COVID Stupid

I told you why about the variant. The left can blame Republican Governors and Red States for allowing Delta to develop and spread.
So you’re saying that Republican Governors and Red States are horrible at handling covid-19. Got it. Sounds plausible.

Would those governors and states handle it better if the prominent variants were associated with foreign countries? Like stepping up out of some sort of patriotic duty to fight a foreign mutation? I have my doubts. Sounds more like a desire for deflection. Just blame outsiders for the problems and do nothing to fix any of them.

I'm sure if Delta mutated and was discovered in FL or TX you would be fine with naming it after those states.

For decades we named virus's after where they were first discovered. Until China. We are so afraid of offending them that we let them do whatever they please. Everyone is this country should be furious at the CCP for how they initially handled COVID. Buit we aren't because the media is too afraid of hitting them hard. Our sports leagues won't say boo because of the money. China is going to own our ass one day, I just hope I am gone before it happens.
Why is the origin of the virus so important if fighting it isn’t?
I told you why about the variant. The left can blame Republican Governors and Red States for allowing Delta to develop and spread. I'm sure if Delta mutated and was discovered in FL or TX you would be fine with naming it after those states.

For decades we named virus's after where they were first discovered. Until China. We are so afraid of offending them that we let them do whatever they please. Everyone is this country should be furious at the CCP for how they initially handled COVID. Buit we aren't because the media is too afraid of hitting them hard. Our sports leagues won't say boo because of the money. China is going to own our ass one day, I just hope I am gone before it happens.
If you’re mad at China about COVID, what do you think of DeSantis and Abbott and Trump? There is now copious evidence that lockdowns and masks prevented the spread. Countries that did better with these measures did better against the virus. But the 3 people mentioned above (and others too) did the opposite, leading to massive amounts of cases and deaths compared to most other nations.

And you are wrong - I would NOT support naming a virus after Texas or Florida. I think the governors of both states are bad people, but I don’t have a problem with most people that live there.

It doesn’t really make sense to name viruses after places anyway. Viruses don’t care about countries. And one of the most famous viruses named after a place: the Spanish Flu - did NOT originate there. So, it’s a stupid way of naming them, and the naming of the “Chinese Virus” by Trump and others was linked directly to violence against Asian people. I know you don’t care about anybody else, especially Asian people, but as somebody with friends and family who are Asian, if you want to contribute to an atmosphere in America that makes them unsafe, you can 🤌🥖💦💦
I told you why about the variant. The left can blame Republican Governors and Red States for allowing Delta to develop and spread. I'm sure if Delta mutated and was discovered in FL or TX you would be fine with naming it after those states.

For decades we named virus's after where they were first discovered. Until China. We are so afraid of offending them that we let them do whatever they please. Everyone is this country should be furious at the CCP for how they initially handled COVID. Buit we aren't because the media is too afraid of hitting them hard. Our sports leagues won't say boo because of the money. China is going to own our ass one day, I just hope I am gone before it happens.
I agree that the PRC government has much to answer for regarding how it dealt with the very early stages of the pandemic when it was potentially still possible to limit worldwide spread. But there is plenty of blame to go around — like climate change, viral diseases are and will forever be a global problem that will only be managed by coordinated action by many countries.

As for naming of SARS-CoV-2 strains, you are misinformed. Here's an excerpt from a National Geographic article about viral nomenclature:

But there’s also a scientific argument for staying away from geographical names: Scientists point out that the names are misleading at best and totally inaccurate at worst. The truth is that scientists don’t know where the so-called South African variant actually originated. Sure, the variant was first identified in South Africa, but researchers haven’t yet found patient zero. It’s possible that South Africa was just the first country to find the variant because it was doing more genetic sequencing than other countries.

While a few states with Republican governors (Vermont is one) have done well, poor policies in many Republican-led states in the South like Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi have provably contributed to the current surge and irreversible effects on the healthcare system.

What's especially sad is that I don't believe anyone doesn't want the pandemic to end or at least settle down to a manageable endemic condition, but the more governors do to actively or passively counter effective public health measures, the less likely this goal will be achieved.
So you’re saying that Republican Governors and Red States are horrible at handling covid-19. Got it. Sounds plausible.

