Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

Here’s where Trump committed perjury.

Trump and his lawyers were committing a crime, so Judge Carter says no attorney-client privilege for documents that prove that Trump knew he was lying about Georgia election totals but lied in his signed verification.

OK, but that was the only time Trump knowingly lied. Unless you count the thousands of other recorded times he lied during his Presidency, but that’s being nitpicky. Maybe he can use the "every time I open my mouth" defense. It’s not really fair to call him out on specific lies when lying is just kind of his thing.
Cue the “all politicians lie” apologists. Remind me how many other times Presidential (and party and their news media) lies caused patriotic tourists to switch gears to attempt to violently overthrow the government and dismantle democracy. When the Supreme Court handed the Presidency to W Bush I don’t recall the bulk of the Democrat party whining about it years later and making it their entire party platform.

Watching the Hostages documentary on HBO about the Iranian hostage crisis in the 70’s and I see some parallels with Jan. 6th. Initially it was orchestrated by college students who didn’t have a master plan and only planned to occupy the embassy for a couple days. The Ayatollah wasn’t aware of it until after it happened but eventually signed off on it and yadda, yadda, yadda decades of suffering in Iran and tensions with the west as a result. So does it really matter if “a handful of knuckleheads” didn’t know what they were doing on Jan. 6th? Ayatollah Trump continues to sign off on it.
Cue the “all politicians lie” apologists

Yeah, the Rs are certainly going to roll that one out.

However, Trump signing off on information he knew to be false --in a document prepared to be a part of a court filing-- is not like tweeting that he was misquoted in some newspaper and never, never eats hamburgers.

Trump's biggest problems are that neither the court system nor the free press are under his thumb... YET.

He is in a lot of trouble. Of course if each of us had 25c for each time we may have said that about that guy, then collectively we'd be looking at some pile of dough by now.
I have been in front of Judge Carter multiple times; just got a case dismissed in the last year from his court in fact. Trump is slandering him.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1583113786772582400/
Perhaps this is a legal strategy you’ve never considered. Slander the judge, mid-case. Trump has a lot to teach us all.
Perhaps this is a legal strategy you’ve never considered. Slander the judge, mid-case. Trump has a lot to teach us all.

Possibly he's trying to reinforce a notion that he truly believes the election was "Rigged and Stolen" and so clearly he cannot also believe that the statements he signed were false.

Don't think it's going to fly. He's on record with some sworn witnesses who have said that Trump had acknowledged to them that he'd lost.
also that you will need your own lawyer when done with trump. Also maybe your rep is down the toilet.

Yes, anyone who has provided counsel for Trump must be lawyered up by now on their own account. So also the attorneys now still trying to shepherd him through all the legal jeopardy he has landed in (thanks to his own initiatives and made worse by incessant mouthing off).

Hard to say about the elections. I fear the House will fall to the Rs.

"Crime and inflation" ads run rampant all over the net and on television, and raised awareness of such close-to-home factors do sell in pretty well.​
This even if you point out that (for instance) that overall death by gun violence is sharply down since 2021 and inflation cannot be laid at the foot of any president including the current one.​

People see news of a mugging down the road and they know what they just paid for a box of crackers, so they see the barrage of ads and can end up thinking it's "time for a change".
How about this for working around refusing a subpoena? No lawyer will accept service of it...

just put a parachute on it and fly over the crime family's home and drop it from 1000 feet up. makes you wonder if they are just lying to delay it?
just put a parachute on it and fly over the crime family's home and drop it from 1000 feet up. makes you wonder if they are just lying to delay it?

He's not the first to try to dodge service of a subpoena. They'll find a way....