COVID Stupid


Courtesy of the Twitterati

Heh, that definitely reminds me of the joke about the farmer who charged $50 to haul yuppies' cars out of trouble in the form of a pretty deep hole in the dirt road, a thing that just looked like a big puddle. So one day some guy shelled out for the service but then cracked wise about how the farmer must be way rich if he's doing that all day and night... . and the farmer said, nah, at night, see that's when I have to fill the hole back up with water.
Ohio hold my beer.
House Bill 248, also named the Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act, prohibits virtually everybody from requiring a vaccine, even employers such as hospitals, and forbids "discriminatory treatment" based on vaccination status. It also requires schools to notify parents that children can be exempted from vaccines.

The legislation applies to all vaccines, not just COVID-19 shots.

Sponsored by Rep. Jennifer Gross, R-West Chester Township, the bill attracted national headlines after Dr. Sherri Tenpenny falsely claimed in a June hearing that COVID-19 vaccines cause magnetism.

Videos of her speaking went viral, and the widespread attention "wounded" the bill's chances, Lipps had said. But that didn't mean the bill was dead.

"We will still put it through its paces. We want to hear opponent testimony and we want to see what amendments the bill sponsor presents," Lipps said in a June interview.

I saw that and was relieved to see that Gov. DeWine has threatened to veto it.

DeWine ain't the brightest bulb, but there's been a few occasions like this one where he's kept us from turning into Ohiostan.

What in the actual fuck? These people are so fucking insane, they're now using fictional plot devices as facts.

Not sure if there's a treatment for this level of stupid. How do these people even get up in the morning?
Remember these people also think Trump is a respected successful businessman. No logical leap is too far from that baseline.
I know, but still... I mean...I...Er...

This is beyond stupid. This surely qualifies as "removal of the vote" stupid. If your tiny insignificant brain can't handle the basic difference between a Hollywood blockbuster and real life, then you are in dire need of severe psychological help.
During an interview with Fox News’ host Dan Bongino … the former president claimed that he’d be dragged by critics if the COVID-19 “attack,” like the one happening now, happened on his watch.

Umm, da fuq?

Is the hair dye leaking into his brain? Does untreated syphilis cause delusion? Is the president losing what little bit of brain he has left?

Yeah, I am going to go with the syphilis theory. With, maybe, a bit of Alzheimer's thrown into the already crowded mix.
Yeah, I mentioned this in the covid stupid thread, because it was trending all afternoon yesterday.

It's one thing to get shit wrong, but to get shit wrong involving a film, the movie geeks were all over clowning the people spreading this.
Sorry, didn't notice! I've asked Eric to (try and please don't nuke) merge this to the other thread...
I know, but still... I mean...I...Er...

This is beyond stupid. This surely qualifies as "removal of the vote" stupid. If your tiny insignificant brain can't handle the basic difference between a Hollywood blockbuster and real life, then you are in dire need of severe psychological help.

We used to toss mentally ill people in prison. Now we just assign them a leader who they vote into office.
Sorry, didn't notice! I've asked Eric to (try and please don't nuke) merge this to the other thread...
I don't think it needs to be merged.

I personally am too lazy to start new threads, so I've just tossed any stupidity Covid related into that thread.

That thread stood out, since friends were easily aware of the stupidity behind it.
This whole thing is madness. Desantis especially, how does this nimrod sleep at night? This death cult is just that. The right dig their heels in on a position on a subject early - usually the opposite of what Democrats do, even if it’s forehead-slapping simple and obvious - and refuse to relent, ever, no matter how obvious it is they’re wrong.

Without facts, they just tailor their argument around anything they can think up. Desantis not enforcing mask mandates is one thing, but punishing schools and employees who do is an entirely different issue. Then again, these are the same people who want to outlaw handing a bottle of water to a voter waiting in line.

You just can’t win with these folks. If every unvaccinated person in Florida dropped dead, Desantis would just say it’s proof masks don’t work and the “democrat shutdowns of 2020” didn’t work. If the deaths went down through no help of himself, he’d claim success.

The same people who think humping a flag makes you patriotic don’t think protecting each other during a pandemic is patriotic. The same people who shovel McDonald’s and Coke down are worried about a vaccine. I couldn’t wear a hat in school. Not even a plain one with a Nike logo. Girls couldn’t wear daisy dukes or show too much cleavage. Many of the same people whining about masks probably would throw a fit if their schools allowed kids to wear that stuff.

I 100% agree that someone whining about their freedom who isn’t vaccinated shouldn’t get a hospital bed over someone who ends up in the hospital for more traditional reasons.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa? You mean this kind of thing has been done before? Well....

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1425277645760221184/

What do those 'elites' in the medical field know about immigrants? They don't even know about science.


Also throw in a "this is why we can't have nice things" as well...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1425273932643459083/
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The otherwise terribly designed DANMASK study was indicative of one thing. The effect size of universal masking is low enough for it to not make much of a difference if there is a low case count. I think CDC also takes into account demoralization and tries to keep mask mandates to when it will have the biggest impact.

FL doesn't look good. They managed to beat their own case count AND hospitalization stats after the vaccine became available.
View attachment 7817

I seem to recall one of their spokesperson's stating something to that effect. Note that my objection to the other post centers on trying to predict the present in alternate realities. Even if everyone strictly adhered to CDC guidelines in every situation, their recommendations would still be conditioned on the latest available data. Regarding Florida, it has a combination of old people and people hostile to vaccines and any curtailing of social interaction. If covid infections remain a problem for them long enough to make people want to live there even less, it is going to really hurt their economy. They have a lot of old people, who could start to avoid it as a cost effective retirement destination, and younger people may look for prospects elsewhere, given perceived risks.

What in the actual fuck? These people are so fucking insane, they're now using fictional plot devices as facts.

Not sure if there's a treatment for this level of stupid. How do these people even get up in the morning?

I saw this article shared elsewhere and found it hilarious lol.

My personal favourite response to this article [emoji23]


The good old British sense of humour lol.
There are actually two alien races among us that you have to watch out for: the bichons and the goldendoodles. They’re in cahoots.
The anti-vaxxers can rant all they want. They can quote scientific studies they have no ability to evaluate or understand. They can parrot lies from despicable politicians like Rand Paul or clergy who tell them God will take care of them. But what will they say or do when they or a family member can't get an ICU bed for COVID or an unrelated condition or can't even be seen in the ER because their preferred hospital is on diversion? That's already happening in many southern states, and it will only get worse. You can say it's their choice, but they're harming the rest of us, including their own children in many cases.
The anti-vaxxers can rant all they want. They can quote scientific studies they have no ability to evaluate or understand. They can parrot lies from despicable politicians like Rand Paul or clergy who tell them God will take care of them. But what will they say or do when they or a family member can't get an ICU bed for COVID or an unrelated condition or can't even be seen in the ER because their preferred hospital is on diversion? That's already happening in many southern states, and it will only get worse. You can say it's their choice, but they're harming the rest of us, including their own children in many cases.
I don’t think they care. It’s God’s will, you know.

(Thereby proving Mark Twain’s statement that God is a malign thug.)

Found this today, too. *Sigh.* ‘Twas ever thus.

One anti-vaccination pamphlet read “Stop!! People Driven Like Dumb Animals To The Shambles.” Some religious groups called the smallpox shot the biblical “mark of the beast” — the same claim being made by conspiracy theorists about the coronavirus vaccines on the social networks of some Christian groups.
This was in 1885.