Would those governors and states handle it better if the prominent variants were associated with foreign countries? Like stepping up out of some sort of patriotic duty to fight a foreign mutation? I have my doubts. Sounds more like a desire for deflection. Just blame outsiders for the problems and do nothing to fix any of them.

Why is the origin of the virus so important if fighting it isn’t?

No, I'm saying that is what the media wants everyone to believe. Cuomo was killing old folks at a record clip, but all the media wanted to focus on was DeSantis. Why, because they know he will be a front-runner in 2024 and they need to demonize him now.

The media wants to keep everyone afraid because it gives them clicks. I am not afraid nor will I be. I realize some of you are afraid. You double mask in your cars by yourself, you spray your mail with bleach water, don't go out of the house. Knock yourself out. But I am not going to live that way. I did my part. I wore a mask when required and got vaccinated.

The origin is important because the people need to know where it came from and what the CCP did that enabled it to spread. They could have possibly contained it had they not lied to the international community. By naming it the Wuhan virus, people would not quickly forget why we are where we are. As for the variant names, as I said, hard to blame the GOP for a mutation that happened in India if it was named the Mumbai variant.
How else will you know which minority group to blame?

Is EVERYTHING about race with you? Do you actively seek it out on a daily basis? Looking for it when you are walking down the street or hearing conversations? Man, that must just be exhausting. :oops:
This is why you should like the idea of Darwin Awards, it‘s a mechanism whether recognized or not that serves the species, self elimination of genes from the gene pool because of poor choices. It’s like watching two squirrels beside the road as your car approaches, they start to dart across, but one turns back, and one continues, getting flattened. The surviving squirrel is in a position now to pass it’s genes that are more likely to recognize road dangers, to the next generation.

At the human level, more of this action helps the cause of humanity. Right now the human species is in a race to save itself though making smart choices, and avoiding bad choices. As a group we are failing, witness environmental damage and climate change.

And regarding COVID, as previously observed, we are now in the position of having to wear masks to protect the dummies. More of this death by stupidity action can only help the species and as I previously stated. it is why I wish COVID was more lethal, more of us need to be on board with prudent health precautions or pay a big penalty, and more lethality might do that while eliminating forces that are hostile to the progress, and ability of the species to survive and flourish. Think of that progress as moving towards the enlightenment of the species. :unsure:

Now someone will accuse me of wanting to see innocent people die. That is not quite correct. I want to see the human species continue to flourish and I want the obstacles to our success minimized or eliminated, and if it takes this kind of volunteered sacrifice, I’m good with that:

…think greater good. I hope those souls get another chance to make better decisions.
[Murica] All kindergarten teachers at a San Antonio school are Covid-positive, parents learn. Not from the school, but from each other, because this is Greg Abbattoir's pro-life Texas
All kindergarten teachers at Kinder Ranch Elementary, part of Comal ISD, tested positive, according to a report from The COVID-19 cases were confirmed and news was shared on Open Comal Schools Safely, a Facebook page dedicated to updates on the school district.

A screenshot shared on the page September 1 shows an email from an unnamed Kinder Ranch teacher encouraging wearing a mask at the school following the positive cases. Kinder Ranch Elementary is located
While the pointing out of makeup, nails, and hair made me chuckle, what about the fracking t-shirt? My face hurts from facepalming so hard.
COVID GENERALLY STUPID while they have a self image of being brilliant and witty. Come on COVID, help us out here! 👀
I am a huge collge football fan. Not just the game, but the whole atmosphere of game day. I love it. And even I was surprised in the games I watched Thusday, Friday and Saturday evenings just how packed the stands were. And it wasn't a Red State/Blue State thing (although the WaPo only wanted to focus on Florida and ignored the 43,811 mostly maskless fans in attendance in College Park just a scant 8 miles away), stands were packed everywhere.

Reading some articles about it today, right leaning sources said it was the populace showing they were no longer afraid of the virus and left leaning sources simply blaming Red States (see above).

