Marjorie Taylor Green: What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with her?

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CNN checked the government site to see everything MTG has sponsored since being in office and here's the total list.

1. A bill to award Kyle Rittenhouse a Congressional Gold Medal

2. A bill to eliminate the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

3. A bill to give Congressional Gold Medals to police officers who served during various Black Lives Matters marches around the country in 2020.

4. The No Funding for Terrorists Act

5. The We Will Not Comply Act (The bill would ban any discrimination based on whether or not you've received the Covid-19 vaccine.)

6. The Fire Fauci Act

7. The Protect America First Act

8. The Gun Owner Privacy Act

9. The Second Amendment Preservation Act

10. A bill that would impeach President Joe Biden for his role in the pullout of American troops from Afghanistan

11. A bill that would impeach Biden

12. A(nother) bill that would impeach Biden

13. A bill to remove California Rep. Maxine Waters from the Financial Services Committee

14. A bill that would expel Waters from Congress

15. A bill honoring Michael D'Angelo Garigan

16. A(nother) bill that would impeach Biden

None of it passed. Shocking. It's a real shame since all of those would have tangibly improved the lives of her constituents. I know those certainly would have solved my biggest daily struggles.
Did any of it so much as get out of committee?

They probably didn't get past her tweeting about it, and now she can't even do that. Toss in she's pretty much wiped out her salary in fines. So much winning.

I'd like to see the cast of characters who continue to throw money at her despite all the above. The way our government works is you give a rep money and then they do you a favor. Seems to me she's not in a position to do anybody favors.
not like she can do anything but twiddle her thumbs and post on twitter. well that job is over too.

She can still tweet about "official business" from her Congressional account but she can't campaign from it.
what official business? she has none. but I bet she tries to campaign from it.

Yeah I guess if the fines she's run up over security protocol breaches don't faze her, why should some little detail about other little details of House membership be a concern?

I wish her Dem opponents would flip a coin and consolidate resources instead of having a primary lol.
They probably didn't get past her tweeting about it, and now she can't even do that. Toss in she's pretty much wiped out her salary in fines. So much winning.

I'd like to see the cast of characters who continue to throw money at her despite all the above. The way our government works is you give a rep money and then they do you a favor. Seems to me she's not in a position to do anybody favors.
You never know. I just read that Matt Gaetz has made a ridiculous amount of money for his campaign/PAC.

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL), one of Trump's closest allies and a frequent guest on Fox News, raised $37,300 from corporate PACs in 2019 and $8,000 from corporate PACs in 2021. But Gaetz's total fundraising increased from $656,030 in 2019 to $4,262,515 in 2021. Gaetz has traveled the country pushing false claims of voter fraud, including a trip to Arizona to observe the phony "audit" of ballots. Another Trump acolyte who criticized the Department of Justice for not taking claims of election fraud more seriously, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), was able to increase his total fundraising from $2.3 million to $5.6 million. Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) saw his corporate PAC contributions decline from $1,351,600 in 2019 to $510,000 in 2021. But McCarthy's regular trips to Mar-a-Lago to pay homage to Trump paid off. McCarthy's total fundraising increased from $2 million to $8.2 million.
The Trump supporters are shelling out money to the most faithful followers. They WANT an autocracy, since it benefits them.
Well, I guess when you get elected to congress to handle the people's business, and congress boots your ass from doing the people's business there's little else to do but troll.

The amount of WTFery going on today, it only seems natural that emptygreene wants to join in & shit in the same pot.
I'll repeat myself. Conservatives figured out that the more obnoxious their content, the more social media amp it gets, and then conservatives started to be counter selected based on obnoxiousness, and now they are dealing with their the challenges of compromised mental integrity.

All thanks to social media algorithms.
Trump doesn’t like the MTG ban, not one bit:

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th
President of the United States of America

Twitter is a disgrace to democracy. They shouldn't be
allowed to do business in this Country. Marjorie
Taylor Greene has a huge constituency of honest,
patriotic, hard-working people. They don't deserve
what's happened to them on places like low-life
Twitter and Facebook. Everybody should drop off of
Twitter and Facebook. They're boring, have only a
Radical Left point of view, and are hated by
everyone. They are a disgrace to our Nation. Keep
fighting, Marjorie!
I agree with him on one thing. Everybody should drop off of Facebook.
Even Facebook said "take a nap".

How long before she cracks, uses her congressional Twitter acct, and gets that in trouble?
for once I fully agree with her.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Back On Twitter Despite Being Banned And Urging GOP Boycott​

Greene, in an interview earlier this week with Fox News personality Tucker Carlson, responded to her personal ban by calling on Republican colleagues to leave Twitter because it “has declared war on our party.”