FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

Jesse Watters show on Fox may be worse than Tucker Carlson’s. Truly insane stuff this evening. “Garland Treated Unibomber Better Than Trump”. “FBI Has History of Corruption” and stuff like that. Truly insane stuff. They are throwing so much stuff at the wall right now, no coherent argument whatsoever.
I encourage people to make up an anonymous Google account and leave comments on Fox News videos calling out their b.s. If even a little doubt is raised in the minds of the people who believe Fox it may be helpful. Right now all they hear is this kind of utter nonsense and 99% of the comments appear to be in agreement with it.
Brian Kilmeade filling in for Tuckems last night…. He posted a fake picture of the judge who signed off on the warrant being given a foot massage by Ghislaine Maxwell. The picture was a meme, totally fabricated. He’s been receiving death threats and worse. So Kilmeade posted a correction… on Twitter.

I’d like to see a major news network play of Kilmeade acting like an idiot on Fox - a real one, there’s plenty of them after all - followed up with a pic of him ”pleasuring” a smiling Hunter Biden. Then they can post a worthless retraction on Twitter.

Some of the comments ripping apart his tweet are:
Sounds like even the Fox c-suite realizes there's a line mighta got crossed on that one.
I'd like to see the fricken FCC decide Fox has crossed some sort of line, god knows what. Anything.
Thing is, Kilmeade was guest hosting and I’d bet he had very little to do with that pic; it’s almost certainly the, um, creative talent on this “news” show.
Thing is, Kilmeade was guest hosting and I’d bet he had very little to do with that pic; it’s almost certainly the, um, creative talent on this “news” show.

Yeah that's exactly what some Florida Fox outlet said once in 2009 after they had bollixed a map of the Middle East put up during a discussion of news in the region. The graphics crew messed up.

Or that was the excuse they used after there was some backlash against their first reaction, which had run to "nothing in our license says we have to broadcast only factual information". The map in question labeled Iraq as Egypt and then, uh... let's see, uh... left all of North Africa blank because... hmm... so hard to remember where all those foreign places are and how much could it matter for a 10-second graphic.

fox news july 2009 fubar map middle east.jpg
Reminds me of the Republican Congressman who said the Jan. 6 rioters were just normal tourists.

Re: "already nuclear info on the internet." Yeah the Rs are just throwing pasta on the wall now.

Wake me up when they get to the part about how Daniel Boone foresaw this shocking and unpatriotic attack on another real pioneer.

These guys need to take a moment to think about the effect on the country of their abusive free speech being vented in the service of a guy who is not even worth their allegiance.

But, sigh... the airwaves and the net will be filled with their panicky trash all weekend.

Still waiting for signs of rats jumping ship en masse. Someone important has to go first, I guess. Looks like they'll end up drawing straws or getting selected by DoJ as some of them dodge subpoenas or finally decide to cooperate and get right with the Constitution.
Brian Kilmeade filling in for Tuckems last night…. He posted a fake picture of the judge who signed off on the warrant being given a foot massage by Ghislaine Maxwell. The picture was a meme, totally fabricated. He’s been receiving death threats and worse. So Kilmeade posted a correction… on Twitter.

I’d like to see a major news network play of Kilmeade acting like an idiot on Fox - a real one, there’s plenty of them after all - followed up with a pic of him ”pleasuring” a smiling Hunter Biden. Then they can post a worthless retraction on Twitter.


In jest? Right...

In my world that would be called a lie.
What we don't know is how much damage has already been done by having Top Secret documents at Mar-a-Lago.

If someone had told me in 2016 what would happen during and after the Trump administration, I would have thought they were, well, crazy. I expected he would be a horrible president, but nowhere near as damaging to the country as he turned out to be. I sometimes wonder how we would have fared had Trump succumbed to COVID in 2020, which he almost did. Would Pence have been re-elected, eliminating the possibility of passing some of the landmark legislation we've had under Biden?
If someone had told me in 2016 what would happen during and after the Trump administration, I would have thought they were, well, crazy. I expected he would be a horrible president, but nowhere near as damaging to the country as he turned out to be.

If you had told me the GOP would become a cult beholden to a c-list celebrity like Trump, I’d have thought the same. It still seems surreal to me. Don’t count the My Pillow guy out just yet, he may pick up the baton once Trump is gone.
What we don't know is how much damage has already been done by having Top Secret documents at Mar-a-Lago.

