COVID Stupid

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So how come no one here thinks Obama's 60th birthday party was stupid?

I mean 400 people maskless inside a tent. But what could go wrong there?
So how come no one here thinks Obama's 60th birthday party was stupid?

I mean 400 people maskless inside a tent. But what could go wrong there?

Can only speak for myself here, but I wasn’t even aware of Obama’s 60th party.

But knowing now, yeah it was reckless and hypocritical. But I also don’t worship Obama.
So how come no one here thinks Obama's 60th birthday party was stupid?

It was stupid. It just isn't the same level of stupid, in my opinion. I suspect most/all were vaccinated. Just a wild guess, but I suspect it's close to the truth. The post previous to yours was about a gathering where many are likely unvaccinated. Totally different, in my opinion of course.

Also, I noticed that the Obama story was the top story on Fox over the weekend. Made me chuckle that they couldn't find anything more newsworthy than an ex-president acting in a slightly irresponsible way. Maddening when their viewers need to be reading "get the vaccine", not "let's all laugh at Obama some more". As usual, they're taking a virus that effects us all and are making it us vs. them. I think they'd serve their readers better if they had more truth about the situation, but they choose to pick on Obama instead because that's what put smiles on their audience's faces and keeps them coming back. If the name had been "Bush" and not "Obama", I don't think we'd have seen a story at all.

That's my take on it. All my opinion of course.
So how come no one here thinks Obama's 60th birthday party was stupid?

I mean 400 people maskless inside a tent. But what could go wrong there?
400 200 people that were vaccinated and tested for COVID before attending....VS 700,000 people, many of whom openly state they are not vaccinated and did not get tested. Whataboutism at its finest.

Correction: According to People magazine, the pared-down affair was reduced to 200 people.
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It was stupid. It just isn't the same level of stupid, in my opinion. I suspect most/all were vaccinated. Just a wild guess, but I suspect it's close to the truth. The post previous to yours was about a gathering where many are likely unvaccinated. Totally different, in my opinion of course.

Yes, most were vaccinated. But this isn't about what specifically happens at that party. It is how it looks. More rules for thee, but not for me.

Even MSNBC agrees with me:
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Yes, most were vaccinated. But this isn't about what specifically happens at that party. It is how it looks. More rules for thee, but not for me.
Everybody at my work was vaccinated, and we all were going to work maskless. It’s because people are refusing to get vaccinated that we have to wear masks again. The fact is, in most places you cannot tell who is or isn’t vaccinated, and people will scream and cry if you have vaccine mandates... so everybody is masking up again to try and protect the covidiots from themselves... and thereby hopefully protecting the world from an even more dangerous mutation. Every case increases the chance of a mutation.

If you’ve got 200 people, all of whom are vaccinated, why SHOULDN’T they be able to get together and do whatever they want? The mask and vaccine whiners over at Fox should move to Hungary if they love that version of “freedom” so much. This BS of “why do you get to gather without masks just because you got vaccinated?” Is utter BS, and I don’t care how much they cry about it. Be a good citizen and get the shot.
If you’ve got 200 people, all of whom are vaccinated, why SHOULDN’T they be able to get together and do whatever they want?

Because breakthrough infections can happen, especially with the Delta Variant. And these are not people who live in the same general area, but are from all over the country. So one breakthrough infection could infect others who will travel back home and possibly take it back with them.

You don't have to hammer me about the vaccine. I am fully vaccinated. And I am just as pissed as you are about those who won't get it. Maybe more so given how much I hate masks.
Because breakthrough infections can happen, especially with the Delta Variant. And these are not people who live in the same general area, but are from all over the country. So one breakthrough infection could infect others who will travel back home and possibly take it back with them.

You don't have to hammer me about the vaccine. I am fully vaccinated. And I am just as pissed as you are about those who won't get it. Maybe more so given how much I hate masks.
The risk is infinitesimal if they are all vaccinated. I believe they were wearing masks at the outdoor party too, but I cannot confirm that. The Sturgis thing is pure stupidity. Much of that event is outside, which will help, but they are all going to bars and tattoo parlors and not masking up in there (heard a story with interviews from multiple attendees and a tattoo parlor owner confirming that this morning).
More rules for thee, but not for me.

In case you hadn't heard, Obama is out of the rule making game. He's an average citizen. If all the guests had been vaccinated AND tested, that's certainly more responsible than the average citizen is acting (in my part of the country). Was it a bad idea? Perhaps. Should it be an important story? Not in my opinion. It's barely more interesting than "vaccinated stranger went to the KFC for a bucket without a mask".

I dislike this story because instead of focusing on getting important information out to their viewers about vaccines and proper protocols, they're instead saying "well, if that dude isn't being safe, ..." Most people resistant to the vaccine aren't going to be encouraged to get one due to this story. It will push them the other way. That's my only problem with the story. They're ignoring real dangers to our public health to focus on someone doing most of the things right. It makes me question their motivations in reporting this "news" in the first place.
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400 200 people that were vaccinated and tested for COVID before attending....VS 700,000 people, many of whom openly state they are not vaccinated and did not get tested. Whataboutism at its finest.

Correction: According to People magazine, the pared-down affair was reduced to 200 people.
This was the joke @The Daily Show had for this when conservatives first started clutching their pearls about Obama's birthday and it was responded to.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1422943962579484680/

The same crowd wasn't making noises about a less former president rallies or attempted whatevers with Bill O' Reilly.

But hey, THAT guy is having a BIG birthday party, what the 👀 ?!!


