COVID Stupid

So Texans are pro-life when in utero but once born, all bets are off?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433838100652904451/
Sadly what I think we're starting to see is that some are willing to 'chance it' or 'risk it' to test out the theory that younger folks ( especially children ) are less likely to get sick. I also don't think it's a coincidence that those places are ones where the concern of the unborn is often greater than those born & most vulnerable. It's just too on the nose. To put it cruelly, they don't vote, their parents do. Instead for some, their ( for many we've seen they don't even have children ) children are now just reasons to fight whatever new ideological battle they've gloomed onto to rally themselves. I've read time after time from those circles where they will take any data to support that it's the elderly that are the most vulnerable, so evidently it's worth it take a little risk with the younger to desperately hope to return to 'normal'.

It's still a continuation of the behavior we saw very early on with the tears & tamper tantrums about masks & stay @ home, all the while pining & making mouth noises about how great it will be once there is a vaccine. We've seen how that's turned out. It's all about getting what you want, but some want to make the least amount of effort. So if it involves OTHERS having to take the vaccine while they their 'freedums', so be it. If we have to push that we need schools open so it's main building block to returning to 'normal', explain away AGAIN that it's the elderly that will die instead.

What stunned me the most was reading some other reach in another place about "Covid information", that basically throws out that unless we can find the last person who has Covid, the virus will always be around. So basically 'F' it, let's get back to normal already.

For a nation that likes to tell others about the importance of "hard work", when it really matters & lives are on the line, the least amount of work when it comes to a pandemic seems waaaay too much for some.

His policies directly led to the deaths of children. There is no question of this. Shame on all Republicans at this point. We all need to come together to defeat this pandemic.
The real shame is that we've learned since the loss & suffering due to intentional inaction early on because of fear of the stock market tanking & hurt re election chances ( which they lost anyways ), there is NO consequence for this behavior.
[Dumbass] Police officer suspended after he bragged about want to be a walking pathogen

From that story:

All the other officers who don’t want to get vaccinated — and there are many of them — shouldn’t be in their jobs either.
If only. I agree with the sentiment. But if you fired every officer who was an anti-vaxxer, you'd have a fairly hollow police force.

As for who this guy thinks he answers to, I wish I had a dime for every loser who believes he's serving God or the Constitution. I'd be wealthier than Warren Buffett.

A leader of a movement touting toxic bleach as a 'miracle' COVID-19 cure has been charged following a 5-year-old boy's death​

Good. If only we could do that to Tucker Carlson and the rest of the meatheads who are spreading their own brand of poison in our own country.
even after her 13 year old kid died from covid this is not enough to Gert her to use y=her brain. hopefully she looses her job she should not be helping others

"Not enough research" Paramedic still opposes vaccine after losing her child to COVID-19​

One wonders what these people did the last time (pre-pandemic) a physician or other healthcare provider prescribed an antibiotic or other medication for an infection or other condition. Did they evaluate all the research that had been done prior to approval? Did they scrutinize the label for minuscule amounts of ingredients they might consider harmful? I'd be the answer would be "no" in the vast majority of cases. It's even crazier when you consider how often antibiotics are prescribed on spec for viral infections against which they're useless.

The problem this time around is that millions of minds have been poisoned by purveyors of lies - people like Tucker Carlson who do this only to enrich themselves or further their political agendas - coupled with the wide availability of social media platforms like Facebook that do nothing to police their content.
One wonders what these people did the last time (pre-pandemic) a physician or other healthcare provider prescribed an antibiotic or other medication for an infection or other condition. Did they evaluate all the research that had been done prior to approval? Did they scrutinize the label for minuscule amounts of ingredients they might consider harmful? I'd be the answer would be "no" in the vast majority of cases. It's even crazier when you consider how often antibiotics are prescribed on spec for viral infections against which they're useless.

The problem this time around is that millions of minds have been poisoned by purveyors of lies - people like Tucker Carlson who do this only to enrich themselves or further their political agendas - coupled with the wide availability of social media platforms like Facebook that do nothing to police their content.
I think you are right. That is why it is especially galling when you see people who latched onto Trump (who convinced his devotées of this nonsense) now pretending they don‘t understand why people won’t get vaccinated. Kay Ivey, Mitch McConnell, etc.

