Why are people asking the FBI/DoJ to change how they operate just because this guy was the president? He's not the president anymore. If he was anyone else, would the FBI be acting differently? They issue a subpoena - where you willfully turn something over to authorities - or they get a warrant. How many people get courtesy calls from the police or law enforcement telling them they'll be at your house in fifteen minutes to execute a search warrant? "Hey, just a quick heads up, we're on our way over. We've got a warrant for cocaine and stolen guns, so just hang tight and we'll be there in fifteen minutes."
This fat tub of lard is being the treated the exact same way he's demanded others who have done far less than him - in some cases nothing at all - be treated.
These people are pissed off whether Trump's home is searched or they lose an election. They're never happy unless Trump is on Twitter claiming victory for everything. Better to hold him accountable for whatever he's done than nothing.
And we don't even know if this will lead to charges. Could have been a drastic effort to get back documents of great importance and if they get them, that could be it. Who knows. Knowing Trump and his belief he is truly above the law and nothing applies to him, I'm sure he's committed numerous crimes. But this search is not really indicative of an indictment being next. But I'm pretty sure more is coming, because its hard to envision Trump holding these documents for fifteen months just for the hell of it.
And as mentioned, he could easily show what they took from him. He could clear all this up... "They came for a paper-weight model Air Force One and my big, beautiful letter from King Jong Un, and they stole my favorite putter and a letter Ivanka wrote me when she was 5! Here's the proof!"
He won't show any proof, because it will show what they were after and what they took. No, selling this to his base as "the deep state and radical dems are on a witch hunt the likes of which this country has never seen before. Send me some cash so I can defeat them!"