I know most here like to blame the GOP for being stupid, but I have to guess a lot of the fans in the stands this weekend weren't thinking about political ideology, they simply want to go back to normal.
I mostly agree with you here, but I don't fault the fans as much as I do governments and especially the educational institutions in whose name these games were played. Last year, far fewer folks were in attendance, and they were seated apart. Now, the stands are packed despite a dominant viral variant that is far more transmissible. Playing in an uncovered stadium helps, but transmission still happens with screaming people so close to one another.

Assuming that fans will be protected by vaccination is foolish, especially in places with poor vaccine uptake. For example, I estimate that only a small minority of people who attended the Alabama-Miami game in Atlanta were vaccinated, and very few masks were in evidence. So far, LSU is the only SEC team that is requiring fans to either show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test. Unfortunately, I doubt if others will follow suit soon. It's irresponsible.
Is EVERYTHING about race with you? Do you actively seek it out on a daily basis? Looking for it when you are walking down the street or hearing conversations? Man, that must just be exhausting. :oops:
Says the person whose very first post on this forum was specifically about race. You’re the one who keeps making racist posts. I will keep calling them out. If you want to hang out with people that won’t call you out for things like blaming LeBron James for China’s problems, or calling Obama a “muslim sympathizer” or calling COVID the Chinese virus, then go elsewhere. If you make such posts here, I will call them out. Deal with it.

Racism IS exhausting to those targeted by it. Because racists don’t give a shit and will never stop until they are forced to.
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And why are you insistent on naming variants after a country?

For decades we named virus's after where they were first discovered.
Other than the improperly named Spanish flu - which viruses were named after locations?
No, I'm saying that is what the media wants everyone to believe.
How do you know what the media wants everyone to believe, and why is that even important? And please try to keep in mind that Breitbart, OAN, and Fox are as much the media as CNN.
The origin is important because the people need to know where it came from and what the CCP did that enabled it to spread.
With what expectation? We know that governors like Abbot and DeSantis are enabling spread as fast as they possibly can. Does it make a difference? Will Texas, Florida, and China somehow have to make restitution to the rest of the world?
No, I'm saying that is what the media wants everyone to believe. Cuomo was killing old folks at a record clip, but all the media wanted to focus on was DeSantis. Why, because they know he will be a front-runner in 2024 and they need to demonize him now.
Amazing how much you care about things related to the virus that happened early on, but not at all about what’s currently happening and how to deal with the ongoing pandemic.

It’s like someone’s been shot, lying here bleeding to death, and all you care is about assigning blame to your political adversaries and talking about forming a posse to go after the shooter (who by the way surely must be an outsider). Calling an ambulance, trying to save the bleeding victim? Naaaah.

The media wants to keep everyone afraid because it gives them clicks. I am not afraid nor will I be. I realize some of you are afraid. You double mask in your cars by yourself, you spray your mail with bleach water, don't go out of the house. Knock yourself out. But I am not going to live that way. I did my part. I wore a mask when required and got vaccinated.
Seems like your media wants to keep everyone angry because it gives them clicks…

The origin is important because the people need to know where it came from and what the CCP did that enabled it to spread. They could have possibly contained it had they not lied to the international community. By naming it the Wuhan virus, people would not quickly forget why we are where we are. As for the variant names, as I said, hard to blame the GOP for a mutation that happened in India if it was named the Mumbai variant.
Around here I’d say pretty much everyone knows that the initial big outbreak was in China, that the Chinese government is constantly covering things up, have misrepresented things and most certainly have been doctoring numbers to look good. We didn’t need China or Wuhan in the name for that.

You need to realize that the answer to “why we are where we are” involves more than just the beginning of the journey. It hasn’t been a straight path. Lot’s of decisions have been made along the way, both good and bad ones. And the journey isn't over, far from it, I fear.

As for variant names and blaming, you and I obviously get our news from different sources. I haven’t seen GOP being blamed for the appearance of the delta variant, just for letting it spread. Is that something that’s actually happened?