Just saw that Kay Ivey used $12 million in COVID funds to bring in more nurses to Alabama. How about just mandating the vaccine? It’s pretty rich to complain about people not getting the shot when you were in bed with the guy actively discouraging people from getting it.

On the other side, if he gets well like so many others have, it will be the boost for ivermectin that no one needed.

If horse owners thought it was difficult to get before...

You do realize that it is approved by the FDA for use in humans right? Maybe not for COVID, but it isn't JUST for horses.
I am a huge collge football fan. Not just the game, but the whole atmosphere of game day. I love it. And even I was surprised in the games I watched Thusday, Friday and Saturday evenings just how packed the stands were. And it wasn't a Red State/Blue State thing (although the WaPo only wanted to focus on Florida and ignored the 43,811 mostly maskless fans in attendance in College Park just a scant 8 miles away), stands were packed everywhere.

Reading some articles about it today, right leaning sources said it was the populace showing they were no longer afraid of the virus and left leaning sources simply blaming Red States (see above).

I know most here like to blame the GOP for being stupid, but I have to guess a lot of the fans in the stands this weekend weren't thinking about political ideology, they simply want to go back to normal.
You do realize that it is approved by the FDA for use in humans right? Maybe not for COVID, but it isn't JUST for horses.
You do realize people are buying the one for horses and not the one for humans, right?

You do realize people are buying the one for horses and not the one for humans, right?

Well that's on them. It's just the hysteria makes it seem like ALL Invermectin is bad. Can't fix stupid just like the guy who drank fish tank cleaner because it had a bit of hydroxychloroquine in it.
I am a huge collge football fan. Not just the game, but the whole atmosphere of game day. I love it. And even I was surprised in the games I watched Thusday, Friday and Saturday evenings just how packed the stands were. And it wasn't a Red State/Blue State thing (although the WaPo only wanted to focus on Florida and ignored the 43,811 mostly maskless fans in attendance in College Park just a scant 8 miles away), stands were packed everywhere.

Reading some articles about it today, right leaning sources said it was the populace showing they were no longer afraid of the virus and left leaning sources simply blaming Red States (see above).

I know most here like to blame the GOP for being stupid, but I have to guess a lot of the fans in the stands this weekend weren't thinking about political ideology, they simply want to go back to normal.
In this situation, a larger number of Republicans are being stupid compared to Republicans. If we say that not getting a free vaccine to prevent a fatal disease is stupid, then Republicans are being more stupid than Democrats.

75% of Democrats have been vaccinated as of July. Only 41% of Republicans.

Everybody wants to get back to normal, I agree. The difference is that Democrats are willing to get the vaccine to get us there. Republicans just want it to magically happen. That’s why the disease is running rampant in GOP-controlled states. It doesn’t help that the governors in Florida and Texas are actively helping the disease spread through wrongheaded policies.
In this situation, a larger number of Republicans are being stupid compared to Republicans. If we say that not getting a free vaccine to prevent a fatal disease is stupid, then Republicans are being more stupid than Democrats.

75% of Democrats have been vaccinated as of July. Only 41% of Republicans.

Everybody wants to get back to normal, I agree. The difference is that Democrats are willing to get the vaccine to get us there. Republicans just want it to magically happen. That’s why the disease is running rampant in GOP-controlled states. It doesn’t help that the governors in Florida and Texas are actively helping the disease spread through wrongheaded policies.

I'm not sure it matters as much as you think it does. Look at Israel. Highest vaccination rate and currently one of the highest infections per capita rates.

I got vaccinated for 2 reasons. My mom was 92 and had too many commodities to count and it was also the path to being mask free. In absence of those, I would eventually have gotten it, but probably not as soon as I did.

I think one reason the notion of using the term Delta Variant vs India variant has not a damn thing to do with protecting the people of India from being associated with it, but instead to cloak where it came from so the Republicans can be blamed. The Delta variant seems to not really care if you are vaccinated or not, but COVID did not mutate into Delta because of a single Republican, vaccinated or not.
You do realize that it is approved by the FDA for use in humans right? Maybe not for COVID, but it isn't JUST for horses.
We’ve already had this discussion regarding chloroquine. The FDA approves drugs for specific things. You don’t take an anti-parasitic for a virus even though said anti-parasitic is approved by the FDA. There are no studies proving efficacity of the drugs the right suddenly (for no reason) backs.
I'm not sure it matters as much as you think it does. Look at Israel. Highest vaccination rate and currently one of the highest infections per capita rates.

