COVID Stupid

Just found out my Trump supporting cousin who I posted tested positive for covid last week was just taken to the hospital in an ambulance. I don’t have any info beyond that.

Over the weekend I also found out his wife got vaccinated but also tested positive shortly after him. Her symptoms have mostly just been being exhausted. She made several appointments for him to get vaccinated in the past but he didn’t go. He has a long history of being medical attention adverse but he has also said the vaccine messes with your DNA. So it’s a real mixed bag on his reasoning and even if Trump said everybody should get vaccinated there’s a chance he still wouldn’t do it.
Yep, this is weird. There's people that are not anti-vaxxers but they're anti-COVID vaccine. Makes no sense other than they're using it as some kind of political statement which itself is just stupid.
well the its not approved argument dies in a month. it was so fast it is full of 5g and on and on.
For your latest, but inevitable bit of Covid stupidity

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1424823808561668100/

I Am Legend is a 2007 American post-apocalyptic action thriller film[4][5] loosely based on the 1954 novel of the same name by Richard Matheson. Directed by Francis Lawrence from a screenplay by Akiva Goldsman and Mark Protosevich, the film stars Will Smith as US Army virologist Robert Neville. It is set in New York City after a virus, which was originally created to cure cancer, has wiped out most of mankind, leaving Neville as the last human in New York, other than nocturnal mutants. Neville is immune to the virus, and he works to develop a cure while defending himself against the hostile mutants. It is the third feature-film adaptation of Matheson's novel following 1964's The Last Man on Earth and 1971's The Omega Man.


Jesus. Is DeSantis on a power trip or what???

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis's office said Monday that the state board of education could move to withhold the salaries of superintendents and school board members who disregard the governor's executive order prohibiting mask mandates for school districts.
You know what? Fuck that guy, fuck his ego, and fuck his sun-drenched dictatorship.

Jesus. Is DeSantis on a power trip or what???

You know what? Fuck that guy, fuck his ego, and fuck his sun-drenched dictatorship.

So much for freedom. Can we send everybody in the GOP on the next Hungary trip instead of just Tucker Carlson? Then put in a travel ban for Hungary…?
So much for freedom. Can we send everybody in the GOP on the next Hungary trip instead of just Tucker Carlson? Then put in a travel ban for Hungary…?
I think you're misunderstanding how SOME view freedom.

You have the freedom to follow orders THEY like.

They have the freedom to ignore orders they DON'T like.

They will rage if the gov't is used, they will happily use the gov't.
Everybody at my work was vaccinated, and we all were going to work maskless. It’s because people are refusing to get vaccinated that we have to wear masks again. The fact is, in most places you cannot tell who is or isn’t vaccinated, and people will scream and cry if you have vaccine mandates... so everybody is masking up again to try and protect the covidiots from themselves... and thereby hopefully protecting the world from an even more dangerous mutation. Every case increases the chance of a mutation.

That doesn't follow. Vaccination does not reduce the rate of infection to zero. CDC recommendations are likely to include masks if they think wearing masks will measurably lower the number of cases, regardless of vaccination status.

If you’ve got 200 people, all of whom are vaccinated, why SHOULDN’T they be able to get together and do whatever they want? The mask and vaccine whiners over at Fox should move to Hungary if they love that version of “freedom” so much. This BS of “why do you get to gather without masks just because you got vaccinated?” Is utter BS, and I don’t care how much they cry about it. Be a good citizen and get the shot.

When this all started, virtually (hehe) all academic conferences went online. Some of them actually estimated the expected number of deaths or infections based on best available data that could be incurred if they proceeded as normal. It would be informative to see how many infections are reported following similar events. You can't say with certainty whether an infection occurred there, but you can observe outcomes.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1424730511658950659/

This reminds of a joke I've even heard in church as a lesson. A man is trapped on a roof in a flood. Multiple people show up in boats and a helicopter to rescue him but each time he tells them he doesn't need their help because he has Jesus. Eventually he dies from exposure and when he gets to heaven he asks Jesus why he abandoned him and let him die. Jesus says "I didn't. I sent those people in the boats and helicopter". Now they are going to be told he sent the vaccine.

