Guns are still America’s religion

I saw this earlier. The reaction is great. What is Goober ranting about as far as 1960 Supreme Court decisions? Sounds like redneck racism to me, but maybe there was a gun decision I’m unaware of.
Gohmert, Gosar, Greene, all elected by constituents who can't even recognize when they're being grifted.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1532665943033356289/

A speech pathology clerk who hid during the May 24, 2022 massacre at Robb Elementary has started court proceedings against gunmaker Daniel Defense.

It is the first reported legal action taken as a result of the mass shooting, which killed 21 children and two adults. While not a full-blown lawsuit, the filing seeks to determine if the gun manufacturer can be sued for how it promotes firearms.

"They're marketing to people who it's not reasonable should have guns ... and we think that may be young people," said attorney Don Flanary.

The gunman was 18 and legally purchased the weapons and ammunition used in the killing.

In court documents filed Thursday in the 38th Judicial District, the clerk, Emilia "Amy" Marin, 56, petitioned the court to force the company to sit for a deposition, as well as to produce materials related to its website, profits, lobbying, sales and marketing of AR-15-style rifles like the one used at the shooting.

In Texas, parties can begin collecting evidence before bringing a lawsuit under Rule 202. The filing, called a pre-suit deposition, can be used to compel testimony that will be used in an anticipated lawsuit, or to investigate a potential claim or suit.

Marin's petition also requests information regarding the four Daniel Defense AR-15-style rifles found in the hotel room of the 2017 Las Vegas shooter. Her attorney says they want to examine whether the gun manufacturer did anything differently around its marketing after its guns were used for that crime.

Daniel Defense, based in Georgia, manufactured one of the two AR-15 style assault rifles purchased by 18-year-old Salvador Ramos before he attacked the Uvalde school.

Ramos shared a screenshot of the receipt for the gun, which he had bought online, to people he was friends with on Instagram, according to the Daily Dot.

The gunmaker has not yet responded to a request for comment on the filing. It's website acknowledges the tragedy and says it will cooperate with federal, state and local investigators regarding the shooting. "We will keep the families of the victims and the entire Uvalde community in our thoughts and our prayers," the statement says.

Interesting note:

Marin, though not by name, was said to have propped open a back door, allowing the shooter to enter the school. The Texas Department of Public Safety walked back that information after Flanary, the attorney, shared her version of what happened with the San Antonio Express-News. Video footage from the school showed Marin closing the door shut behind her, according to DPS.

While being falsely blamed was painful, Flanary said Marin ultimately seeks justice from those who encouraged the attack, not those who responded to it.

"Going after the police officers who made a mistake isn't going to prevent it from happening at other places," he says. "She feels like if if we go this direction, we can make a change."

Through her attorney, Marin declined to talk directly about her experience or the suit. Flanary says she has been receiving medical treatment for her psychological trauma.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1532665943033356289/

Interesting note:
I didn’t hear about the lawsuit until now, but I knew the woman was the target of harassment after the police accused her of leaving the door open. I wonder why she is not going to sue the police? I’d think, at the very least, the official who publicly blamed her for leaving the door open would be liable.

If they didn’t have a school police department, perhaps “real” police would have ended this much sooner. Of course, if people couldn’t buy military weapons, the entire tragedy could have been averted or at least it would have been far less deadly.
I didn’t hear about the lawsuit until now, but I knew the woman was the target of harassment after the police accused her of leaving the door open. I wonder why she is not going to sue the police? I’d think, at the very least, the official who publicly blamed her for leaving the door open would be liable.

If they didn’t have a school police department, perhaps “real” police would have ended this much sooner. Of course, if people couldn’t buy military weapons, the entire tragedy could have been averted or at least it would have been far less deadly.
My feeling is that going after the police would be for her personally.

Going after Daniel Defense is for everyone involved in the shooting.
I saw this earlier. The reaction is great. What is Goober ranting about as far as 1960 Supreme Court decisions? Sounds like redneck racism to me, but maybe there was a gun decision I’m unaware of.

And it’s good to see somebody mention the fact that there is more violence in cities because there are a lot more people in a concentrated area, but we’re talking about trying to reason with people who think guns aren’t a factor in shooting and having more guns is somehow going to reduce shootings.
We learned that the killer in Tulsa bought the gun in a fit of anger and within an hour of buying the semi-automatic rifle was at the hospital shooting his doctor.

Republicans oppose even a waiting period to buy a gun. This blood is all over their hands. If you vote for them, consider yourself an accomplice as well.

