I guess trump war right about mail in ballots


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but as usual its republicans doing it.

California GOP Says It Owns Unofficial Ballot Drop Boxes​



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GOP: We need voter ID and to cancel all mail-in voting due to massive voter fraud!
Everybody else: Voter fraud is less than 1 hundredth of 1 percent of votes. It’s a total non-issue.
GOP: We’ll show you! (Commence massive voter fraud committed by Republicans)
That pretty much sums it up.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
I have a mail in ballot all ready to go and I'm going to shred it and go with my wife to early vote in person.
Why you ask?
Because I've heard so much shit about reasons to reject a mail in ballot, I've decided that this is too important to take a chance on mailing it in.

Thomas Veil

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That comes with its own issues. If you've requested and already gotten a mail ballot, any vote you cast in person might be considered provisional.

You provisional ballot should be approved, but again, that's one more step that could possibly go wrong.

My wife and I are turning ours in at the county election office, where the ballots came from.


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I expect the Trump crime syndicate and their Republican enablers to cheat, but what fresh hell is this? I don’t know anymore. This is getting depressing.


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I have a mail in ballot all ready to go and I'm going to shred it and go with my wife to early vote in person.
Why you ask?
Because I've heard so much shit about reasons to reject a mail in ballot, I've decided that this is too important to take a chance on mailing it in.
I briefly considered taking advantage of the no-reason absentee. But they’ve scared me out of it. I’ll plan on the day if necessary - even if there have never been more than 10 other people voting when I’ve been there in all the years I’ve lived here. I can show up when the polls open. Takes 5 minutes to walk there.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
That comes with its own issues. If you've requested and already gotten a mail ballot, any vote you cast in person might be considered provisional.

You provisional ballot should be approved, but again, that's one more step that could possibly go wrong.

My wife and I are turning ours in at the county election office, where the ballots came from.
Hmm. Well we are voting early and if there is an issue, I can still turn that ballot in at the local turn in spot. Our intrepid governor In the name of make voting easy, decided that instead of 12 ballot drop off spots, that Harris County had set up, which is huge, only needs one drop off, and it’s 35 miles away, the so and so. :mad:

Of interest in Minnesota you could pick up an absentee ballot with envelope and there was zero registration at that point. They just handed them out.
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Mama's lil stinker
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Proves they are anti democracy. All the flag waving and patriotism are just for show.
The lengths they go to in order to suppress the vote are frankly stunning. Imagine if they put that same energy into a message the people could support so they could earn it instead.

One thing you'll never hear a Republican say "Everyone should vote".

Thomas Veil

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California Republican Party says it will not comply with state's cease and desist order on ballot drop boxes
The California Republican Party said Wednesday it will not comply with the state's cease-and-desist order over unofficial ballot drop boxes placed in at least four counties ahead of the November election.
"Ballot harvesting program will continue," California Republican Party spokesperson Hector Barajas said in a statement to CNN.
"We're going to continue this program," Barajas emphasized in the interview. "If you want to take us to court, then we'll see you in court."
The gall. 😡

That’s where it’s headed next. I’m sure...California seeking an order to seize the boxes and to stop any more from being placed.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
Wow, I never consciously noticed that. So true!!!!

I've heard a few people up here suggest SUNY college students should not be able to register and vote from their college address (even though that is legal in NYS as long as the student is not reggied also at some other address like their parents' home).

At first I thought that concern was about fear that students would overwhelm local government at levels of town councils, since some kids live off campus.

But no. It was just about the (still fairly prevalent) idea that college kids get exposed to "librul" ideas and practically turn into communists, so if enough of them voted we'd end up with Moscow running plays in the federal government. Imagine that.


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I've heard a few people up here suggest SUNY college students should not be able to register and vote from their college address (even though that is legal in NYS as long as the student is not reggied also at some other address like their parents' home).

At first I thought that concern was about fear that students would overwhelm local government at levels of town councils, since some kids live off campus.

But no. It was just about the (still fairly prevalent) idea that college kids get exposed to "librul" ideas and practically turn into communists, so if enough of them voted we'd end up with Moscow running plays in the federal government. Imagine that.

Yup, I remember that being talking about.


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Hmm. Well we are voting early and if there is an issue, I can still turn that ballot in at the local turn in spot. Our intrepid governor In the name of make voting easy, decided that instead of 12 ballot drop off spots, that Harris County had set up, which is huge, only needs one drop off, and it’s 35 miles away, the so and so. :mad:

Of interest in Minnesota you could pick up an absentee ballot with envelope and there was zero registration at that point. They just handed them out.

The lengths they go to in order to suppress the vote are frankly stunning. Imagine if they put that same energy into a message the people could support so they could earn it instead.

One thing you'll never hear a Republican say "Everyone should vote".

And all I can see in my mind's eye - apart from a tragedy for the US and its democratic traditions - are a number of ambitious authoritarians, aspiring autocrats, wannabe dictators, licking their pencils (those who aren't online), and taking copious notes with a view to implementing such strategies themselves during their own future elections.

Worse, when individuals such as myself will remonstrate with them ("you have only one ballot drop off point in the whole southern half of your country?") they will smile, and shrug, and reply (with truth) "but your countries do that and did that, first. We do nothing you didn't."
I've heard a few people up here suggest SUNY college students should not be able to register and vote from their college address (even though that is legal in NYS as long as the student is not reggied also at some other address like their parents' home).

At first I thought that concern was about fear that students would overwhelm local government at levels of town councils, since some kids live off campus.

But no. It was just about the (still fairly prevalent) idea that college kids get exposed to "librul" ideas and practically turn into communists, so if enough of them voted we'd end up with Moscow running plays in the federal government. Imagine that.

There is a school of thought that says "Moscow is running plays in the federal government."
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