And how would one even know that the mutation happened in India? Was it engineered in a lab there? Or documented as it appeared in the first person ever infected with it?
Says the person whose very first post on this forum was specifically about race. You’re the one who keeps making racist posts. I will keep calling them out. If you want to hang out with people that won’t call you out for things like blaming LeBron James for China’s problems, or calling Obama a “muslim sympathizer” or calling COVID the Chinese virus, then go elsewhere. If you make such posts here, I will call them out. Deal with it.

Racism IS exhausting to those targeted by it. Because racists don’t give a shit and will never stop until they are forced to.

Yes, I started that thread. Basically because you and a couple of others did nothing but call me a racist over at PRSI and I wanted to understand why. The why is because I breathe.

But l,et me clarify a couple of things. I don't blame Lebron for China's problems. I blame him for taking their dirty money all the while keeping his mouth shut about everything else they do. More of an NBA problem than a LeBron problem, he is just the most visible. Me calling Obama a Muslim sympathizer is not racist. It has nothing to do with race. For decades we called diseases and virus's based on the country of their discovery. Until China. We have to bow to China. Well if you have ever called the H1N1 Flu the Spanish Flu, are you a racist?

You seem to be targeted by it a bit more, well a lot more, than most. I don't know if you actually are, think you are or you just go looking for it. My friend Jay is Black. He isn't always looking for it. If he were, we would not be friends. I don't see him walking into a c-store in southern WV wondering which one of these rednecks is going to kill me. We go in, get some food and we leave. Just like every other white person does. Now maybe he goes home and tells his wife all the racists he saw that day, I don't know. But he doesn't seem the type. Not everything is racist and some things that may be, are not necessarily meant to be. I will say this: if your wife, daughter, mother, son, grandmother or anyone else you care about breaks down or gets a flat tire while traveling through WV, you want me to be one to roll up to help them. I will make sure they get back on their way safely. I will protect them like my own family. Just like I would anyone else. Even you. And if they think I am a racist, I can live with that.
Me calling Obama a Muslim sympathizer is not racist. It has nothing to do with race. For decades we called diseases and virus's based on the country of their discovery. Until China. We have to bow to China. Well if you have ever called the H1N1 Flu the Spanish Flu, are you a racist?
Of course it’s racist. You would agree with that if anyone called someone a Christian sympathizer. You only disagree because…Muslim. And that’s what makes it racist.

And no, for decades we did not name viruses based on the location of their discovery.
Me calling Obama a Muslim sympathizer is not racist. It has nothing to do with race.
It is not only racist, but it demonizes a religion practiced by over a billion people. Would you point out a white person you consider to be a Muslim sympathizer? Of course not. Obama is black, he has a name some might think is a “Muslim” name. (Actually his first name is Hebrew, the middle name is Arabic in origin, and the last name is an ancient Kenyan surname). This is why the birther movement started. This is why he is called a Muslim sympathizer. I have Muslim friends. They don’t need my sympathy, but if they did, I’d gladly share it with them. So why don’t you call me a Muslim sympathizer?

And by the way, only about 15% of the world’s Muslims are Arabs. Most Americans don’t realize that.
Other than the improperly named Spanish flu - which viruses were named after locations?

Is that a serious question?

Ebola, West Nile, MERS, Marburg, Zika, German Measles, Lassa Fever, Legionaires, Lyme Disease...... Do I need to go on?

And yes, the N1H1 Flu of 1918 was improperly named the Spanish Flu because due to WW1, neutral Spain was the only place news outlets were allowed to report about it.
With what expectation? We know that governors like Abbot and DeSantis are enabling spread as fast as they possibly can. Does it make a difference? Will Texas, Florida, and China somehow have to make restitution to the rest of the world?

But are they really? Maybe you should look a little closer to home. As of today, using a 7-day rolling average, your home state of Alabama has a per capita rate of 87.64/100K while DeSantis's Florida is at 70.28/100K. Should Alabama being paying restitution as well?
Of course it’s racist. You would agree with that if anyone called someone a Christian sympathizer. You only disagree because…Muslim. And that’s what makes it racist.

And no, for decades we did not name viruses based on the location of their discovery.

Muslim isn't a race. And being prejudiced against a certain religion is Sectarianism, not Racism.

And yes we did.