COVID Stupid

Who the Fuck cares what a dead guy burning in hell wants?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432818825972617221/

Get the F out of your feelings people, and quit scouring for the next chance to perform at school board meetings you didn't go to before.
When Covid Stupid helps cost you a spot on the Patriots

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432781501205295115/

I like Cam Newton, but bruh! You already had a Covid "issue", and vaccine "hesistant". Knowing full well if a team has a Covid breakout, they forfeit games, you think anyone wants to risk that happening?



Bonus jokes
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432711469783732230/
When we move from Covid Stupid to Covid Idiocy & worse...

Anti-vaccine protestors in Georgia have disrupted several mobile COVID-19 vaccination drives and caused one to shut down completely, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

The office of Georgia Public Health Commissioner Kathleen Toomey told the newspaper Monday that public health staff at vaccination drives "have been harassed, yelled at, threatened and demeaned by some of the very members of the public they were trying to help." At a press conference Monday, Toomey said they had also received hostile and harassing emails.

"This is wrong. This is absolutely wrong," Toomey said, according to the Macon Telegraph. "These people are giving their lives to help others. We should be thanking them for trying to get life-saving vaccines to our state."

The mobile vaccination event that was shut down was set to take place in north Georgia, where a group of protestors showed up to harass public health professionals, according to the Journal-Constitution.

Nancy Nydam, Toomey's spokeswoman, told the newspaper that "aside from feeling threatened themselves, staff realized no one would want to come to that location for a vaccination under those circumstances, so they packed up and left."

Toomey said the harassment "comes with the territory to someone in my position" but that "it shouldn't be happening to those nurses who are working to try to keep this state safe," according to the Journal-Constitution.

The confrontations in Georgia are the latest in a series of incidents in which anti-vaccine and anti-mask protestors have publicly harassed and berated health care workers.

So what's the "logic" involved if you are anti vaxxer, for stopping others who WANT to get the vaccine.

What happened to "rights"? It's NOW THEIR right to decide if someone gets the vaccine? 🤨

What the fuck is it with people in their feelings?
When we move from Covid Stupid to Covid Idiocy & worse...

So what's the "logic" involved if you are anti vaxxer, for stopping others who WANT to get the vaccine.

What happened to "rights"? It's NOW THEIR right to decide if someone gets the vaccine? 🤨

What the fuck is it with people in their feelings?
Their protest was not a lawful assembly. They used threat of violence to take away others’ rights. They should have been arrested.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432730279559450626/

I'm out of words with these people.

If you're worked up about mask mandates, threatening to kill police officers doing their jobs, going to school board meetings when you didn't before, & summoning your religious deity's name, what the hell do they think the apocalypse will actually look like?
Anyone wants to see the dark side of Christianity, this is it, when religious fantasy becomes mental illness. I project she would be good with burnings at the stake to please her Lord Jesus Christ. 👹
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‘AntiVaxMomma’ from N.J. accused of selling 250 fake COVID vaccine card​

A New Jersey woman - who went by “AntiVaxMomma” online - was accused Tuesday of selling about 250 fake COVID-19 vaccination cards using Instagram while healthcare workers who bought the bogus cards were also charged, New York prosecutors said.

Jasmine Clifford, of Lyndhurst, peddled the fake cards using her self-described anti-vaccine social media account for about $200, according to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. A co-conspirator employed at a New York clinic, Nadayza Barkley, would add the buyers to New York’s immunization database for an added $250 fee, prosecutors said.

Planning a Caribbean vacation? Remember that there are now two sets of islands -- the MAGA havens that will allow in unvaccinated, maskless plague rats by the cruise ship load, and the other wants that proof of vaccination. Choose wisely

When we move from Covid Stupid to Covid Idiocy & worse...

So what's the "logic" involved if you are anti vaxxer, for stopping others who WANT to get the vaccine.

