COVID Stupid

Just heard Alex Jones called Trump a dumbass for telling people they should get vaccinated at his last rally.

This is starting to sound Iike the student becoming the master. He gave them their wings. They learned to fly. They don’t need him anymore. The only question is will he realize that he is now their puppet and will that matter to him. I think his playbook has gotten old. Can he come up with new material that will widely appeal to morons?
Just heard Alex Jones called Trump a dumbass for telling people they should get vaccinated at his last rally.

This is starting to sound Iike the student becoming the master. He gave them their wings. They learned to fly. They don’t need him anymore. The only question is will he realize that he is now their puppet and will that matter to him. I think his playbook has gotten old. Can he come up with new material that will widely appeal to morons?
they learned to fly they flew over him and took a dump on his head.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430274161331613706/
ALSEA, Ore. (AP) — An Oregon school superintendent is telling parents they can get their children out of wearing masks by citing federal disability law. A pastor at a California megachurch is offering religious exemptions for anyone morally conflicted over vaccine requirements.

And Louisiana’s attorney general has posted sample letters on his office’s Facebook page for those seeking to get around the governor’s mask rules.

Across the U.S., religious figures, doctors, public officials and other community leaders are trying to help people circumvent COVID-19 precautions.

While proponents of these workarounds say they are looking out for children’s health and parents’ rights, others say such stratagems are dishonest and irresponsible and could undermine efforts to beat back the highly contagious delta variant.

Mask and vaccine requirements vary from state to state but often allow exemptions for certain medical conditions or religious or philosophical objections.
Stressing the shitty part of all of this
by citing federal disability law.
from individuals who aren't disabled.
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I'm sure that bag hanging around her neck is actually a GOOCHI ...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430491301154156548/

I understand it comes with less masks & vaccines for some customers, for new & improved speedier results.

Best thing it's free and you don't have to do anything. Bring friends, family, & people you don't even know down with you. (y)



As we continue to emerge from the pandemic, the last thing people want to hear is the term Covid-22.

It went viral on social media after some took the term to mean another variant was on the horizon next year.

In reality, it was a poorly-worded phrase to refer to the state of the coronavirus outbreak in 2022, according to one professor.

What is Covid-22?​

Covid-22 is a phrase used by Professor Sai Reddy, an associate professor of Systems and Synthetic Immunology at the university ETH Zurich, during an interview about the pandemic with Blick, a Swiss German-language newspaper.

Commenting on the vaccination programme and the emergence of the contagious Delta variant, Prof Reddy, according to a translation, said: “This is no longer Covid-19. I would call it Covid-21.”

Later, he commented on the next phase of the pandemic which could see the Beta or Gamma variants become more infectious, or the Delta strain could develop mutations.

“That will be the big problem for the coming year. Covid-22 could get worse than what we are witnessing now,” he said.

His comments led to alarming headlines. According to a translation, the Blick interview was titled: “Covid-22 could get worse.”

In case you saw Covid 22 trending yesterday or see it today.
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Last week, Dr. Anita Sircar, an infectious-disease physician in Los Angeles, wrote a moving piece for the Los Angeles Times about how doctors are losing compassion for COVID-19 patients, almost all of whom are willfully unvaccinated. She opens the article with a story of a 40-something father of two she had as a patient. His excuse for not vaccinating? "I was just waiting for the FDA to approve the vaccine first. I didn't want to take anything experimental."

As Dr. Sircar notes, this is the same man who "started taking some hydroxychloroquine he had found on the internet," only to find it didn't work. In the hospital, she offered to treat him with Remdesivir, which had been under the same emergency use authorization as the vaccines "for most of last year and had not been studied or administered as widely as COVID-19 vaccines." While he accepted this much more experimental treatment, just as he experimented on himself at home, it was too late. He died.

To be clear, the man's actual objection was not, as he said, that he "didn't want to take anything experimental." No, the likely reason was a right-wing propaganda blitz that has convinced Republican voters that refusing the shot is the best way to stick it to President Joe Biden and the hated Democrats. These are folks who booed Donald Trump himself for promoting the vaccination. The "FDA approval" excuse was only rolled out because even Trumpers know that saying "I'm risking COVID-19 to own the liberals" out loud sounds dumb. But remember, these are the same folks who reject the FDA's advice against eating horse paste.
Oh no, I won’t take an experimental vaccine!!!, but I will take animal medication labeled not for human consumption, not designed to fight a virus because I’m really smart like Donny. :oops:

Irresponsible, dangerous, self destructive because they are just too self absorbed, blinded by being too political in addition to maybe being too… STUPID and Donny’s sucker to boot.*

*Qualifier: it’s not just Donny acolytes/Republicans who are the problem, it appears to be a class problem although those are not supposed to exist In the US.

When you look at the situation these people are putting the nation in, it could be argued, they deserve what they get. Unfortunately it’s not just themselves deciding to climb into the lion cage at the zoo to pet them, it’s the equivalent of opening the gate so the lions can wander and eat people at their leisure.

There should be no free ride for this kind of stupid and it appears this is the only way these type of people learn, whether you love them or not. Karma demands some serious consequences or health ramifications that results from such terrible choices, that hurt not just themselves, but EVERYONE around them. It might even have a bigger impact on their psyche if an exposed parent or child dies in their place. 👀

I’m not hoping for this, instead I wish people could be smart. In terms of health of the species, Darwin Awards help the species, by clearing out the hinderance to our success as a species. The bottom line, we still have a pandemic going on because of these ignoramuses. It’s enough to make you question if there should be intelligence qualifications to be allowed to vote. :unsure:
Oh no, I won’t take an experimental vaccine!!!, but I will take animal medication labeled not for human consumption, not designed to fight a virus because I’m really smart like Donny. :oops:

Irresponsible, dangerous, self destructive because they are just too self absorbed, blinded by being too political in addition to maybe being too… STUPID and Donny’s sucker to boot.*

*Qualifier: it’s not just Donny acolytes/Republicans who are the problem, it appears to be a class problem although those are not supposed to exist In the US.

