Marjorie Taylor Green: What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with her?


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Yes, she's threatening McCarthy...and if you read between the lines, it sounds like her goal is making the Idiot Caucus the dominant one in the party. And we thought it was bad when the tea party did that.

And the dems should be running against that in general, at all levels, state and federal. That's what the main messaging should be about. Against the party of nutjobbery.


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the worlds worst politician is at it again. Now she is giving medical devices again.

MTG urges followers to sue doctors, hospitals over refusal to issue Ivermectin prescriptions​

For months, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has fought public health efforts to vaccinate Americans amid rising caseloads and fears of a new spike in COVID-19 cases this winter — instead doubling down on unproven treatments being hawked by fringe medical groups.

In a series of tweets Saturday, she urged her followers to file lawsuits against any doctors that refuse to prescribe the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin, and prepare wrongful death suits in case a family member passes away after being denied the deworming drug, which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration advises against using for COVID-19.

For justification, she cited a low COVID-19 related death rate in Africa — where the drug has been used widely to fight intestinal parasites that are rare in more developed countries. Studies into the phenomenon have cited other factors for the discrepancy (namely, the fact that African countries have much larger numbers of young people, proportional to the region's overall population).


What the F?!!!
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What MTG is, is the natural escalation of the "karen principle".

Meaning if someone doesn't get their way EVERYtime with EVERYone, accountability is required. It doesn't matter the other person/s involved, you ALWAYS have to get your way, or there will be retribution. Does it matter that someone thinks serving you may endanger you? Nope! I ORDER YOU TO GIVE IT TO ME! Does it matter if it's something they maybe ethically or morally opposed to ( unless it's a gay birthday cake ) in providing it? Nope! I ORDER YOU TO GIVE IT TO ME or I WILL SUE YOU!!

What happens if there is a fatal reaction to any of this?

Sue the doctor of course! After all, the doctor should have known better & said something, to prevent someone from taking Ive-


FFS! 🤦‍♀️


Watching March roll out real winter
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A lot of this stuff from the likes of MTG in Congress just plays into Trump fans' notion that the way to get around what they perceive as the uselessness (or undue burden) of federal government is to convert the Congress into a creature without agency, same as what Trump was about trying to do with cabinet departments of the executive branch.

The more MTG-style antics get put up with and paid attention to by the media, social media and global consumers of information, the more the US Congress can be made to seem like a wacko circus that's basically optional.

By time the whole right side of Congress is stocked up with facsimiles of Boebert and MTG , "Gym" Jordan, Cawthorn, Gaetz, etc., we'll also be looking at anarchy as the basic structure of local government because these guys model "Rules, what rules?, the rules are what we say they are today and we can back it up 'cause we're packin' heat."

I mean when you get county sheriffs --who are elected, not appointed-- getting away with deciding which laws "are constitutionally enforceable", this country is in deep trouble. So... we're there already, just a lot of people haven't noticed yet. Look up "Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA)" sometime. Supposedly they only have 400 sheriffs among their number. But they were founded by a member of Oath Keepers, and there are non-sheriffs who bump the membership up to around 5k.​

These far right jokers in Congress seem to focus solely on communication --propaganda, not policy-- instead of working on actual legislative goals as their purpose in Congress. What they intentionally communicate boils down to "Congress is a big joke, but a really great place to get free air time for re-election." And the godblasted media suck it right up and spit it back out. And in this celebrity culture the USA has been living in for so long, name recognition and incumbency plus gerrymandered congressional districts mean that even idiotic congressmen can skate to re-election.

These anti-government "representatives" in Congress are the legislative branch equivalent of Trump, authoritarian followers just like the constituents who put them into office, and they are just as dangerous as Trump because their behavior does support the rise of an unhindered President.

Oh they might fight over who gets to inherit the strongman's mantle seized by Trump, but they all do [think they] want a strongman to run the place, to pick compliant people for the courts and heads of cabinet agencies (never mind at state level where they're trying to get Trump fans put in charge of electoral certification entities), and so eventually to get rid of the give-and-take among three branches of government that has meanwhile been the mainstay of American federal government under our Constitution.


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Curious thing about the whole Karendigm thing. Go type Caryn Elaine Johnson into imdb search and see what you get. I kinda wonder how she feels about the irony of it.
To discuss the modern variation of Karen & the earlier terms...

Also, the podcast is kind of fun.

"Black people should have a body cam." "You legit have a body cam?" "I used to wear it around NY city."


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What's emptygreen worried about? Mass conversions to 'Blackhood'?


Chew Toy McCoy

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She said the suspects were being forced to read books on CRT in order to get public defender services. Empty Greene should not be using phrases like "read books", of which she has zero comprehension.

I thought it was a little more nuanced than that, like they are experiencing CRT by being incarcerated with black people, like it’s a lefty West World vacation or some shit….filling their heads with scripted tales of racism based incarceration from the “actors” they are imprisoned with constructed by Hollywood and the tech industry.

Hm, maybe I should send her some tips.


What the F?!!!
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This woman is truly an empty shell of a being filled with bile & artificial ingredients.



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I'll keep this quick.

Of course, the holiday season isn’t devoid of Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s usual antics. While millions of Black people around the world began celebrating the weeklong holiday of Kwanzaa on Sunday, Greene used her twitter fingers to do what she does best: talk about things about which she has no clue.

According to Insider, Greene tweeted that Kwanzaa is a “fake religion created by a psychopath” in response to a tweet from the College Republican National Committee.

“Wishing you a happy and prosperous Kwanza,” the national conservative college student organization wrote.

From using the slur “yellow people” at a convention for conservative youth to calling Black Lives Matter a “terrorist group” while shouting down New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Congress, you can always count on Greene to show her ass. I mean, this is the same woman who’s been suspended from Twitter twice.


The fact that NOT being an asshole, even during the holidays, is a testament to who some voters want representing THEM.


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I honestly believe that's the ultimate intention.

It's the 'troll' version of "plausible deniability".

Know what spurs their base, annoys their critics, then if the heat gets too much use their stupidity to play the victim that they are being attacked when others should do what they wouldn't. Try to understand.
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