FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

So it appears that a Trump appointed judge may agree to the "special master" sought by Trump. Just more delay tactics. That person will have to be vetted and given all the necessary security clearances if he/she doesn't already have them. Of course, if the special master doesn't do what Trump wants, he'll complain that he/she wasn't fair, was from the deep state, was out to get him, etc. and delay even further.

Trump feels empowered in part because he still has support from the bulk of the GOP, a entity that has lost all consideration as a legitimate political party. The guy attempted to stay in power with a violent attack on the Capitol and now has stolen the most highly classified documents and lied about having them, but such treasonous activity is still not enough for the GOP to finally let go of him.

Sounds like Lindsey Graham's 2016 prediction is coming true: “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed … and we will deserve it.” Just consider the Trump-like candidates up for election this year. Herschel Walker and Mehmet Oz are just celebrities with dubious pasts and no knowledge of, or particular interest in, governance, just like the reality t.v. star and failed businessman Donald Trump. It would have been unthinkable that such incompetent people would win nomination in the pre-Trump GOP. They make George W look like a statesman by comparison.
The problem a special master will have is that documents that may actually belong to Trump or are otherwise innocuous (like newspaper clippings) could in fact be evidence of a crime. If he is writing on the classified documents, unstaples them and intermingles them with his own, has matching ketchup fingerprints on them… that could be evidence of his recklessness and illegal handling and storage of them.

I don’t think Trump will be granted a special master. I’m not sure the hearing will be enough. This could just be the judge allowing his team a chance to argue their case, and I expect the DoJ to have valid arguments to rebut the request. But we’ll see.
This could just be the judge allowing his team a chance to argue their case, and I expect the DoJ to have valid arguments to rebut the request.

My feelings as well. Not providing that opportunity would cause a heap of tsunami generating outrage from the right.

The process of finding a qualified (retired judge, respected attorney, etc) special master and getting him/her appropriately cleared could take many months, and likely more than a year. And that's exactly what trump and his legal team are hoping for. That's not going to fly.
I don’t think Trump will be granted a special master. I’m not sure the hearing will be enough. This could just be the judge allowing his team a chance to argue their case, and I expect the DoJ to have valid arguments to rebut the request. But we’ll see.
One would hope, but this from ABC News: "A federal judge in Florida told the Justice Department on Saturday to provide her with more specific information about the classified records removed from former President Donald Trump's Florida estate and said it was her “preliminary intent” to appoint a special master in the case."
One would hope, but this from ABC News: "A federal judge in Florida told the Justice Department on Saturday to provide her with more specific information about the classified records removed from former President Donald Trump's Florida estate and said it was her “preliminary intent” to appoint a special master in the case."
Sure. She did that without even hearing arguments from the DoJ. And she probably doesn’t even have jurisdiction, so we’ll see how far this gets. Chances are that when the DoJ gets a chance to explain that Trump mis-cited the law, and made up facts, she’ll change her mind.
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That’s a threat, more ginning up the base just like before Jan. 6

He won’t be a part of those riots, however. He’ll just salute the rioters and then sprint off to a bunker somewhere.

*Probably not a coincidence… I guess they’re not really against riots either.

Bring it. Watch them side with the rioters and lose the cop vote.
Sorry but this was begging to be made.

What an utter disgrace Lindsey Graham is. When he served as a JAG lawyer I wonder what he would have thought about someone who took top secret documents and lied to the FBI about having them. But here is Senator Graham, ignoring the blatant threat to our national security posed by Trump, playing golf with him and kissing his butt every time Trump holds it out for him.

I don't get it. Trump lost the last election and got 7 million fewer votes than Biden. He also lost the popular vote to Clinton. It's not like he'd be a good bet to win in 2024. He was twice impeached, has a shady relationship with Russia, incited a coup and now lied about having highly classified documents but that's not enough for the GOP to let go? Are they anti-democratic at heart and view Trump as the vehicle to overthrow our form of government? Is it pure political ambition, party over country, and don't want to lose the base of deplorables?
Are they anti-democratic at heart and view Trump as the vehicle to overthrow our form of government? Is it pure political ambition, party over country, and don't want to lose the base of deplorables?

It's the latter. Though I'd say it's less about putting the party over the country, and more about putting their careers above anything else.

Trump is a storm they feel they have to outlast. They believe they can support him, pander to his base, and keep their jobs, while still controlling him behind the scenes. They've spent the last 6 years lying to themselves, enabling the very thing they sought to prevent, and now that it's finally reaching critical mass, they're getting increasingly desperate from walking that fine line between kissing Trump's ass, and keeping him in check.

No one ever sees themselves as the bad guys. People like Graham, and the rest of the republicans we all assumed would know better, see themselves as the ultimate victims of Trump's ambitions, bravely splitting the difference between saving the country they know and love from what they've unknowingly wrought, while still keeping the party viable under the withering pressure. The one question they probably ask themselves the most is "how can I do the right thing, while keeping myself from being hurt in the process?"

In the end, they're just stupid and cowardly.
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What an utter disgrace Lindsey Graham is. When he served as a JAG lawyer I wonder what he would have thought about someone who took top secret documents and lied to the FBI about having them. But here is Senator Graham, ignoring the blatant threat to our national security posed by Trump, playing golf with him and kissing his butt every time Trump holds it out for him.

I don't get it. Trump lost the last election and got 7 million fewer votes than Biden. He also lost the popular vote to Clinton. It's not like he'd be a good bet to win in 2024. He was twice impeached, has a shady relationship with Russia, incited a coup and now lied about having highly classified documents but that's not enough for the GOP to let go? Are they anti-democratic at heart and view Trump as the vehicle to overthrow our form of government? Is it pure political ambition, party over country, and don't want to lose the base of deplorables?

Every five years or so I say to myself, eh, maybe Graham deserves a bit of respect. And then he goes off with some kind of shithead move or position. And I then need to wake up again.
Every five years or so I say to myself, eh, maybe Graham deserves a bit of respect. And then he goes off with some kind of shithead move or position. And I then need to wake up again.

He makes me think of the noble respectable face of slave ownership. He was just born about 100 years too late. Nothing he has said. He just puts off that vibe.
he is one of the many boomerangs in office. or maybe a slinky going from one side to the other?

I think Graham lost his moral compass when his good friend John McCain passed away four years ago. And he's now been irreversibly sucked into the orbit of the orange stench without McCain smacking him along the side of his head to pull him out.