If someone had told me in 2016 what would happen during and after the Trump administration, I would have thought they were, well, crazy. I expected he would be a horrible president, but nowhere near as damaging to the country as he turned out to be. I sometimes wonder how we would have fared had Trump succumbed to COVID in 2020, which he almost did. Would Pence have been re-elected, eliminating the possibility of passing some of the landmark legislation we've had under Biden?
Well... just judging from what Trump's base has seemed to think of Mike Pence, he and we are all very, very lucky Trump survived covid. Imagine the conspiracy theories that would have run around the ascension of Pence to the presidency that still "belonged" to Donald Trump at that time. Good grief. The guy might have been assassinated for just getting sworn into the office he was required to assume in event of the then president's demise or incapacity to continue in office. There are some real wing nut Trump cultists out there (along with some savvy Trump-using extremists with their own agendas) and they didn't just hatch out when the 1/6 insurrection occurred after Trump's re-election bid failed.
I still think there is wayyyy to much speculation going on on both sides of the isle, though based on the charges and some unofficial information (classified nuclear documents) this is looking more serious than just the government trying to retrieve some documents. The warranted and seizure list really doesn’t say much. What we really need to see is the FBI affidavit stating the evidence justifying the search warrant.

First, if the documents were indeed declassified that would presumably blow this whole case up as the warrant application would have relevant omitted information. That said, Trump can’t just declare declassification like Michael Scott (and Alex Jones) declaring bankruptcy. There is a process that must occur. This could surely become a mess if Trump defense claims this is just all one big clerical error.

That said, if the reporting about Trump being in possession of classified nuclear information is correct… that would be very hard to justify and raises the question why such documents would be declassified or removed and would be highly incriminating. So I am a little skeptical to the accuracy of this reporting- are they technical documents or strategy related or is it something else classified that mentions unclassified nuclear info. I guess we’ll see… or maybe never.

Another concern that could potentially feed into the Trump prosecution narrative is just how open ended the search warrant was. It’s my understanding they could basically search anywhere Trump and his team operated and could seize any government documents from his time in office. This will surely feed into the fishing expedition talking point.

I could care less about the connection with lawyer representing Epstein employees, now judge/magistrate that signed off on the warrant- who btw despite internet myth was not appointed by Trump and that’s not even how that works. I do think it doesn’t look good that he had previously refused himself in another Trump case.

There is also a lot of comparison to the Clinton email scandal. Clinton did have top secret documents on her email server and destroyed allegedly another 30,000 off the server as well as cell phones. Possessing classified data is one thing and running an email server presumably to avoid oversight is one thing, there have been others in the past who have done this and I will say it does not look good. Destroying evidence while you’re being investigated is another thing entirely. So that’s not helping the DOJ here. Though I think it’s fair to make an argument the raid to retrieve evidence was justified based on the so called mistakes made in the Clinton case.

I am all for holding people accountable and equal application of the law. At this time I’m not convinced of some sort of conspiracy in this case. The Trump statements claiming the FBI could have planted documents sounds very desperate to me and raises my suspicions. So does the claims from Trump they did not get a copy of the warrant or seizure list when apparently they did indeed- seems awfully manipulative. But I also think there are some DOJ/FBI decisions here that aren’t exactly helping the DOJ’s appearance of objectivity.

TLDR- I see this as having a high potential of getting very messy, further dividing the country and eroding the country’s faith in institutions more than has already occurred in recent time.

In other news, this Bill Maher clip of what was in Trump’s safe is absolutely hilarious. I find most Trump jokes overused at this point and all to often based on blatant hatred than actual humor, but this is a great exception.

The receipt for Melania and the deed to Rudy Giuliani’s soul had me LOLing.
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This is the POS who took the fifth in New York. Now here is what could be the nail that puts Donny away if you can find a jury not containing Orange Koolaid drinkers, mishandling classified material that is compartmented is above Top Secret. It is considered so important as to jeopardize the security of the United States if it falls into the wrong hands.. It‘s kept in secure, classified spaces, and it is a felony to remove it without permission.

Trump says he could declassify anything classified, the issue here is that there are procedures for this, he can’t just snap his fingers or verbally bless classified material as no longer classified to declassify them.

What he did is a violation of the Espionage Act, a 10 year felony. Wait for the cries of but he didn’t mean it, or realize!! I guarantee you that if an enlisted man or office found himself in this situation, they would be seeing jail time.