Once again… BOTH GUNS WERE PURCHASED LEGALLY. Shame on every single person protecting unlimited access to assault weapons.

Yeah, I've read some blathering posts about the Tesla hospital shooter, assuming a certain profile, and they were almost completely wrong, it appears he's a 45 year old Black man, married to doctor (MD) with a teenage daughter, not a "gun nut".

My point being: regardless of the demographics of the shooter, black/white/male/female/wealthy/poor/old/young, the failure is in the system that allows exceptionally lethal firearms to be purchased on a whim, without the proper vetting, without certification, you know, the things that have to be in place for a f***ing fishing license.
Yeah, I've read some blathering posts about the Tesla hospital shooter, assuming a certain profile, and they were almost completely wrong, it appears he's a 45 year old Black man, married to doctor (MD) with a teenage daughter, not a "gun nut".

My point being: regardless of the demographics of the shooter, black/white/male/female/wealthy/poor/old/young, the failure is in the system that allows exceptionally lethal firearms to be purchased on a whim, without the proper vetting, without certification, you know, the things that have to be in place for a f***ing fishing license.
Owning weapons of mass destruction is a right! Fishing is a privilege!
Seriously, a few Keys trips ago, we went for mini lobster season, got our licenses, proper measuring tools, etc., we were with our friends, so that makes 4 adults and 2 young teenage kids, clearly families (not poachers), being very laid back, no open containers - we got approached, boarded, our catch checked for size, verification of the correct number of licenses (if you're in the boat with a catch, you need one).

Don't get me wrong, the FWC guys were friendly, and just "doing the job", but I bet we had more requirements up front, more scrutiny by law enforcement than any process involving firearms.
Once again, summing up my past points beautifully for me

"That's how evil Critical Race Theory is. It's only been around for like a year, and it's already caused 3 decades of school shootings."

Invest in the classrooms. But NOT for the teachers, supplies, desks, or anything. For ballistic blankets! Does anyone want to go to a school that has "pretty decorative" ballistic blankets? How much of a f'n dystopia are these nutbags begging for?
12-year-old lad robs gas station. After discussing which was the least secure location with a classmate in school, went home, changed clothes, fetched a 9mm pistol and 2 magazines from his parents' gun safe and walked a mile to the place. When te clerk responded to his demand for money with "Are you serious?" the lad put a round in the ceiling.

That has to be like the safest gun safe ever.
"That's how evil Critical Race Theory is. It's only been around for like a year, and it's already caused 3 decades of school shootings."
In the past couple of decades, the Cathode Ray Tube has been replaced by Liquid Crystal Displays, which may be worrisome for trendspotters if it suggests that Critical Race Theory will be giving way to the Lowest Common Denominator.
12-year-old lad robs gas station. After discussing which was the least secure location with a classmate in school, went home, changed clothes, fetched a 9mm pistol and 2 magazines from his parents' gun safe and walked a mile to the place. When te clerk responded to his demand for money with "Are you serious?" the lad put a round in the ceiling.

That has to be like the safest gun safe ever.
If kids can find dad’s Playboy stash, they can figure out how to get into the gun safe. It’s best just not to have the guns at all. Statistics show homes with a gun in them are LESS safe than those without. Your guns don’t keep you safe - they do the exact opposite.
Had an interesting conversation on FB yesterday with friends on what's needed to get beyond where we are today on mass shootings. My friend Pete, a very experienced ex SFPD cop and fellow photographer proposed this a few years ago - thought I'd pass it on here:

1. Ban Assault Weapons.

2. If you already have a banned weapon you MAY keep the weapon if you register it, but you can NEVER resell the weapon. Your hiers can NOT inherit the weapon. The weapon must be turned into law enforcement upon the owners death with a $1,000 payment to the heirs no questions asked.

3. You must posses a certificate of compliance when going to a range to shoot an assault weapon.

4. Bump stocks a felony.

5. No private party sales. All sales through a FFL dealer.

6. Mandatory background checks and waiting periods on all firearms

7. Persons on terrorist watch list or no fly list prohibited.

8. License to purchase required with mandatory gun safety course required.

9. 5150 detention, or history of same, automatic seizure of weapons with hearing required for return.

10. Must be 21 years of age to purchase or possess.

11. Ban high capacity magazines ( 9 for handguns, 5 for rifles/shotguns).

12. No ghost/non serial number guns.

In a couple of generations the assault weapons will be gone.