Everybody at my work was vaccinated, and we all were going to work maskless. It’s because people are refusing to get vaccinated that we have to wear masks again. The fact is, in most places you cannot tell who is or isn’t vaccinated, and people will scream and cry if you have vaccine mandates... so everybody is masking up again to try and protect the covidiots from themselves... and thereby hopefully protecting the world from an even more dangerous mutation. Every case increases the chance of a mutation.

If you’ve got 200 people, all of whom are vaccinated, why SHOULDN’T they be able to get together and do whatever they want? The mask and vaccine whiners over at Fox should move to Hungary if they love that version of “freedom” so much. This BS of “why do you get to gather without masks just because you got vaccinated?” Is utter BS, and I don’t care how much they cry about it. Be a good citizen and get the shot.

That's my favorite thing about 'whatabouts' when it comes to all of this. Such a things are basically incentives. If you want to have large gatherings get over your feelings about sticking it to anyone but yourself with an injection, and get the vaccine. It's simple. You want things to get back to normal you get the vaccine, help everyone out, and you too can have parties, go to restaurants, concerts or whatever.
In case you hadn't heard, Obama is out of the rule making game. He's an average citizen. If all the guests had been vaccinated AND tested, that's certainly more responsible than the average citizen is acting (in my part of the country). Was it a bad idea? Perhaps. Should it be an important story? Not in my opinion. It's barely more interesting than "vaccinated stranger to went to the KFC for a bucket without a mask".

I dislike this story because instead of focusing on getting important information out to their viewers about vaccines and proper protocols, they're instead saying "well, if that dude isn't being safe, ..." Most people resistant to the vaccine aren't going to be encouraged to get one due to this story. It will push them the other way. That's my only problem with the story. They're ignoring real dangers to our public health to focus on someone doing most of the things right. It makes me question their motivations in reporting this "news" in the first place.
They hate Obama because he’s black. Let’s just be honest. There’s a reason we got an openly racist president immediately after Obama - white backlash.
I dislike this story because instead of focusing on getting important information out to their viewers about vaccines and proper protocols, they're instead saying "well, if that dude isn't being safe, ..." Most people resistant to the vaccine aren't going to be encouraged to get one due to this story. It will push them the other way. That's my only problem with the story. They're ignoring real dangers to our public health to focus on someone doing most of the things right. It makes me question their motivations in reporting this "news" in the first place.

Problem is "that dude" is a former President who still holds quite a bit of sway. So in this case the danger isn't so much from the virus, but people getting the idea that everything is safe and they can throw their own party.
Yes, most were vaccinated. But this isn't about what specifically happens at that party. It is how it looks. More rules for thee, but not for me.

No, it's about the actual substantive nature of the event, and it's not comparable, and the whole " Rules for thee ..." is an attempt at reverse engineering ... because Obama. It shouldn't even be in the discussion, it's absurd, if the orange fuckwit threw the same event, I'd just shrug (well, and laugh, because he doesn't have 20 people who like him enough to show up ...)
Problem is "that dude" is a former President who still holds quite a bit of sway. So in this case the danger isn't so much from the virus, but people getting the idea that everything is safe and they can throw their own party.

Let's be real here. Of the people who still find him relevant and are going to be influenced by what he says and does, what percentage do you think are unvaccinated or on the fence? I'll be honest, I don't know those numbers. But I'm guessing it's a very small percentage.

The people who just need to get the damn shot are a completely different group than the people who would be influenced by his actions. It's just the haters out there who are going to use this information to validate their choice to be stupid against their own best interests.
Let's be real here. Of the people who still find him relevant and are going to be influenced by what he says and does, what percentage do you think are unvaccinated or on the fence? I'll be honest, I don't know those numbers. But I'm guessing it's a very small percentage.

Given that vaccination rates lag in the Black Community, I would say what he does has a lot of influence on them.
Uh oh, sounds like the military is about the slap down a vaccine mandate for service members. I've heard the military is a lot more politically diverse than you'd think but I'm willing to bet it's still more right wing heavy.

Tell you what, heroes. You're a lot more likely to directly save American lives by getting vaccinated than you are firing off munitions in a foreign country. That is what you signed up for, to put your life on the line to protect America and Americans, right? It's not like you go to a foreign country and get to backout of certain missions because you don't approve of the potential way that mission could harm or kill you. "I'm fine with getting blown up but protest being shot". This is your current mission.
Uh oh, sounds like the military is about the slap down a vaccine mandate for service members. I've heard the military is a lot more politically diverse than you'd think but I'm willing to bet it's still more right wing heavy.

Tell you what, heroes. You're a lot more likely to directly save American lives by getting vaccinated than you are firing off munitions in a foreign country. That is what you signed up for, to put your life on the line to protect America and Americans, right? It's not like you go to a foreign country and get to backout of certain missions because you don't approve of the potential way that mission could harm or kill you. "I'm fine with getting blown up but protest being shot". This is your current mission.
If you went through basic training and the line of countless shots they give you (into various body parts, not just your arm...), you would be truly befuddled that the same soldiers are NOW opposed to vaccines. I really don’t get it...
If you went through basic training and the line of countless shots they give you (into various body parts, not just your arm...), you would be truly befuddled that the same soldiers are NOW opposed to vaccines. I really don’t get it...
Yep, this is weird. There's people that are not anti-vaxxers but they're anti-COVID vaccine. Makes no sense other than they're using it as some kind of political statement which itself is just stupid.