What happened to "rights"? It's NOW THEIR right to decide if someone gets the vaccine? 🤨

What the fuck is it with people in their feelings?
Blatant self serving Fuck You Me>We hypocrisy. 🤬
If you’re going to forge a vaccine card, try to spell the name of the vaccine correctly... 🤦‍♀️


‘AntiVaxMomma’ from N.J. accused of selling 250 fake COVID vaccine card​

A New Jersey woman - who went by “AntiVaxMomma” online - was accused Tuesday of selling about 250 fake COVID-19 vaccination cards using Instagram while healthcare workers who bought the bogus cards were also charged, New York prosecutors said.

Jasmine Clifford, of Lyndhurst, peddled the fake cards using her self-described anti-vaccine social media account for about $200, according to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. A co-conspirator employed at a New York clinic, Nadayza Barkley, would add the buyers to New York’s immunization database for an added $250 fee, prosecutors said.

So people paid upwards of $450 for a fake vaccination card? And now they're out that money and I presume they'll be struck from the vaccinated list as well?

Hey dummies, mine cost $0, I'm still on the list and I'll be eligible to keep working this fall. :ROFLMAO:
Not going to celebrate anyone's death but this is now 100% avoidable so it's frustrating to see.

A brick up side the head seems to be the only way some people learn… the hard way. (Not advocating physical violence, that would be the metaphorical brick I referenced.)

But I don’t feel bad about the misguided freedom fighter. Maybe some of his loved ones will benefit by thinking twice about the price of being an idiot, especially when it comes to serious contagious diseases that I really don’t need a vaccine for, because I’m in denial, misguided, or macho. Yeah macho dead, a wasted life. The individual =0, the species +1.
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News sources really need to stop posting pre-prints...

I can't comment on medicine, but the use of pre-prints is common in a lot of fields, since researchers will often post them where they are freely available. Otherwise you would have to obtain access by paying the relevant conference or journal if you are not a member of an institution that directly subscribes to them.

News media draws all the wrong conclusions.... The natural infection group had already survived and cleared the virus, so they are a group biased towards those immunocompetent at least against SARS-CoV2. This is a very important problem, because the "educated" vaccine skeptics (what an oximoron) will draw the conclusion to take their chances with the virus for better immunity. Yet if I'd guesstimate how the analysis would have looked if they included the deceased in the reinfection group for a more proper risk analysis there would have been ~65(!) times more deaths+reinfections in the natural immunity group than their presented number, which would translate to a ~3-fold lower risk in the vaccinated group. Which would suggest the actual opposite conclusions:

They do this a lot. These journalists should probably just report the data without forming their own conclusions, or they could seek opinions from researchers. It's kind of wacky how often this happens.
Hey, fuel for the anti-mask people.

And if we’re going to be honest, a good amount of vaccinated people aren’t going to be tossing out their cloth masks and replacing them with surgical masks because of this study.

But I also wonder how much social distancing plays a factor. Some cultures just love being piled up on each other and don’t see it as annoying in the slightest. They just think that’s the way it is. So for them 6 inches might feel like social distancing.
Hey, fuel for the anti-mask people.

And if we’re going to be honest, a good amount of vaccinated people aren’t going to be tossing out their cloth masks and replacing them with surgical masks because of this study.

But I also wonder how much social distancing plays a factor. Some cultures just love being piled up on each other and don’t see it as annoying in the slightest. They just think that’s the way it is. So for them 6 inches might feel like social distancing.
Isn't it pathetic though. People have been arguing about masks working or not, while in reality the question should have been, WHICH mask. These days I double mask, surgical below, 3-layer cotton above. I think cloth masks can be just fine, but the issue is the inconsistent quality. Also, last year I realized how awesome it is to wear a mask during the winter:)
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Also, last year I realized how awesome it is to wear a mask during the winter:)

Ha! Not like we have harsh winters here in the Bay Area, but I did notice when I had to be outside for an extended period of time in cold weather it was really nice having that mask on.

Covid don’t care about your skepticisms, yo. Should we add this to your “I don’t know why people think I’m a Republican” list? It’s currently in the top 5 reasons why people would think that (the other 4 also apply to you).

Covid don’t care about your skepticisms, yo. Should we add this to your “I don’t know why people think I’m a Republican” list? It’s currently in the top 5 reasons why people would think that (the other 4 also apply to you).
If he dies of it, that might actually convince some anti-vaxxers to get the shot.