel. Not an easy feat.
6) Absentia. This is his first movie. It’s a must watch. Done with less that $80,000 through Kickstart, this movie is a gem. Obviously the low budget is noticeable especially in the video quality, but wow what a movie with lots of twist and a great, impressive, original ending. On Prime Video. (Do not confuse with the other movie/series by the same title)
7) Haunting of Bly Manor. I found it ok, interesting enough for a series. I couldn’t stand the main character. On Netflix.
8) Before I Wake. Good movie, original, but somewhat predictable. Definitely worth a watch, impressive theme.
9) Midnight Mass. my favorite.

I'm pretty much in complete agreement! With the exception of having no opinion on Absentia, since we haven't seen it, but we queued it up for tonight :)

BTW, I'd very highly recommend the Director's Cut of Doctor Sleep, it has better connecting tissue, improvements to character, theme, way more depth, it take an 8/10 movie to a 9/10.
My wife is a non-practicing Catholic, her brothers were alter boys, they were also pretty spellbound by it. The other Mike Flanagan series are definitely worth a watch too: Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor

Speaking of Hill House, we did this back in October :)

View attachment 10304

How was it? I watched a YouTube walkthrough but that's still different from experiencing it first hand.
5) Doctor Sleep. Based on King’s novel, and sequel to The Shining. Great movie if you ask me, and I particularly loved how he was able to combine the Kubrick movie and the original novel. Not an easy feat.

I’m usually not much of a nostalgia nut but have to admit I got overly excited when he started driving back to the hotel and during everything that happened there. Same can be said during The Shining sequence in Ready Player One.
I'm pretty much in complete agreement! With the exception of having no opinion on Absentia, since we haven't seen it, but we queued it up for tonight :)

BTW, I'd very highly recommend the Director's Cut of Doctor Sleep, it has better connecting tissue, improvements to character, theme, way more depth, it take an 8/10 movie to a 9/10.
I haven’t seen the Director’s Cut. Thanks for the recommendation!

Let me know if you like Absentia. I call it “Flanagan’s Eraserhead”, and coming from me there is no higher praise for a first movie.
I’m usually not much of a nostalgia nut but have to admit I got overly excited when he started driving back to the hotel and during everything that happened there. Same can be said during The Shining sequence in Ready Player One.
Oh that scene in Ready Player One had me exclaim loudly “wow!” at the theater.

And agreed on when Danny drives back to the hotel, with a similar yet modernized soundtrack. I was very skeptical when I heard about the movie being made but I am glad to say… I was wrong!!!
How was it? I watched a YouTube walkthrough but that's still different from experiencing it first hand.

Oh, it was pretty amazing, top 3 of the houses for sure. I've seen people be critical by way of saying "You have to have seen the show ...", but that's sort of the contention with an IP based house. I guess you __coud__ say that some IP has integrated itself into our consciousness = or = is has so tightly connected to known horror tropes, it's not as big of a deal (ex: Texas Chainsaw Massacre / Leatherface / scary dudes in masks waving chainsaws)

It was definitely a little more nuanced than other houses, lots of easy to miss details, and story elements (from the show) plus a few fantastic scares.
Oh, it was pretty amazing, top 3 of the houses for sure. I've seen people be critical by way of saying "You have to have seen the show ...", but that's sort of the contention with an IP based house. I guess you __coud__ say that some IP has integrated itself into our consciousness = or = is has so tightly connected to known horror tropes, it's not as big of a deal (ex: Texas Chainsaw Massacre / Leatherface / scary dudes in masks waving chainsaws)

It was definitely a little more nuanced than other houses, lots of easy to miss details, and story elements (from the show) plus a few fantastic scares.

Right on. I'd love to see a high-quality horror theme park that's open year-round, maybe with a rotating IP museum and movie screenings.
Right on. I'd love to see a high-quality horror theme park that's open year-round, maybe with a rotating IP museum and movie screenings.

Holy hell, we'd be there multiple times a year! :D

The live shows / scare zones at this years HHN were really amazing, there's so much going on from houses, to shows, to street scares/zone, to all the delicious food and drink. This year we did a single night, got HHN passes plus the express passes (so we did every house), but next year our plan is to get a multi-day pass, no express, and do like 2-3 houses a night, over 3-4 nights, maybe get a suite at the Portofino or Hard Rock, do a whole week with the ILs.

You know, assuming there's not a full on apocalypse ...
Holy hell, we'd be there multiple times a year! :D

The live shows / scare zones at this years HHN were really amazing, there's so much going on from houses, to shows, to street scares/zone, to all the delicious food and drink. This year we did a single night, got HHN passes plus the express passes (so we did every house), but next year our plan is to get a multi-day pass, no express, and do like 2-3 houses a night, over 3-4 nights, maybe get a suite at the Portofino or Hard Rock, do a whole week with the ILs.

You know, assuming there's not a full on apocalypse ...

I haven’t been to a haunted house or maze in ages. As much as I am a fan of horror, I’m not a fan of people jumping out to scare you or the feeling that it could happen any second. For me it takes away the enjoyment of the setting and atmosphere.