COVID Stupid

This data is visualized in a way that shows how linked Trump voters are to vaccine refusal.

It’s pretty astonishing. People care about politics more than their own health? WTF?


Cheerleading for failure based on the Koolaid of SUPREME CORRUPT AND MENTALLY ILL STUPID.

Is it possible this movement lives on it’s own stupidity and Trump and the corrupt hangers-on just got them to think it normal to reveal their true state?
It seems like DeSantis is doing his best to torpedo his chances of a presidential win. I think a lot of people, regardless of political leanings, are looking at Florida in horror as DeSantis completely ignores the reality around him while actively blocking efforts to improve conditions and punishing those who attempt to. A real leader adjusts as conditions change. They don’t paint themselves into a corner and refuse to right the ship. Honestly, what he is doing is a complete dereliction of duty. "Just let shit happen" is pretty much the exact opposite of what government is there for.
It seems like DeSantis is doing his best to torpedo his chances of a presidential win. I think a lot of people, regardless of political leanings, are looking at Florida in horror as DeSantis completely ignores the reality around him while actively blocking efforts to improve conditions and punishing those who attempt to. A real leader adjusts as conditions change. They don’t paint themselves into a corner and refuse to right the ship. Honestly, what he is doing is a complete dereliction of duty. "Just let shit happen" is pretty much the exact opposite of what government is there for.
hey he is just channeling trump give the guy a break.
Taken from a Salon article about how anti-vaxxers are taking away everybody else's freedom

In Texas, Republican leadership and right-wing ideology has led to low vaccination rates and subsequently to hospitals overflowing with COVID-19 patients. Gov. Greg Abbott, being a Republican, refuses to do anything to mitigate the spread of the disease. So instead, he's leaning on hospitals to deprive other people of necessary medical care, such as delaying surgeries, to keep hospital resources free to tend to the waves of unvaccinated COVID-19 patients. However angry I am at losing my gym class (also important for physical health, I'll point out), it likely pales in comparison to the rage of someone who has to put off surgery to fix a debilitating but not fatal condition, all because some Fox News junkie thought a quick jab in the arm takes away his "freedom". Not being able to walk because your knee surgery keeps getting delayed is the far greater loss of freedom.
Taken from a Salon article about how anti-vaxxers are taking away everybody else's freedom

In Texas, Republican leadership and right-wing ideology has led to low vaccination rates and subsequently to hospitals overflowing with COVID-19 patients. Gov. Greg Abbott, being a Republican, refuses to do anything to mitigate the spread of the disease. So instead, he's leaning on hospitals to deprive other people of necessary medical care, such as delaying surgeries, to keep hospital resources free to tend to the waves of unvaccinated COVID-19 patients. However angry I am at losing my gym class (also important for physical health, I'll point out), it likely pales in comparison to the rage of someone who has to put off surgery to fix a debilitating but not fatal condition, all because some Fox News junkie thought a quick jab in the arm takes away his "freedom". Not being able to walk because your knee surgery keeps getting delayed is the far greater loss of freedom.
And now he is asking medical professionals to come in from out-of-state to help.…

”Hello, fire department? I intentionally set my house on fire. Could you please come and put it out?”
Well this is somewhat shocking.

Not a big fan of doxing, but in this case….
Sigh. Local news. So far 106 confirmed cases of covid-19 after a fucking tantra festival (around 500 participants) about two weeks ago. More cases expected to follow.

The stupid. It hurts.

Edit: Norway apparently closing the border to that region. Can’t blame them.