When you look at the situation these people are putting the nation in, it could be argued, they deserve what they get. Unfortunately it’s not just themselves deciding to climb into the lion cage at the zoo to pet them, it’s the equivalent of opening the gate so the lions can wander and eat people at their leisure.

There should be no free ride for this kind of stupid and it appears this is the only way these type of people learn, whether you love them or not. Karma demands some serious consequences or health ramifications that results from such terrible choices, that hurt not just themselves, but EVERYONE around them. It might even have a bigger impact on their psyche if an exposed parent or child dies in their place. 👀

I’m not hoping for this, instead I wish people could be smart. In terms of health of the species, Darwin Awards help the species, by clearing out the hinderance to our success as a species. The bottom line, we still have a pandemic going on because of these ignoramuses. It’s enough to make you question if there should be intelligence qualifications to be allowed to vote. :unsure:

I have no idea what the average process of dying is in this case. You have to wonder what is going through their head as they directly contributed to their own death over politics. You could imagine some Hollywood scenario where somebody is holding a gun to their head while they’re pleading “Please don’t kill me! I have kids!”, but in this case I can’t imagine anything other than “Well, that was dumb” as they have effectively reduced the value of human life to zero. It’s just embarrassingly disgraceful and probably won’t be a topic frequently discussed by those who knew them. Dying in a drunk driving accident would probably get more sympathy.
And the pushback continues, I was wondering how long it would take before insurance coverage would be impacted.

Delta Air Lines is raising health insurance premiums for unvaccinated employees by $200 a month to cover higher Covid costs

Maybe we can throw the south a bone and return to their glory days of segregation divided by the vaccinated and unvaccinated. “Hey! The unvaccinated drinking fountain is in the back by the dumpster! Git!” It should give them the nostalgia feels.
THEN they can finally say this...

And happily take comfort in believing this while they are sick...

Some ideas:

Require the vaccine for all firearm purchases.
Surreptitiously tape syringes to the seats at all NASCAR events.
Sneak into houses and vaccinate people in their sleep.
Facebook blocks everybody who doesn’t get the vaccine. Can’t spread anti-vax BS on Facebook if you aren’t on Facebook.

People who refused the vaccine “because it wasn’t FDA approved“ have instantly generated new reasons not to get the shot.

Jennifer Bridges, a nurse in Houston, had told The Post in May that she didn’t trust the vaccines because they lacked full approval. But now that the Pfizer-BioNTech shot has checked that box, Bridges said she and her allies don’t believe regulators did their due diligence.
“Everybody who didn’t want the shot is literally appalled by the fact that it got FDA approved,” Bridges said Tuesday, arguing that the FDA had rushed to approve the shots despite evidence of their waning efficacy.
Bridges, who was fired from Houston Methodist in June for refusing to complywith its vaccination mandate, said she’s now helping organize other workers — including flight attendants, health-care workers and more — who don’t want to get vaccinated “so they can help fight mandates” as a team.
Some ideas:

Require the vaccine for all firearm purchases.
Surreptitiously tape syringes to the seats at all NASCAR events.
Sneak into houses and vaccinate people in their sleep.
Facebook blocks everybody who doesn’t get the vaccine. Can’t spread anti-vax BS on Facebook if you aren’t on Facebook.

Don't tell them it's a vaccine, tell them it's just Freedom Formula to protect them from the China Virus.
Don't tell them it's a shot, tell them it's checking for 5G probes.
Wear a MAGA hat.

Figuring out how to trick a dumb person takes about the same brain power as blinking one's eyes.
And for your daily dose of rage, inspired by masks

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1430669370640928769/

Hell is coming... because of masks?

One may find themselves on the way to hell because of a lack of masks, but...

Also, it's interesting that these type of individuals who want to spout the Nuremberg code...

Social media users have been sharing posts which claim that the mask mandates are a direct violation of the Nuremberg Code, a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation designed after the Second World War. This claim is false: the Nuremberg Code relates specifically to medical experiments on humans and does not apply to mask-wearing, which is a public health intervention.
“Your Governments are in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code!” and “Mandatory masks are a direct violation of The Nuremberg Code,” say the posts (here , here).

The screenshots claim to contain Article 6, Sections 1 and 3 of the Nuremberg code, and highlight the following sentence: “Leaders should be aware that mandating masks on the citizens of a nation and preventing their access to food, healthcare, transport or education if they don’t comply, is a war crime.”

However, they are not from the Nuremberg Code.
The 1947 Nuremberg Code refers to the ten principles listed in the “Permissible Medical Experiments” section of volume II of the Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals seen here here and here here . The sixth of these principles, the closest thing to a possible Article 6, reads: “The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.” There are no subsections and no references to masks.

The Nuremberg Code requires that human participants in experiments give informed consent and was adopted as part of the 1949 Geneva Conventions (here), so breaking the code would constitute a war crime (here).

However, this code is about the rights of subjects in medical research and experiments. Experts told Reuters that mask-wearing falls under public health interventions, not medical research or medical interventions.

It's amazing how much work these individuals ( and take time off ) to work themselves based on falsehoods & feelings.