I'd like to see a reporter shove a microphone in the face of a Jesus based anti-vaxxer on their deathbed and ask "Since God has a plan for everyone, how are you feeling about your plan right now?"
That doesn't follow. Vaccination does not reduce the rate of infection to zero. CDC recommendations are likely to include masks if they think wearing masks will measurably lower the number of cases, regardless of vaccination status.
Risk is never zero. That is not the standard. Fact is, if people had gotten their free shots when they were supposed to, we‘d be at or near herd immunity already. It is their fault masks are back.
Risk is never zero. That is not the standard. Fact is, if people had gotten their free shots when they were supposed to, we‘d be at or near herd immunity already. It is their fault masks are back.

That's still way too speculative and not in line with past CDC comments. They tend to observe and make recommendations based on their observations. If we had 100% vaccination and the CDC's internal modeling suggested that the use of masks would significantly reduce the number of cases, they would recommend them. What you're referring to here is a confounding variable. It's a factor we know to be present, which has to be accounted for.

That aside, the masks themselves are not that big of a deal. They're at worst a minor inconvenience.
Ohio hold my beer.
House Bill 248, also named the Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act, prohibits virtually everybody from requiring a vaccine, even employers such as hospitals, and forbids "discriminatory treatment" based on vaccination status. It also requires schools to notify parents that children can be exempted from vaccines.

The legislation applies to all vaccines, not just COVID-19 shots.

Sponsored by Rep. Jennifer Gross, R-West Chester Township, the bill attracted national headlines after Dr. Sherri Tenpenny falsely claimed in a June hearing that COVID-19 vaccines cause magnetism.

Videos of her speaking went viral, and the widespread attention "wounded" the bill's chances, Lipps had said. But that didn't mean the bill was dead.

"We will still put it through its paces. We want to hear opponent testimony and we want to see what amendments the bill sponsor presents," Lipps said in a June interview.
That's still way too speculative and not in line with past CDC comments. They tend to observe and make recommendations based on their observations. If we had 100% vaccination and the CDC's internal modeling suggested that the use of masks would significantly reduce the number of cases, they would recommend them. What you're referring to here is a confounding variable. It's a factor we know to be present, which has to be accounted for.

That aside, the masks themselves are not that big of a deal. They're at worst a minor inconvenience.
True enough, but we were in no-mask world for a short while and it was nice…
Ohio hold my beer.
House Bill 248, also named the Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act, prohibits virtually everybody from requiring a vaccine, even employers such as hospitals, and forbids "discriminatory treatment" based on vaccination status. It also requires schools to notify parents that children can be exempted from vaccines.

The legislation applies to all vaccines, not just COVID-19 shots.

Sponsored by Rep. Jennifer Gross, R-West Chester Township, the bill attracted national headlines after Dr. Sherri Tenpenny falsely claimed in a June hearing that COVID-19 vaccines cause magnetism.

Videos of her speaking went viral, and the widespread attention "wounded" the bill's chances, Lipps had said. But that didn't mean the bill was dead.

"We will still put it through its paces. We want to hear opponent testimony and we want to see what amendments the bill sponsor presents," Lipps said in a June interview.
Even for a US travel visa you have to have certain shots, so no this sort of antivaxx bullshit is the privilege of those born in (and never leaving) the USA, as other countries also have vaccination requirements.

Risk is never zero. That is not the standard. Fact is, if people had gotten their free shots when they were supposed to, we‘d be at or near herd immunity already. It is their fault masks are back.
We are past the dream of herd immunity. We'd need global herd immunity achieved before the next COVID season to eliminate the infection. Unlikely. It will become a flu-like seasonal disease. Having the vaccine will reduce the risk to that of the influenza, but the really fucked up thing with COVID is that unlike the Flu it spreads quite effectively off-season.

That's still way too speculative and not in line with past CDC comments. They tend to observe and make recommendations based on their observations. If we had 100% vaccination and the CDC's internal modeling suggested that the use of masks would significantly reduce the number of cases, they would recommend them. What you're referring to here is a confounding variable. It's a factor we know to be present, which has to be accounted for.

That aside, the masks themselves are not that big of a deal. They're at worst a minor inconvenience.
The otherwise terribly designed DANMASK study was indicative of one thing. The effect size of universal masking is low enough for it to not make much of a difference if there is a low case count. I think CDC also takes into account demoralization and tries to keep mask mandates to when it will have the biggest impact.

