Lauren Boebert: What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with her?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1543698245943263234/

Armed with a little knowledge, she could have avoided looking foolish... again.


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1543700925692268545/
I saw that (excellent) tweet from Ron Filipkowski; in addition to pointing out that Denmark has had one such school shooting in almost thirty years, (and has a low homicide rate), if memory serves, the tweet proceeded to list all of the recent school (and other) shootings in the US; apparently, it would seem that you are now on more than one per day.

Good grief.
I like how conservative women try to look all tough in their pics on social media.

Lauren Hoebert does it and so does Candace Owens...when they're really just 2nd class citizens to their conservative husbands.

I have a friend who he and his wife like to sometimes do a white trash prank when we’re at a party. When his wife is across the room or in the next room he’ll yell out “Hey Kimmy, when do I hit ya?” to which she quickly yells back “Only when I deserve it!” I imagine this is more of a reality than a joke with Boebert voters.
Comprised of what?


It seems to me that the Trump clan spent every waking minute quite publicly leveraging his position to enrich themselves while he was in office. I have no idea what Hunter is up to aside from occasionally talking on a podcast. Not to mention a good percentage of people in that class get insane amounts of money to do things they aren’t quite qualified to do, or at least aren’t the best choice other than their name or connections. It’s probably exceedingly rare that people in that class aren’t doing whatever it is they think Hunter is up to.
It seems to me that the Trump clan spent every waking minute quite publicly leveraging his position to enrich themselves while he was in office. I have no idea what Hunter is up to aside from occasionally talking on a podcast. Not to mention a good percentage of people in that class get insane amounts of money to do things they aren’t quite qualified to do, or at least aren’t the best choice other than their name or connections. It’s probably exceedingly rare that people in that class aren’t doing whatever it is they think Hunter is up to.
Mary Trump comes to mind.