The root of all Israel’s problems with peaceful coexistence has to go back to it’s creation:
During the creation of Israel, other safer, less conflicted areas were offered up. I’d have to pull the article, but I believe, Africa, Russia, Canada, and Australia. But they chose the hornets nest, the place were the Palestinians did not want to give up half their land (controlled by England), the place where the surrounding countries threatened immediate war
My understanding (please correct me) is that Israel leadership indicated they wanted Palestine, the UK did not want to because they did not want to upset relations with regional Arabs, but gave into the UN (US, UK, Russia?)
Today Israel has turned it control of the lands involved from 50% to something like 77% of Palestine. All though the 1990s-2000s, I reads lots second class Palestinian citizen articles, in the name of Israel security. There is Karma here, and reaping what you sew.
And I probably have to say it again, what Hamas did was over the top, a compete and utter outrage, a group of Arabs who said we’ve had enough, Fuck You!
But if any of you are, just stop pretending that Israel saying fuck all Palestinians by indiscriminately slaughtering any and all Palestinians near any of their justified targets as a response, is the civil, human, thing to do, locking them up in a kill box, cutting off food, water, electricity to hospitals, and I’m talking about collateral damage, women and children, that used to mean something. that used to be a fucking standard.
This is the responsible way to strike back or it the kill them all answer? It turns my stomach, just as much as the original attacks did. Two war crimes don’t make a right…
Btw what of reports that Israel Intel received multiple warnings from various sources and Bebe decided his vacation was more important?

My impression is Bebe said “this my chance for the big war”, and here we are.