COVID Stupid


Four educators in Broward County, Florida, died from COVID-19 in a span of 24 hours, as school officials continue to push back against Governor Ron DeSantis' ban on mask mandates in schools. At least three of the teachers who died were unvaccinated, CBS Miami reports.

"Within a 24-hour span, we had an assistant teacher pass away, a teacher at her school pass away, an elementary teacher pass away and another teacher at a high school," Broward Teachers Union president Anna Fusco told CBS Miami.

The news comes just days after Broward County's school board pushed back against DeSantis' order, voting 8 to 1 to require students to wear masks in school, arguing that the decision would keep students and teachers safe. Under the new rules, students and staff with legitimate concerns or health issues can opt out.

DeSantis' order, signed into effect on July 30, was framed as a way to "protect parents' freedom to choose," and threatened school officials who enforced mask mandates with a loss of funding and withheld pay.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that K-12 students and staff returning for in-person learning should wear masks as part of a "layered prevention strategy," especially since children under 12 do not yet qualify for vaccination.

Fusco said the news of the teachers' deaths was "extremely frightening," but sadly too common. "I hear this every day. Whether in Broward or elsewhere," she said.

As schools around the country prepare for students to fill the halls again, Fusco said she's grateful for the county school board's decision.

"We got a little bit of relief, keeping mask protocols, hand sanitizer, extra sanitizing," she told CBS Miami.

With the Delta variant surging through the U.S., especially in the South, Florida has been breaking records for new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.
Feeling “coerced” is more important than your life. These idiots may literally die on this hill. Some of the signs say “my body my choice” - I bet you they oppose abortion though. If the virus mutated into a variant that killed 90% of the unvaccinated, would 90% of the Republican voters in America die?
she had plenty of time to do it before she was forced. but hey being homeless is so much better.
If the virus mutated into a variant that killed 90% of the unvaccinated, would 90% of the Republican voters in America die?
Seems likely. They would die martyrs to the cause (ignorance and stupidity), which grows ever strongerweaker with each act of suicide.
This kind of falls under not just covid stupidity, but lingering stupidity we've long had

iolent brawls broke out at a planned protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and passports in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, with one person stabbed, according to police.

Hundreds of protesters reportedly gathered outside Los Angeles City Hall from 2 p.m. for the "choose freedom march" to demand an end to "medical tyranny, mandatory vaccinations and vaccine passports," according to Fox 11.

They were met by dozens of counterprotesters gathered at the same location for a demonstration that organizers called "no safe space for fascists," according to fliers advertising the counterprotest.

The Los Angeles Police Department arrived at the scene in the afternoon after several fights broke out between the protesters and counterprotesters. No arrests have been made but officials are still investigating the incident.

Once again, it's amazing for who & when police will heavily & quickly mobilize. If the letters B, L, or M had been involved there would have been a heavily armored presence lined up 2 days before.

What a perfect storm anti vaxxers & racists free to roam. What could possibly go wrong?

One male was treated by the Los Angeles Fire Department after being stabbed amid the violence, according to police.

"We are on scene to maintain order after a fight broke out between antifa and people gathered for the permitted event. We are aware of one male that was stabbed and is being treated by Fire Department personnel," said Captain Stacy Spell, an LAPD spokesperson.

Videos were shared to social media showing dozens of men punching, kicking and throwing each other to the ground. Counterprotesters were dressed in all black, with face coverings, while some anti-vaccine protesters wore apparel referencing former President Donald Trump and the American flag.

"F*** antifa, f*** antifa," one man can be heard yelling in a video shared by television producer Andrew Kimmel.

Anti-vaccine mandate protesters also gathered in several other states for planned protests this weekend. Hundreds of protesters gathered at the Oklahoma state Capitol on Saturday for a "Freedom Rally" against vaccine mandates. "I do not want to see us be mandated for masks or vaccines because that is our right to choose what's best for us," one attendee told ABC-5. "So, that's why I'm here. To support freedom to choose."

There are currently no mandates in any state requiring vaccinations for the general population, but some cities and counties require proof of vaccination from citizens to enter some shops and businesses.

The Los Angeles City Council voted Wednesday to instruct the city attorney to draft a rule requiring people to show proof for at least one dose of the vaccine to enter indoor public businesses—including bars, restaurants, retail stores, fitness centers and movie theatres.

"We are the enemy"
This kind of falls under not just covid stupidity, but lingering stupidity we've long had

Once again, it's amazing for who & when police will heavily & quickly mobilize. If the letters B, L, or M had been involved there would have been a heavily armored presence lined up 2 days before.

What a perfect storm anti vaxxers & racists free to roam. What could possibly go wrong?

"We are the enemy"
Black people marching peacefully - deploy riot gear, tear-gas them without provocation, beat them, arrest as many as possible.

White people forming a mob that is literally beating people up on public streets: Proud boys will be boys! 🤷‍♂️

If these folks had enough brain cells to plan properly, they could have probably held the Capitol for weeks. After all, nobody would dare use the tactics against them that were used against BLM protestors.

