COVID Stupid

I would probably just call him a shithead.

The thing is, you start understanding publications when you start publishing. Somebody with 1 cited paper in google scholar should not be writing guidelines and should definitely not make statements on the level of evidence.
This probably would be funnier if not so true:

The thing is, you start understanding publications when you start publishing. Somebody with 1 cited paper in google scholar should not be writing guidelines and should definitely not make statements on the level of evidence.

That in itself holds in a lot of areas. People are usually recognized as experts in a particular area due to their ability to meaningfully contribute to answers needed by their peers. If they aren't publishing their knowledge in some format, you don't know whether it will hold up under criticism by others in their field.

Note that the comment regarding non-blinded studies and small control samples in conjunction with the silliness of people trying to prescribe their own treatment is what got to me. This goes beyond someone ignorant claiming to be an expert, as there are potential consequences.
Ooh, this is disturbing. This reminds me why I hated practicing in Ohio...

For those who aren't in the field, there are a bunch of major red flags here:
1. You hardly ever prescribe drugs to a patient that is not under your direct inpatient care (rare exceptions are drugs that require special training like prescribing chemotherapy)
2. If you do so, you do it in collaboration with the team who actually is responsible for any side-effects and who are responsible for the day-to-day care planning
3. They could have requested a transfer if the hospital this guy is practicing out of can provide similar or higher level of care (and the patient is stable enough for transport)
4. How can someone be the "foremost expert" of something but have no peer reviewed publication in like 29 years on anything? (He has an unimpressive CV:

But the absurdity isn't over here:

The guy had definitely cleared the virus already, so what's the expectation here? Timetravel?!
Calling Wagshul's CV unimpressive is itself an understatement. He's published two articles in his career, one this year on antibiotics in asthma, and a case report in 1991. His only recognition was a "1967-1971 Scholastic Award Ohio State University," whatever that is. Under board certification, he's listed as eligible for the American Board of Internal Medicine, with mention of Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care Medicine without elaboration. Actually, there is no certification in Pulmonary Medicine — it's Pulmonary Disease. As best as I can tell, he's not board certified in anything. His listed academic appointments include being a founding member of the FLCCC, but it's not an academic institution.
Calling Wagshul's CV unimpressive is itself an understatement. He's published two articles in his career, one this year on antibiotics in asthma, and a case report in 1991. His only recognition was a "1967-1971 Scholastic Award Ohio State University," whatever that is. Under board certification, he's listed as eligible for the American Board of Internal Medicine, with mention of Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care Medicine without elaboration. Actually, there is no certification in Pulmonary Medicine — it's Pulmonary Disease. As best as I can tell, he's not board certified in anything. His listed academic appointments include being a founding member of the FLCCC, but it's not an academic institution.
You're right. It appears that he never had internal medicine board cert (ABIM drops nothing). I don't think you can sit for the pulmonary boards without that. His licence in OH is expiring in a month. We'll see if he gets an extension. At least he's indeed listed on the AOA website, which is shocking. He seems to have a clinic where he does ivermectin televisits and that's it.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432421066719342597/

Mitch, you're either an idiot, liar, or both.

Everyone knows you are NOT an idiot.

FUCK YOU for you tacit enabling of this shit, then wanting to act surprised when it starts to bite you & your state in the ass.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432421066719342597/

Mitch, you're either an idiot, liar, or both.

Everyone knows you are NOT an idiot.

FUCK YOU for you tacit enabling of this shit, then wanting to act surprised when it starts to bite you & your state in the ass.
Sorta rhetorical, but does anybody believe anything Mitch says? There's the strontium atomic clock, and there's Mitch. You always know what he's up to: whatever keeps him and his corporate overlords in power.
Why is it always send thoughts and prayers with these people?

They won’t. If they don’t die they’ll just say they were healed by all the thoughts and prayers.
Sure, I’ll pray that they become smarter people if they survive. What a great learning experience.
News sources really need to stop posting pre-prints... I stumbled upon this which claims that natural immunity confers a longer/more robust protection against COVID. They do all sorts of group matching fully vaccinated vs. naturally infected unvaccinated (n=14K for the best matched groups), and come up with a ~6-fold higher risk of getting a *breakthrough COVID infection with the vaccine vs. a reinfection after natural COVID.

News media draws all the wrong conclusions.... The natural infection group had already survived and cleared the virus, so they are a group biased towards those immunocompetent at least against SARS-CoV2. This is a very important problem, because the "educated" vaccine skeptics (what an oximoron) will draw the conclusion to take their chances with the virus for better immunity. Yet if I'd guesstimate how the analysis would have looked if they included the deceased in the reinfection group for a more proper risk analysis there would have been ~65(!) times more deaths+reinfections in the natural immunity group than their presented number, which would translate to a ~3-fold lower risk in the vaccinated group. Which would suggest the actual opposite conclusions:

1. You probably get much better immunity through vaccination if you count the risk of dying into the risk involving the natural infection.
2. Your reinfection risk is indeed lower if you survived the first infection. But then there may be additional protection provided by a vaccine booster.

@Roller, thoughts?

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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432730279559450626/

I'm out of words with these people.

If you're worked up about mask mandates, threatening to kill police officers doing their jobs, going to school board meetings when you didn't before, & summoning your religious deity's name, what the hell do they think the apocalypse will actually look like?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432730279559450626/

I'm out of words with these people.

If you're worked up about mask mandates, threatening to kill police officers doing their jobs, going to school board meetings when you didn't before, & summoning your religious deity's name, what the hell do they think the apocalypse will actually look like?
the sound stops at demonic entities. well I was surprised her head did not swivel around.
the sound stops at demonic entities. well I was surprised her head did not swivel around.
Not sure why, it's working fine for me.

She was a classic Christian who threw out the 'F' word at first chance.

She sounded like a character that Judy Greer would play

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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432730279559450626/

I'm out of words with these people.

If you're worked up about mask mandates, threatening to kill police officers doing their jobs, going to school board meetings when you didn't before, & summoning your religious deity's name, what the hell do they think the apocalypse will actually look like?

These are the same people scared of Muslims because their religion makes them commit violent acts, right? Just making sure I'm thinking of the right people here.