I'm really really really sick of this ivermectin shit from everyonehttps://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432101388318822401/

Sick of the conspiracy theorists because they are stupid. Sick of those who mock ivermectin, because the evidence isn't settled, so they will look bad if it turns out to have a weak mortality reducing effect. It's very very very hard to remain impartial in these issues, when laypeople startbetting on outcomes creating an unnecessary conflict of interest.
Two months ago I reviewed the evidence and it got me really really pissed off. In the meta-analyses (when they make moderately compromised at best efforts to pool data from multiple studies) the mortality reducing effect came from a subset of studies, from not very reputable institutions with oftentimes disproportionately high mortality reported in the control groups. One of these "studies" was actually retracted. The better designed ones were negative.
I think there might be a very weak signal for a mortality reducing effect, but you have to understand biases that come from lack of/improper blinding and patient selection. I can certainly tell that the mortality reduction is AT BEST 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than vaccination. So as long as people are pushing for to study it as a treatment to complement vaccination, it's totally fine. The moment they demand unproven therapies without evidence, or try to sell it as an alternative to the vaccine problems start.
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