FL doesn't look good. They managed to beat their own case count AND hospitalization stats after the vaccine became available.
Ohio hold my beer.
House Bill 248, also named the Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act, prohibits virtually everybody from requiring a vaccine, even employers such as hospitals, and forbids "discriminatory treatment" based on vaccination status. It also requires schools to notify parents that children can be exempted from vaccines.

The legislation applies to all vaccines, not just COVID-19 shots.

Sponsored by Rep. Jennifer Gross, R-West Chester Township, the bill attracted national headlines after Dr. Sherri Tenpenny falsely claimed in a June hearing that COVID-19 vaccines cause magnetism.

Videos of her speaking went viral, and the widespread attention "wounded" the bill's chances, Lipps had said. But that didn't mean the bill was dead.

"We will still put it through its paces. We want to hear opponent testimony and we want to see what amendments the bill sponsor presents," Lipps said in a June interview.
FFS I hate this state sometimes.
I am amazed by my cousins stance on Covid and that of her husband. They’ve always come across as such educated people but since the pandemic they have promoted anti mask and anti vax messages all over their social media. It’s like they have taken it on as some kind of mission to convert everybody to believe Covid is not as harmful as the worlds governments are trying to portray. My cousin is severely asthmatic, yet has declined the vaccine and is prepared to have a shouting match every time she enters a shop if anybody dares to ask her to wear a mask. Non of our family have liked any of her posts and my aunts have been polite by saying they don’t agree with her views and don’t wish to discuss it from fear of falling out with her.

She’s made it clear she won’t be attending any future family events as the family are betraying her by not sharing her views. My wife shared one of her school friends posts regarding her father who died of Covid a few weeks back and he was anti vax. He admitted on his death bed he regretted not having the vaccine. However my cousin commented on this shared post suggesting it was ‘fake news’ and ‘this is what the government want us to believe’. My wife had to remove the post before her friend saw it!! Awkward and embarrassing as hell!

Anybody else had a family member go completely mad during the pandemic and be a complete bellend about it??
I am amazed by my cousins stance on Covid and that of her husband. They’ve always come across as such educated people but since the pandemic they have promoted anti mask and anti vax messages all over their social media. It’s like they have taken it on as some kind of mission to convert everybody to believe Covid is not as harmful as the worlds governments are trying to portray. My cousin is severely asthmatic, yet has declined the vaccine and is prepared to have a shouting match every time she enters a shop if anybody dares to ask her to wear a mask. Non of our family have liked any of her posts and my aunts have been polite by saying they don’t agree with her views and don’t wish to discuss it from fear of falling out with her.

Anybody else had a family member go completely mad during the pandemic and be a complete bellend about it??
I have a couple not really nutjobs but still. I aam going to start asking such people if they are going to use their sources for info for all of their medical advice and needs now. I mean your using them for vaccination medical advice so why would you not use them for all of your medical advice?
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I am amazed by my cousins stance on Covid and that of her husband.

My mom, who is in her '70s and diabetic, claims her doctor told her she had it in 2019 and if she didn't want a vaccine, she shouldn't get one. Then she got Covid the day before Mother's Day from my unvaccinated brother-in-law. My sister was only vaccinated because she works for the school and probably wouldn't have been vaccinated otherwise. And it didn't hit her, her husband or my brother-in-law hard. "Like a cold" she says. Can't argue with firsthand experience. You can't convince someone who went through it that it could have been worse. Her own brother died of Covid days before Christmas, but it seems the Covid she had was no big deal. They were all fine.

We had visited her the day after she caught it and I didn't know till 10 days later when my brother told me. Thankfully I was vaccinated. Otherwise I probably wouldn't have known until I got sick and wouldn't have even known from where.

She's visiting people in Vermont right now. She was telling me how good the Covid numbers are there. I pointed out Vermont is the most vaccinated state. I can't tell if I'm getting through or if she's just dropping it because she doesn't want to argue about it. I give her my thoughts and let it go.

I don't even try with my sister. She was fighting to get the kids back into the schools from day 1. The distance between our two points of view is so large that there are no effective means of communication. We'd just be standing on different mountains shouting back and forth and not really hearing the other person. Needless to say, we also had differing opinions on who the president should be.

Family can be especially frustrating.