FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

I'm still shocked when Jared Kushner, Mike Flynn, and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, met at trump Tower to discuss setting up a secret communications channel with Moscow, using Russian communications and cryptographic equipment at a Russian diplomatic facility in the US. This was in December, after the 2016 election and before trump's inauguration in 2017.

The pitch was made to Kislyak so trump could have secret communications with Moscow that would be immune from interception by US intelligence agencies. Seriously.

What's rather comedic, was US intelligence intercepted Kislyak's communication with Moscow detailing the meeting and Kushner's/Flynn's proposal. That's how we found out about it. Go NSA!

That told me (almost) everything I needed to know about trump.

See this is what I find so confusing about the response of Republicans to any of Trump's off the norm or actually extralegal behavior. I've asked so often it's like a mantra: "What if it was a Democrat pulling these stunts?"

The Republicans went bananas over Clinton; she sat through so many hearings answering all their questions about Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi, and then there was all the lock her up stuff on her email setup which was not much different to setups run by other state dept honchos including Powell.. and yet with Trump, even the most egregious disdain for our rule of law is dismissed by Republicans and they actually point fingers back at Democrats for "persecuting" the nominal head of the GOP, a guy who has contempt for all of them and has expressed it freely whenever it suits him.

It's like Trump somehow cast a spell on the GOP. At first they thought they could use him because his charisma had energized a new base for them. People warned them about the dangers of thinking to ride a tiger since there is inevitably danger in attempting later to dismount... but they didn't listen and actually managed to get a lot of their agenda passed. In fact they don't even seem to have an agenda now except to remain in power. And yet they KNOW he's a ticking time bomb for them and for the country. And yet they imagine they can ride the tiger through 2022 and beyond. Un-F-believable yet it's happening.

The only thing some of these clowns mouthing off now on the House side against the alleged injustices and political witch-hunting aspects of the FBI raid is that the senior GOP leadership in the US Senate has not said one damn thing. Only the guy charged with raising funds for the Senate races has complained about the raid. That should tell idiot Kevin McCarthy something...
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I'm still shocked when Jared Kushner, Mike Flynn, and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, met at trump Tower to discuss setting up a secret communications channel with Moscow, using Russian communications and cryptographic equipment at a Russian diplomatic facility in the US.
The Trump - Russia connection is obvious but he's somehow managed to get away with it. His campaign exchanged polling data with Russia. Trump said he believed Putin over our own national security agencies about election interference. When Putin invaded Ukraine, Trump said he was "smart." And most recently Trump parroted Russian talking points about the U.S. athlete who was convicted in Russia. Either Putin has something on Trump (the infamous pee tapes) or Trump made a deal with Putin to get Russian help in the election or for a business deal in Russia. And all along he hugs the U.S. flag and talks about making America great again and his basket of deplorables believe him.
As the saying goes “if you take aim at the King, you better not miss”. If this becomes a big fat nothing burger there is going to be some serious consequences should that idiot regain the “throne”.


I think Trump was correct with his shooting people on 5th Ave quote. Whatever crimes he commits his supporters won’t care.
See this is what I find so confusing about the response of Republicans to any of Trump's off the norm or actually extralegal behavior. I've asked so often it's like a mantra: "What if it was a Democrat pulling these stunts?"

The Republicans went bananas over Clinton; she sat through so many hearings answering all their questions about Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi, and then there was all the lock her up stuff on her email setup which was not much different to setups run by other state dept honchos including Powell.. and yet with Trump, even the most egregious disdain for our rule of law is dismissed by Republicans and they actually point fingers back at Democrats for "persecuting" the nominal head of the GOP, a guy who has contempt for all of them and has expressed it freely whenever it suits him.

It's like Trump somehow cast a spell on the GOP. At first they thought they could use him because his charisma had energized a new base for them. People warned them about the dangers of thinking to ride a tiger since there is inevitably danger in attempting later to dismount... but they didn't listen and actually managed to get a lot of their agenda passed. In fact they don't even seem to have an agenda now except to remain in power. And yet they KNOW he's a ticking time bomb for them and for the country. And yet they imagine they can ride the tiger through 2022 and beyond. Un-F-believable yet it's happening.

The only thing some of these clowns mouthing off now on the House side against the alleged injustices and political witch-hunting aspects of the FBI raid is that the senior GOP leadership in the US Senate has not said one damn thing. Only the guy charged with raising funds for the Senate races has complained about the raid. That should tell idiot Kevin McCarthy something...

Yeah, and McCarthy is now threatening to investigate the Justice Dept if the GOP wins the House. I'm embarrassed he "represents" the state I live in.
It's like Trump somehow cast a spell on the GOP.
One thing he's done is expose their hypocrisy. The party of family values is ok with a guy who cheated on his three wives and paid hush money to a porn star. The party of law and order is ok with a guy who incited a violent attack on the Capitol and enjoyed watching it on t.v. The party of national defense is ok with a guy who said he believed Putin about election interference over our own security agencies and who dodged the draft using a phoney letter from a doctor who was a tenant of his father. But Hillary's emails ...

I think Trump was correct with his shooting people on 5th Ave quote. Whatever crimes he commits his supporters won’t care.

This is still the USA though and not some reality TV show. Trump's supporters don't just get the last word because they're loud. We are still a country with a rule of law and people courageous enough to bring suit to get it enforced.
This is still the USA though and not some reality TV show. Trump's supporters don't just get the last word because they're loud. We are still a country with a rule of law and people courageous enough to bring suit to get it enforced.
hopefully no matter what the hard right as tried to change that.

I think Trump was correct with his shooting people on 5th Ave quote. Whatever crimes he commits his supporters won’t care.

I'm sure some wouldn't care. Absolutely.

I think the bigger problem is the rest are straight up ignorant of the facts. Remember, one of the first things he did was discredit the news media. When I go to my sister's, they have OAN playing non-stop. If the man were to actually shoot people on 5th Ave, lots of people like my sister probably wouldn't even hear about it. Or it would be twisted into a witch-hunt against him. To hear actual facts, they would need to hear from a news source that is actually interested in airing news, not just a cheerleading squad. But they've been told those media outlets are just full of liars and they believe that, so they ignore them. They have no exposure to actual news and what does seep in is just "lies by the liberal media."

If my sister is aware of the FBI raid today, I'd bet a good sum of money that the only thing she's heard is that it's a political witch-hunt by the evil dems. And that probably makes perfect sense to her because I seriously doubt she's up to speed on all the stuff the January 6th committee has been uncovering and all his other wrong doings. She steers well clear of any source of information that might fill her in better on what's actually going on. Because the man himself told her to steer clear of those other places.

If the ex-president wants to die having done at least one thing during his life that turned out to be a success, he should write a book on how to con people.