I got vaccinated for 2 reasons. My mom was 92 and had too many commodities to count and it was also the path to being mask free. In absence of those, I would eventually have gotten it, but probably not as soon as I did.

I think one reason the notion of using the term Delta Variant vs India variant has not a damn thing to do with protecting the people of India from being associated with it, but instead to cloak where it came from so the Republicans can be blamed. The Delta variant seems to not really care if you are vaccinated or not, but COVID did not mutate into Delta because of a single Republican, vaccinated or not.
Do you ever read the articles you post? Or just the headlines? Talk about missing the point.…

And why are you insistent on naming variants after a country? That is not how they are named in the scientific community. They are named with a series of letters and numbers. The WHO simplified things by naming them after Greek letters. But don’t let that stop you from tossing China and India in there. Again, racism and xenophobia trump science.

The World Health Organization has wrestled with the challenge of avoiding geographic descriptions for variants of concern, and on Monday it announced a naming scheme involving letters of the Greek alphabet. For example, the WHO has labelled B.1.1.7 as “Alpha,” B.1.351 as “Beta” and P.1 as “Gamma.”

The system won’t replace Pango, but the WHO said the scientific names “can be difficult to say and recall, and are prone to misreporting. As a result, people often resort to calling variants by the places where they are detected, which is stigmatizing and discriminatory.” It has urged national authorities and media outlets to use the new labels.
I think one reason the notion of using the term Delta Variant vs India variant has not a damn thing to do with protecting the people of India from being associated with it, but instead to cloak where it came from so the Republicans can be blamed.
Dude? Just…dude? (apologies for the steal, @Hrafn)

You got us. It’s all part of a worldwide conspiracy against Republicans.
I'm not sure it matters as much as you think it does. Look at Israel. Highest vaccination rate and currently one of the highest infections per capita rates.

One thing to note about Israel unlike us. While they've had a surge, including 'breakthrough' cases, what they have NOT experienced is the amount of death like we have from that surge. Believed to be because of the high vaccination rate. So while they experienced a surge that is declining, they didn't collapse their health system like we are close to do doing in a few states. Yes people are getting sick, but they are NOT experiencing a high morbidity rate.

I believe in ONE DAY in August ( August 17th ) we hit 1,000 deaths & an average of 760+ a day on other days, while Israel hit something like 476 deaths in all of August.

Here we are reading daily of the latest individual who so embraced feelings & freedums over a vaccine, who's passed away leaving a grieving family & a mea culpa about vaccines.

THAT is reason enough for endorsing the vaccine.

God forbid a Covid outbreak happens at any of those games, because the transmission rate once that crowd disperses will be frightening. As if Florida needs anymore influx of patients. While those who are vaccinated may find themselves home & very sick, they will be AT HOME, instead of hoping for a bed in a hospital that's run out of them. In some cases it's treat people for poisoning, as they took a horse dewormer for some reason. While heart attack patients are dying because they can't get a bed.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1434638705285902337/
While the pointing out of makeup, nails, and hair made me chuckle, what about the fracking t-shirt? My face hurts from facepalming so hard.

Just saw a chick walking around Target in a t-shirt which read: “Unvaccinated and Unmasked. Because that’s how God made me.”
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And why are you insistent on naming variants after a country? That is not how they are named in the scientific community. They are named with a series of letters and numbers. The WHO simplified things by naming them after Greek letters. But don’t let that stop you from tossing China and India in there. Again, racism and xenophobia trump science.

I told you why about the variant. The left can blame Republican Governors and Red States for allowing Delta to develop and spread. I'm sure if Delta mutated and was discovered in FL or TX you would be fine with naming it after those states.

For decades we named virus's after where they were first discovered. Until China. We are so afraid of offending them that we let them do whatever they please. Everyone is this country should be furious at the CCP for how they initially handled COVID. Buit we aren't because the media is too afraid of hitting them hard. Our sports leagues won't say boo because of the money. China is going to own our ass one day, I just hope I am gone before it happens.