COVID Stupid

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1426052914255106049/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1426052914255106049/
“We will not comply"
“I can’t breate” (spelled as they spell it)

Aren’t these the same folks who told every black person who was injured or killed by police they should have complied and stop complaining? Now that they are the ones who (supposedly) can’t breathe, they don’t need to comply though.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1426052914255106049/

I think, she thinks, she totally won that round. That and "plandemic" were the two highlights for me.

For her presentation skills, I'm going to give her a B+. She held it together very well. Didn't scream. Came prepared. Fairly light on the word salad in comparison to some I've seen. I would have gone A-, but the reading off the phone could have been a bit more subtle and less awkward.

For her content, well... I don't think Smurfs on LSD could come up with a more entertaining speech. That's just whack-a-doodle-do right there.

Imagine the irony if the state has to come in and take the kids after she dies from a non-existent virus.
Keep in mind that I'm the one making the exaggerated comparison here. I'm just surprised people actually agree with it.
Somebody makes the obvious financial argument for getting the vaccine:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1424046360798580742/

"This is starting to look really ominous in the South. ... If you look at rates of transmission in Florida and Louisiana, they're actually probably the highest in the world," Dr. Peter Hotez, the dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Friday.

Last night on Maddow they did a lengthy segment on Mississippi. Keep in mind that we’re so close my husband worked in MS for 44 years and commuting daily. I already have one friend (in MS), who despite being vaccinated was diagnosed two weeks ago with Covid and immediately given monoclonal antibody therapy. She’s been fine, thank goodness.

They have just completed building a new parking lot wing of the main hospital in Jackson that they will use partly to house patients, but more importantly to treat the diagnosed with monoclonal antibody therapy. Smart.

There are almost no hospital beds left anywhere from Florida to Texas.
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A parent sent their child to school after a positive Covid-19 test. More than 80 students may have been exposed, officials say​

At first I was inclined to regard that as partisan BS, but the more I read it the more it rang true.

If that’s the case, however, it’s not working. From what I understand, DeSantis’s approval rating is going down in Florida.

That’s not to say it’s hurting him nationally, however. I’ve given up thinking there’s any sort of thought behind Republican politics beyond “let’s own the libs.”
Get vaccinated or lose your job. These people choose unemployment over getting 2 life-saving shots.

Her girlfriend, Katie Hart, a certified family nurse practitioner at Valley Health’s urgent care facility in Martinsburg, W.Va, said they might be more willing to consider the shot if they didn’t feel coerced.
Now, though, they were willing to lose their livelihoods if that’s what refusing the vaccine would mean. Hart said they would not budge. “This is the hill to die on,” she said.

Feeling “coerced” is more important than your life. These idiots may literally die on this hill. Some of the signs say “my body my choice” - I bet you they oppose abortion though. If the virus mutated into a variant that killed 90% of the unvaccinated, would 90% of the Republican voters in America die?
Get vaccinated or lose your job. These people choose unemployment over getting 2 life-saving shots.

Feeling “coerced” is more important than your life. These idiots may literally die on this hill. Some of the signs say “my body my choice” - I bet you they oppose abortion though. If the virus mutated into a variant that killed 90% of the unvaccinated, would 90% of the Republican voters in America die?
The point I think is missed by many of these individuals who are in the health / care field is the optics.

How are the people who they are entrusted with to care for, supposed to trust THEM?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Lagging vaccination rates among nursing home staff are being linked to a national increase in COVID-19 infections and deaths at senior facilities, and are at the center of a federal investigation in a hard-hit Colorado location where disease detectives found many workers were not inoculated.

The investigation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of facilities in the Grand Junction, Colorado, area raises concerns among public health doctors that successes in protecting vulnerable elders with vaccines could be in peril as the more aggressive delta variant spreads across the country.

Nationally about 59% of nursing home staff have gotten their shots, about the same as the overall percentage of fully vaccinated adults — but significantly lower than the roughly 80% of residents who are vaccinated, according to Medicare. And some states have much lower vaccination rates of around 40%.

Some policy experts are urging the government to close the gap by requiring nursing home staffers get shots, a mandate the Biden administration has been reluctant to issue. Nursing home operators fear such a move could backfire, prompting many staffers with vaccine qualms to simply quit their jobs.

To be sure, the vast majority of fully vaccinated people who become infected with the delta variant suffer only mild symptoms.

But “older adults may not respond fully to the vaccine and there’s enormous risk of someone coming in with the virus,” said Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, vice dean for public health practice at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Forgetting the very appalling concept that health care workers are infecting people who DID get the vaccine & make them sick. From a complete selfish standpoint of the facilities, they CANNOT afford to lose anymore workers. The workers they have, have been working under stressful conditions, and there isn't some long line to replace them should they go down to Covid. Does a health care facility want to be known as the source of an outbreak? There are just some professions where some things should be considered a given. IF these same workers have said previously they don't get flu, measles, polio, or whatever vaccines to their employers, do we think they'd still be employed?

Or is this resistance a specifically NEW thing they've decided to adopt?

It's so bizarre that some think getting a vaccine that hopefully protect them & THOSE they care for, is a 'hill to die for'.