COVID Stupid

Adorable comments. I'd say "Tough shit kid. We're all suffering through this together and the sooner you and your friends follow the rules, the quicker you won't need to follow the rules."

Although my gut says in this case, those comments ought to be going to the parents as they are likely the actual authors of the note he's holding.
I can almost forgive stupid, especially because some "stupidity" can indeed be fixed via things as simple as better nutrition and some basic factual education relevant to any given issue. I mean we were not born seeking fake news. Our stomachs crave real food and our brains are wired for learning real things.

But out here on the info highway, we tend to see only the most inane, insane and publicity-seeking versions of "stupid" on social media (and replays of that, thanks to traditional media outlets who do know better but succumb to get-the-clicks pressure).

And I grant you, that sort of stupid is hard to fix because it's quite entertaining, and we're all on track to entertaining ourselves to death while the sun prepares to fry us anyway.

But in the meantime? I don't forgive the rafts of right wingers who have realized they don't have to legislate against federal government, they can just become part of it and then work to weaken it from within, at least partly by making it clear by example that it's a big joke and/or irrelevant and incompetent.

And I also don't forgive those who seem to regard all government as either entirely optional or simply obnoxious because it's inconvenient in some personal way.

There's a soft underbelly in the USA, and it's based in part on the fact that a lot of us have never had to live in a state of anarchy, never had to acquire or carry something to bribe people with on the simplest trip to market, school, or job, usually don't worry about food safety (although in the past 20 years that's become a larger concern thanks to deregulation), never had to walk miles to fetch drinking water as a daily routine...

I'm not talking about life in the grittier parts of our neglected urban or rural areas, I'm talking about life in the suburbs, where about 55-60% of us live nowadays. In short, our elective stupidity and our selectively amnesiac mockery of government are a luxury of living in a place where government still works. There are traffic lights, grocery stores, water and sewer lines, electric and gas utilities, the internetz.... and, guess what: voting booths, yeah.

And it's so annoying when homeless people camp on the roadside or even worse get on the bus on some day when our car is in the shop, geez. There should be a law, right? For those people...

And all these softnesses of experience are not invisible to enemies of this country. It's silly to presume those enemies do not have armies of both cybertrolls and real pieces of work also joining in the clamor against the inconveniences of our government...

... yeah, government by consent of the governed, with its messy, so complex ways of trying to sort out things democratically, when things could be made perfect in a wave of the hand if we just had a strong man up top and ditched Congress and those internal courts and the godblasted media. A strongman like each one of us might imagine individually, molded to our singular expectations.

The erstwhile or still bamboozled followers of Trump and his merry "anti-establishment" advocates should get a grip and realize into whose hands they are playing. It's not the hands of a small-d democrat, that's for sure.

I say we tell all those folks this, and right to their faces :

"Hey if you want a fascist government, pull up stakes here and go look for it somewhere else. This is the USA. Messily under same old management of a sturdy Constitution guaranteed to keep things pretty messy under rule of law affecting us all. Get over it."​

Some of the followers of the Trump-era charade-and-circus artists in Congress are pathetic in their yearning for things to be made simple and also to be kept entertaining. I mean life in a government by informed consent can be eye-glazing for sure.

But together, those seeking simplicity and those seeking to impose it do create a real danger for the rest of us because they'll eventually settle on a leader more charismatic than Trump, far more politically savvy and connected to more of the levers of power behind federal policy regardless of who wins elections.

We don't know who that future charismatic leader is yet. He could be of any or of no poltiical party. Maybe he doesn't even know who he is yet. But he's waiting in the wings and in the meantime thanks to four years of a Donald Trump administration, whoever that person is already has sycophantic, malleable acolytes in the Congress, in agencies of the administration, in the military, in the judiciary.

Any strongman will do when someone dreams only of latching onto a singular share of power. That's where "so much winning: has managed to take us. We stopped asking exactly what we're winning. That kind of stupid CAN BE FIXED.
There seems to be a group of citizens who are focused on narrowly defined goals, an easily mentioned one is outlawing abortion, and this issue has become so important to them , and they have such tunnel vision, they would basically support any kind of a monster who feeds them what they want to hear regardless of the massive hit we would take as a country after our Federal Govt turns into a giant Den of Corruption, Fascist, or broken down and ceases to function.

The other issue is some combination of stupidity, selfishness, and ignorance as to how liberty is defined, as if ME>WE, and while there is a distinct level of ME we all defend, it does not trump the collective WE when it comes to actions that can be harmful to the group such as commutative disease, dangerous practices, or forcing your religious beliefs onto others.

Yet right now in the US, we have people trying to turn us into a Christian Theocracy, we have Evangelists selling their souls, and the GOP dismantling our democracy to hold onto power while telling record level of lies to keep their base onboard. And the latter depends on either Stupid or an agreement that Democracy no longer serves your individual needs so all becomes fair, an end that justifies basically any means.

The only thing that can stop this is for a majority of citizens to become Involved and take action. Easier said than done, and it will require a tipping point when enough citizens become alarmed enough to not let us slide any further towards the abyss.
It's not just regular ol' historians and poli sci guys gonna have a field day looking back at the conjunction of the Trump era and the covid-19 era in the USA. There's enough material for a couple hundred thousand dissertations by students of psychology and sociology. Never mind research papers by psychiatrists.

Or you know, maybe it will all just boil down to a bunch more bad "Christmas" movies.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1469381903849594883/

Bonus Mysteri0 points if you get the reference
Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch, who is reportedly a very stable genius:

In his dissent on Monday in the case from New York, Justice Gorsuch wrote that the practical consequences of the court’s decision would be grave.

“Thousands of New York health care workers face the loss of their jobs and eligibility for unemployment benefits,” he wrote.

“These applicants are not ‘anti-vaxxers’ who object to all vaccines,” Justice Gorsuch added. “Instead, the applicants explain, they cannot receive a Covid-19 vaccine because their religion teaches them to oppose abortion in any form, and because each of the currently available vaccines has depended upon abortion-derived fetal cell lines in its production or testing.”
It is widely known that the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) include no fetal stem cell lines whatsoever. Neil Gorsuch is a goddamn Supreme Court Justice. He should know this.

Fuck him; what is the point of pandering to crazy right-wing religious nuts since you have a lifetime appointment to the court? Or is Gorsuch really that fucking stupid? So unbelievable to read vaccine disinformation in a SUPREME COURT OPINION. What a shitshow.
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Won't make fun of the dead but SMH, these people don't need to die.
