Guns are still America’s religion

Had an interesting conversation on FB yesterday with friends on what's needed to get beyond where we are today on mass shootings. My friend Pete, a very experienced ex SFPD cop and fellow photographer proposed this a few years ago - thought I'd pass it on here:

1. Ban Assault Weapons.

2. If you already have a banned weapon you MAY keep the weapon if you register it, but you can NEVER resell the weapon. Your hiers can NOT inherit the weapon. The weapon must be turned into law enforcement upon the owners death with a $1,000 payment to the heirs no questions asked.

3. You must posses a certificate of compliance when going to a range to shoot an assault weapon.

4. Bump stocks a felony.

5. No private party sales. All sales through a FFL dealer.

6. Mandatory background checks and waiting periods on all firearms

7. Persons on terrorist watch list or no fly list prohibited.

8. License to purchase required with mandatory gun safety course required.

9. 5150 detention, or history of same, automatic seizure of weapons with hearing required for return.

10. Must be 21 years of age to purchase or possess.

11. Ban high capacity magazines ( 9 for handguns, 5 for rifles/shotguns).

12. No ghost/non serial number guns.

In a couple of generations the assault weapons will be gone.
Not that I disagree with these measures, but in a couple of generations the planet will be borderline habitable at the current minimal rate of progress on climate change.
Had an interesting conversation on FB yesterday with friends on what's needed to get beyond where we are today on mass shootings. My friend Pete, a very experienced ex SFPD cop and fellow photographer proposed this a few years ago - thought I'd pass it on here:

1. Ban Assault Weapons.

2. If you already have a banned weapon you MAY keep the weapon if you register it, but you can NEVER resell the weapon. Your hiers can NOT inherit the weapon. The weapon must be turned into law enforcement upon the owners death with a $1,000 payment to the heirs no questions asked.

3. You must posses a certificate of compliance when going to a range to shoot an assault weapon.

4. Bump stocks a felony.

5. No private party sales. All sales through a FFL dealer.

6. Mandatory background checks and waiting periods on all firearms

7. Persons on terrorist watch list or no fly list prohibited.

8. License to purchase required with mandatory gun safety course required.

9. 5150 detention, or history of same, automatic seizure of weapons with hearing required for return.

10. Must be 21 years of age to purchase or possess.

11. Ban high capacity magazines ( 9 for handguns, 5 for rifles/shotguns).

12. No ghost/non serial number guns.

In a couple of generations the assault weapons will be gone.
Glad to see there is consensus on so many of these reforms. Biden called for almost all of these during his speech this week.

Sadly, I feel there is no hope of Republicans adopting even one of them though.

Remember when Mitch McConnell assigned Tim Scott to address police violence in 2020, and he pretended to work on it, then decided to do nothing after a year? It will be the same with Sen. Cornyn and the gun control measures.

Have somebody ”work on it” for a while but then come up with nothing and blame the liberals. They just want to look like they care until enough time passes for emotions to calm down. Then they will walk away. You’ll see.
here is some weirdness about the Buffalo shooting

Da Fuk?!!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1533095303926120449/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1533125765788745728/

What the what the fuck?!

HARTFORD, Mich. — A 12-year-old boy is in custody after law enforcement said he robbed a gas station of cash and fired off a shot inside Wednesday afternoon in Hartford.

Just before 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 911 dispatchers got a call about an armed robbery at the Marathon gas station at 108 East Main Street, which is just a block from the police station.

Dispatchers learned a shot had been fired inside by a young boy, who ran off after getting a bag of cash.
Hartford Police Chief Tressa Beltran was returning from a detail and was able to make it to the gas station within 90 seconds of getting that 911 call.

Other officers made it there shortly after.

Chief Beltran spotted the suspect behind some buildings downtown about a block and a half away from the scene of the armed robbery. She took him into custody without incident.


Hartford Lt. Mike Prince says the 12-year-old boy went to school Wednesday and had apparently talked with a classmate about the least secure gas station in town.

The boy went home, changed clothes, got into a parent's gun safe and retrieved a 9mm handgun with two loaded magazines.
He put the gun in a backpack and then walked about a mile to the gas station, Lt. Prince said.

The 12-year-old waited in line behind a customer at the gas station when he pulled out the gun and told the clerk to put money in the back.

She said, "are you serious?"

That's when the boy fired a shot into the ceiling. She reached down and gave him a bank deposit bag, telling him to leave the store.
Lt. Prince said the spent shell casing hit one of the clerks.

"She was afraid she wasn't going to see her kids anymore," Lt. Prince said about the clerk.

