Is Biden Really in Charge?


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That's sort of the point. Since there wasn't a good LEADER, it devolved to conflicting information, partisan bickering, etc. It's the fact that things were such a disaster than tells me we had poor leadership through a very difficult time. Other countries did far better than we did, so it can't all be blamed on "the pandemic was the pandemic".
And since the thread is about Biden being ”in charge” and we’re discussing the pandemic, then let’s talk about the vaccination campaign. He made some moves that were very unpopular with the right-wingers such as vaccine mandates. Sure, it made them angry, but it got the vaccination rate higher and saved lives. That’s what being in charge is about. Making a decision for the good of the country even if it might be unpopular.


Resident Redneck
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And NOW we have confirmation on why you haven’t made a single post in the Jan 6 commission thread. You are completely out of touch with reality.

And the arguments about the pandemic - you ignore the fact that America’s response was far worse than most other countries… even though we are the richest country in the world. And you cannot blame the CDC instead of Trump, because you hold Biden accountable for everything now that he’s president. You want to have your cake and eat it too.

No, I'm with the majority of Americans who simply don't care. I don't approve of what they did, but also don't think our Government was in danger of collapsing either.

I can blame any I want to blame. The CDC certainly shares some blame with their disjointed communication. I blame Trump some as well. And Biden. Like I said, everyone who has some part in the response deserves some blame.

I get that you are in panic mode over the Red Tsunami that is coming. But bitching on here is not going to change the fact that that it is going to happen.


Resident Redneck
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then let’s talk about the vaccination campaign.

You mean when all the Dems were out saying publically they wouldn't take the Trump vaccine?

I can find plenty of youtube clips of it if you want to watch them again. What the hell, here is one so you don't have to go look:



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No, I'm with the majority of Americans who simply don't care. I don't approve of what they did, but also don't think our Government was in danger of collapsing either.

I can blame any I want to blame. The CDC certainly shares some blame with their disjointed communication. I blame Trump some as well. And Biden. Like I said, everyone who has some part in the response deserves some blame.

I get that you are in panic mode over the Red Tsunami that is coming. But bitching on here is not going to change the fact that that it is going to happen.
Too late to walk back your above comments. You don’t get to switch from denying that Trump tried to overthrow the government to “what I meant was nobody cares” in an hour.


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You mean when all the Dems were out saying publically they wouldn't take the Trump vaccine?

I can find plenty of youtube clips of it if you want to watch them again. What the hell, here is one so you don't have to go look:

This was discussed in another thread. Your claims were debunked there in detail. And yet you repeat them again.


Resident Redneck
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This was discussed in another thread. Your claims were debunked there in detail. And yet you repeat them again.

Not sure how you think you debunked something that is on video. And I will keep repeating them because, well he said it.

And I don't know how you or anyone else for that matter can say for a fact that those comments didn't create vaccine hesitancy. I know I can't say for sure that they did or didn't. And neither can you.

Sorry for the tone, but it hasn't been a great day.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
Trump was not better than any alternative. Period.
His massive lack of competence saved the country from some serious bugfuckery. Thing is, Dole, WetStart and Willard were all refined, accomplished and capable characters who struggled for R-side traction but fell flat, whereas Ronnie was an affable moron, W was a buffoon and CFEFWSG was utterly incompetent: it looks like the country will support a plop of a Republican for president but one who has it all together makes the lion's share of the voters uncomfortable. It is kinda a safety valve like thing.


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And I don't know how you or anyone else for that matter can say for a fact that those comments didn't create vaccine hesitancy. I know I can't say for sure that they did or didn't. And neither can you.
You’re making a claim. It’s your job to prove it, not my job to disprove it.


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As for Trump trying to overthrow the government, we can agree to disagree, but keep in mind, that was AFTER the election. Everyone seems to forget that there were several Dems that tried the same thing when Trump was elected in 2016.
One senator refusing to count votes is not the same as an organized coup attempt. How do you not see that?


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One senator refusing to count votes is not the same as an organized coup attempt. How do you not see that?
They didn’t put the Jan 6 hearings on Fox. For many people out there, all they know is the right has labeled it a “tourist visit” or ”legitimate political discourse” and they call the hearings a “witch hunt.”

So what if those evil liberals claim there’s evidence that Trump aggressively and repeatedly attempted to overturn the election results? After all, the liberals got millions of votes from ”illegals” so they know Trump won anyway. Which justifies anything he and his mob did, up to and including lynching the Vice President of the United States.

Whether they are TRULY ignorant of the basic facts, or they pretend to be ignorant in order to excuse their authoritarian tendencies… it doesn’t matter. It would be nice if we could have an honest discussion, but I haven’t seen much inclination for such from the right, especially when it comes to this issue.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
They didn’t put the Jan 6 hearings on Fox. For many people out there, all they know is the right has labeled it a “tourist visit” or ”legitimate political discourse” and they call the hearings a “witch hunt.”

So what if those evil liberals claim there’s evidence that Trump aggressively and repeatedly attempted to overturn the election results? After all, the liberals got millions of votes from ”illegals” so they know Trump won anyway. Which justifies anything he and his mob did, up to and including lynching the Vice President of the United States.

Whether they are TRULY ignorant of the basic facts, or they pretend to be ignorant in order to excuse their authoritarian tendencies… it doesn’t matter. It would be nice if we could have an honest discussion, but I haven’t seen much inclination for such from the right, especially when it comes to this issue.
Yup, they're saying "don't watch, lies" and Fox is happy to help by not showing it.


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You mean when all the Dems were out saying publically they wouldn't take the Trump vaccine?

I can find plenty of youtube clips of it if you want to watch them again. What the hell, here is one so you don't have to go look:

It was quite easy to find multiple sources debunking the above nonsense. Heck, even Fox itself linked to the article above.


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It was quite easy to find multiple sources debunking the above nonsense. Heck, even Fox itself linked to the article above.
He's been informed of this nonsense on numerous occasions. Repeating it at this point is pure shit-tossing.


Resident Redneck
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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
How do you debunk the words coming out of their mouths?

by understanding what they mean

"Keep doubting, They actually said this, it’s not editing," says the heading on the video, which contains clips of statements made by Biden and Harris appearing to cast doubt on the vaccine while they were campaigning last year.

In fact, the clips are selectively edited to take the statements out of context. The parts that are left out make clear that Biden and Harris were raising questions not about the vaccines themselves, but about then-President Donald Trump’s rollout of the vaccines and the risk that the effort would become rushed or politicized.

please try to avoid promoting bullshit
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