BOOK BANS What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with it?


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Aug 15, 2020
we need this as it is getting crazy.
Alabama library pulls children's book from shelf and puts it on a "sexually explicit" books list because it had the word "gay" on the cover....because that's the author's last name
we need this as it is getting crazy.
Alabama library pulls children's book from shelf and puts it on a "sexually explicit" books list because it had the word "gay" on the cover....because that's the author's last name

We need a "just gotta shake your head" reaction emoji.

Group accuses Rockford Schools of ‘pornographic’ books​

These people push “wokism” more than woke people did, so they can have something to fight about and an agenda to rile up their base. These aren’t sincere policy issues, and you can tell by the haphazard and borderline-unenforceable language of the bills. That’s why you find issues where they write a law to ban a book, only to find you’d have to ban the Bible to comply. I’m sure I could find a book-banning law that The Art Of The Deal violates and would become subject to removal.
Aren't these the "small government" folks? I'm so confused.

I was just thinking about it.
The government is making these books available to our children. The government should not be deciding what our children have access to, spending my tax dollars in ways that make me feel uncomfortable. We were the ones who went to the trouble to copulate and make these children, so that (somehow) makes us eminently qualified to decide how our children should be brought up.
More importantly, we want to keep on schtupping and be able to enjoy it without the everpresent nagging realization that our children might know about what we are doing.