Fired Tennessee vaccinations director planning to leave state with her family​

The husband of Tennessee’s former vaccinations director said he and his wife are planning to move out of the state this fall amid growing tension over efforts to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

Brad Fiscus told NBC News on Saturday that the couple's decision to move to northern Virginia sometime between mid-September and October was initially "precipitated by the actions of the Tennessee Department of Health" to fire his wife, Dr. Michelle Fiscus, this summer amid Republican outrage over her push to inoculate teenagers against Covid-19
That kind of has a paywall – can you summarize/quote the relevant part?


She was saying the Obama's have become elites looking down on the little people. She referred to him as Obama Antionette because his party was more important than COVID, climate change and voting rights.

“I think the nouveaux riches Obamas are seriously tone-deaf,” said the authority on opulence, André Leon Talley. “We all love Beyoncé. But people have so many things to worry about with Covid, voting rights, climate warming. People are afraid of being evicted from their homes. And the Obamas are in Marie-Antoinette, tacky, let-them-eat-cake mode. They need to remember their humble roots.”

Some was also about him wanting to be around celebs vs the people who helped him get there. Kind of a screw you, but we got ours.

Whether the party was 500 or 300 or 30, Obama should have made sure to have the people there who made the moment possible, the ones who worked so hard to get him elected and cement his legacy.

David Axelrod, Pygmalion to Obama’s Galatea, was a disinvitado, which he handled with his usual grace. Rahm Emanuel, the former Obama chief of staff who helped him navigate the first two successful years of his presidency, was also disinvited and quipped in the Times story by Annie Karni that getting voted off the island was character-building.

"They need to remember their humble roots.” - Makes it sound like some black folks are getting a little uppity and forgetting their place. I've spent my life getting praised for climbing above the situation I was born into. I've never once been told that I need to remember where I came from. In my experience, that's something we praise people for. Overcoming adversity and all that stuff. Except black people. They can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, as long as they never forget, that at one time they had no boots. It's the "if we're going to let you sit at the white table, you could at least show a little appreciation" attitude.

"Obama should have made sure to have the people there who made the moment possible, the ones who worked so hard to get him elected and cement his legacy." - So he owes people from 13-15 years ago? How dare he invite the guests he wants for his birthday party. He owes the American public the birthday party they want him to have.

I can't read the article. But from what your quoted, it sounds like some butt-hurt white people are still upset that we had a black president. Is this a journalist or a historian writing this article because they seem pretty stuck in the past.

I said it a page or two back and I'll say it again. If the party was for George W, Bush, there wouldn't have been a story. Because this isn't a story about an ex-president, but a story about a black man in Washington who dared to reach too far. Some don't want him to have his rightful place in history. They'd like to see his legacy toppled like a confederate statue. So they write scathing articles about guest lists to birthday parties for private citizens.

That's my take on the very tiny amount I know about the full article.
"They need to remember their humble roots.” - Makes it sound like some black folks are getting a little uppity and forgetting their place. I've spent my life getting praised for climbing above the situation I was born into. I've never once been told that I need to remember where I came from. In my experience, that's something we praise people for. Overcoming adversity and all that stuff. Except black people. They can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, as long as they never forget, that at one time they had no boots. It's the "if we're going to let you sit at the white table, you could at least show a little appreciation" attitude.

"Obama should have made sure to have the people there who made the moment possible, the ones who worked so hard to get him elected and cement his legacy." - So he owes people from 13-15 years ago? How dare he invite the guests he wants for his birthday party. He owes the American public the birthday party they want him to have.

I can't read the article. But from what your quoted, it sounds like some butt-hurt white people are still upset that we had a black president. Is this a journalist or a historian writing this article because they seem pretty stuck in the past.

I said it a page or two back and I'll say it again. If the party was for George W, Bush, there wouldn't have been a story. Because this isn't a story about an ex-president, but a story about a black man in Washington who dared to reach too far. Some don't want him to have his rightful place in history. They'd like to see his legacy toppled like a confederate statue. So they write scathing articles about guest lists to birthday parties for private citizens.

That's my take on the very tiny amount I know about the full article.
I too am missing context.

Not because of a paywall, but what it has to do with 'Covid Stupidity'.

I do get if it's about someone who doesn't care for the former president. I thought we established that tying his birthday to anything Covid related was a sour grapes reach if one didn't have the palpitations about other former presidents still having rallies. Or as pointed out lately, not having the decency to chip in or weigh in on the whole vaccine hesitancy they helped foment, because they think it may help a current president.


I can't read the article. But from what your quoted, it sounds like some butt-hurt white people are still upset that we had a black president. Is this a journalist or a historian writing this article because they seem pretty stuck in the past.

First, I have no idea why some article have paywalls when I just read them without one. I try not to use them, but if they are letting me in, not sure why others have issues.

Second, I think her point is more about Obama and in general the Democrat party becoming what they used to loathe, that is a party of rich elites who don't remember, or care, how they got there.

As for the COVID part, she did include something about it not being the best idea due to COVID. And it was written by Maureen Dowd. Very well respected columnist for the NYT. (On a side note, she is the one who ate a full 100mg edible when Colorado legalized and spent a very uncomfortable night laying in the closet of her hotel room.)

And while too soon to blame the party. Martha's Vineyard had a 72% increase in positive cases this week. But could be from the support staff erecting the tents and getting the place ready for the party.
What the hell?

The combined population of those 8 states is about 80 million (source: 2020 census). That is less than 1/4th of the U.S. population. Their governors should go on trial for crimes against humanity.
I'm sure they are good people??!?