"Every day I'm seeing something new at this job. I've been a full-time police officer for 38 years. What really flabbergasted me is that he showed no emotion," Lt. Prince said.

The kicker?

"He told us he didn't do it for the money. He said he would've thrown the money into the sewer. He wouldn't give us an explanation why he did it."

Because Van Buren County doesn't have a juvenile lockup, he was taken to Allegan county to be detained ahead of a hearing.

The boy is at a hearing in juvenile court Thursday.

Yes the kid has issues. He also seemingly had EASY ACCESS TO A GUN!!
Dr. Ted Nugent has weighed in on the matter with some statistics:

"There are 30,000 gun related deaths per year by firearms, and this number is not disputed. U.S. population 324,059,091 as of Wednesday, 2016. Do the math: 0.000000925% of the population dies from gun related actions each year. Statistically speaking, this is insignificant!"

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When I need advice on how to spend a week filling my pants with my own crap, Terrible Ted will be the person I turn to. On any other matter, I will consult a competent person.
Can't lie, I've been digging the memes from people making the case for gun control.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1533403836525731840/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1533405393099051008/

What is being referred to though, is a shooting in Philadelphia where 14 people were shot. 3 died.

I used to hang out there quite a bit, and after leaving school we moved just down from there because we loved the area so much.

My biggest fear since the pressure on gun fans & manufacturers is ever increasing is the inevitable reach for that tired worn out crutch of crime / "hellhole" bits, like a congressman tried earlier. Like a failed president tried, talked about, but NEVER actually truly addressed. Because to address that would take off the table that point to use again & again. A point that some parrots are trying to make work online, because the shooting happened in Philly. Also there's crime in Chicago ( who gets their guns from out of state, but as usual let's ignore that factoid ), so it must be places run by democrats. Also notice in those areas, mental health is brought up. It's like it's excuse for certain shooters over others. :unsure: It's like 'mental health' is a problem that only occurs at specific times temporarily, then suddenly it goes away when not needed so it doesn't need to be funded. Suddenly it's 'crime' problem, which always needs more & more funding.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1533429176195325954/

All the while completely ignoring where the last mass school shooting JUST HAPPENED, and who is in charge there and making it easier for shooters to get guns.

Guns aren't the problem though. 🤨 Which we could solve by moving ALL the people out cities & just left all the guns lying around. Sadly though statistics show if only guns lived in the city, overcrowding would still be a problem.
JFC, the news this morning was covering that shooting in Philly, and when they cut to commercial, I shit you not, it was for the local gun store (Shooters).
As briefly mentioned earlier, the news cycle is further glorifying this, which is hard not to do because they’re horrific events and they have to be covered. I think social media is worse than the news, because these deranged individuals are more likely to find connections and communities online that foster and reinforce their sinister thoughts.

Five months until the midterms, I don’t even want to try to guess what horrible events will take place between now and then.
Has this been posted yet?

DeSantis is wild, man. Every bit as bold as Trump, unafraid of being/appearing corrupt. He's a monster.
I hadn't seen that story posted or the one where he supposedly went after the Special Olympics.

Sometimes you wonder needlessly if the man can sink any lower, and he smiles while he slithers lower.

Back on topic though
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1533441069374898178/
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Something to consider & share when desperation leads the usual suspects to bring up Chicago in the gun debates

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1533468073721679872/

The reminder of the fact that the gun fetishists always forget in their Chicago claims
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1533477393662345216/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1533477075780354050/
JFC, the news this morning was covering that shooting in Philly, and when they cut to commercial, I shit you not, it was for the local gun store (Shooters).

Probably because I live in Silicon Valley, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a commercial or sign advertising guns or a gun store. It seems we’re more about consumerism or bettering ourselves than medicating our issues with firearms. Not saying we don’t have gun stores or shootings. We just don’t feel the need to advertise it.
Probably because I live in Silicon Valley, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a commercial or sign advertising guns or a gun store. It seems we’re more about consumerism or bettering ourselves than medicating our issues with firearms. Not saying we don’t have gun stores or shootings. We just don’t feel the need to advertise it.

Fortunately, we very rarely watch any broadcast TV, so we don't see much in the way of local ads.

That one, ugh, it's exactly what you would expect, but the really terrible part is at the end, they're hitting their list of things you can get, like, "Your source for ammo ..." and after each item there's a gunshot sound effect.

What Do Cops Do?​

A unified theory of police behavior​

Alex Pareene
Jun 3

Posting this in the context of the Uvalde clusterfuck, but it's a generally good take on police behavior.