COVID Stupid

even after her 13 year old kid died from covid this is not enough to Gert her to use y=her brain. hopefully she looses her job she should not be helping others

"Not enough research" Paramedic still opposes vaccine after losing her child to COVID-19​

A dear friend who passed away a couple years ago used to lament the fact that many parents just don’t care about their kids. She was right, of course.
A dear friend who passed away a couple years ago used to lament the fact that many parents just don’t care about their kids. She was right, of course.
If they did care about their kids I can totally understand them doubling down on the anti-vaxxer crap. Changing their mind would mean admitting/accepting that they were directly responsible for the deaths of their kids…
If they did care about their kids I can totally understand them doubling down on the anti-vaxxer crap. Changing their mind would mean admitting/accepting that they were directly responsible for the deaths of their kids…
They care more about their political allegiance/conspiracy theory than they do about their kids’ well-being. That’s my view... but perhaps you’re right. Perhaps they truly believe that vaccines are deadlier than the disease, even when their own children die of the disease and all the vaccinated kids are doing fine. I just don’t know anymore.
They care more about their political allegiance/conspiracy theory than they do about their kids’ well-being. That’s my view... but perhaps you’re right. Perhaps they truly believe that vaccines are deadlier than the disease, even when their own children die of the disease and all the vaccinated kids are doing fine. I just don’t know anymore.
If they actually believe the bullshit they’re spewing it would make sense for them to try to protect their kids from the evil deadly vaccine, bacteria infested masks, etc. That would at least be something I could understand, as opposed to putting political allegiance/conspiracy theories above the well-being of one’s kids.

In either case, just saying that If they have a kid die of the disease it would make sense for them to double down. Easier to live in a fantasy world than facing the reality of their actions.

There’s too much stupid out there. And too much malicious. Not a good combo.
Try wrapping your head around this conspiracy theory I recently heard. The Democrats created the (global) pandemic to kill off Republicans. They are having Democrats get vaccinated so only Republicans die.

I don’t want to nitpick here, but can anybody point me to a news story about Republicans being prevented from getting vaccinated because that seems like that would be key for Democrats to pull off this diabolical plot.
Try wrapping your head around this conspiracy theory I recently heard. The Democrats created the (global) pandemic to kill off Republicans. They are having Democrats get vaccinated so only Republicans die.

I don’t want to nitpick here, but can anybody point me to a news story about Republicans being prevented from getting vaccinated because that seems like that would be key for Democrats to pull off this diabolical plot.
This is some seriously next-level shit! Dems should also loudly speak out against smoking, driving drunk, refusing to wear seatbelts, crossing busy streets without looking, jumping off bridges, drinking bleach, and more deadly things. Since Republicans are forced to do the opposite of what Democrats want, it should pretty easy to kill them all in no time.
[Murica] Sorry, can't treat your gunshot wound because too many people are blind with horse dewormer

Oklahoma's ERs are so backed up with people overdosing on ivermectin that gunshot victims are having to wait to be treated, a doctor says​

[Murica] Sorry, can't treat your gunshot wound because too many people are blind with horse dewormer

Oklahoma's ERs are so backed up with people overdosing on ivermectin that gunshot victims are having to wait to be treated, a doctor says​

People taking ivermectin need to be at the far end of the triage scale.
I really need less stupid on my Twitter feed
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433944689879748608/

Also I wonder if anyone brought that "Freedom over force" sign on Jan 6th to DC? :unsure:
These days I double mask, surgical below, 3-layer cotton above. I think cloth masks can be just fine, but the issue is the inconsistent quality.
I recall in the early days of Covid there were articles about the questionable effectiveness of cloth masks. Remember when they recommended putting vacuum cleaner filters between layers? And then they tell us that isn't very effective because the vacuum cleaner filter inserts don't provide edge-to-edge protection in a mask. I quickly switched to KN95s and haven't looked back since.

In other news...

So these three macho men decide to menace a female principal, threaten to call the cops on her or perform a citizen's arrest, all while carrying zip ties. They're telling an alternate version of what happened while erasing the video they themselves shot of the actual incident. All this, over a kid being asked to put on a mask.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?? :mad:
I recall in the early days of Covid there were articles about the questionable effectiveness of cloth masks. Remember when they recommended putting vacuum cleaner filters between layers? And then they tell us that isn't very effective because the vacuum cleaner filter inserts don't provide edge-to-edge protection in a mask. I quickly switched to KN95s and haven't looked back since.

In other news...

So these three macho men decide to menace a female principal, threaten to call the cops on her or perform a citizen's arrest, all while carrying zip ties. They're telling an alternate version of what happened while erasing the video they themselves shot of the actual incident. All this, over a kid being asked to put on a mask.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?? :mad:
@JayMysteri0 made a post on the prior page about this too… the coffee shop owner doesn’t even have a kid at that school. He has had multiple run-ins with the law over his refusal to follow rules related to limiting the spread of the pandemic.
So Texans are pro-life when in utero but once born, all bets are off?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433838100652904451/
His policies directly led to the deaths of children. There is no question of this. Shame on all Republicans at this point. We all need to come together to defeat this pandemic.