Marjorie Taylor Green: What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with her?

Thomas Veil

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Greene warned that "Democrats worship the climate religion" and an energy crisis would be created due to increased charging demands after "Comrade Uncle Sam" forces Americans to buy electric cars.

Seize the duh, Marjorie.


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GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Speaks At White Nationalist Conference​

uentes, an antisemite and racist who attended the deadly 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and who was recently subpoenaed for his involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, excitedly introduced Greene as the featured speaker from behind a lectern inside the Marriott Orlando World Center, according to a livestream of the event. (HuffPost was denied entrance to AFPAC.)
In her speech, Greene referred to the assembled AFPAC crowd — among them prominent right-wing extremists who have been photographed giving the Nazi salute and reciting the infamous “14 words,” a white supremacist slogan — as “canceled Americans.”
“You’ve been handed the responsibility to fight for our Constitution and stand for our freedoms, and stop the Democrats who are the communist party of the United States of America,” Greene said.

She also took time to attack transgender people, claiming Democrats have destroyed “gender” and “pronouns.”


What the F?!!!
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GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Speaks At White Nationalist Conference​

uentes, an antisemite and racist who attended the deadly 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and who was recently subpoenaed for his involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, excitedly introduced Greene as the featured speaker from behind a lectern inside the Marriott Orlando World Center, according to a livestream of the event. (HuffPost was denied entrance to AFPAC.)
In her speech, Greene referred to the assembled AFPAC crowd — among them prominent right-wing extremists who have been photographed giving the Nazi salute and reciting the infamous “14 words,” a white supremacist slogan — as “canceled Americans.”
“You’ve been handed the responsibility to fight for our Constitution and stand for our freedoms, and stop the Democrats who are the communist party of the United States of America,” Greene said.

She also took time to attack transgender people, claiming Democrats have destroyed “gender” and “pronouns.”
I think the most annoying thing about mtgreen being such a walking shit show, is that she doesn't have the conviction to own up to her own shit the way she'd want others too. So she tries these so called defenses that I don't think anyone who is as unintelligent as she is would believe, and thinks anyone believes her.

On the one hand, I really hate to give any kind of attention to the antics of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), an unhinged far-right conspiracy theorist that Georgians for some reason elected to represent them in Congress. On the other, it feels irresponsible not to at least acknowledge the fact that a sitting member of U.S. Congress spoke at a white nationalist conference Thursday night—one that enthusiastically cheered on murderous dictators Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler—hours before being warmly welcomed at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), a mainstream Republican event.

CBS News repeatedly pressed Greene this morning about her appearance at the racist rally, hosted by the notorious white nationalist political commentator Nick Fuentes, and she used the old ostrich “head-in-the-sand” defense, claiming that she had no idea that Fuentas or the conference espoused such sickening values.

“I do not know Nick Fuentes, I’ve never heard him speak, I’ve never seen a video, I don’t know what his views are, so I’m not aligned with anything that may be controversial,” she said. “What I can tell you is I went to his event last night to address his very large following, because that is a young- it’s a very young following, and it’s a generation I’m extremely concerned about.”

To the point she has to go "karen" with her weak sauce deflections...

The CBS reporter pressed her again, bluntly: “It’s a white nationalist group.”

“Excuse me, excuse me a minute,” Greene responded. “I’ll tell you exactly why I went. I went to talk to them about ‘America First’ policies, and I talked to them about our country going forward. Now in regards to Russia, Putin is a murderer and he should have never invaded Ukraine.”

CBS continued to press Greene several times about the fact that she spoke at a white nationalist conference, and she continued to deflect and speak a bunch of word salad.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
Martin Taylor Greene kind of looks like a guy tbh.
You know, I would be completely happy to criticize Empty Wharrgarbl's appearance, demeanor and irritating voice all day long if doing so did not undermine every other reason we have to be critical of her. The utter bullshit and trolling nonsense should be so overwhelming that discussing her face or her makeup or choice of attire need not ever come up.

This is an evil, loathesome creature, who is so ugly to the core that whatever she looks like on the outside should go unnoticed because of her breathtaking detestability. And anyway, if a guy looked like that, he would be getting punched out by strangers just for looking like that.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
It's true! Since Biden took office, allus can't even say "We" anymore. We have to say allus now.
It is now necessary to use the passive voice in a speakings and writings, rather like the formal manner in which research papers are written. But, please pause a moment for this thought to be completed, as the bathroom needs to be gone to just now.


Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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It is now necessary to use the passive voice in a speakings and writings, rather like the formal manner in which research papers are written. But, please pause a moment for this thought to be completed, as the bathroom needs to be gone to just now.

Many interesting discussions are sure to be had amongst our gathered group.


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
I think the most annoying thing about mtgreen being such a walking shit show, is that she doesn't have the conviction to own up to her own shit the way she'd want others too. So she tries these so called defenses that I don't think anyone who is as unintelligent as she is would believe, and thinks anyone believes her.

To the point she has to go "karen" with her weak sauce deflections...
A little surprised:


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
What do you get when we elect sinister clowns to Congress? A disgusting circus.

Boebert heckled Biden about deaths in Afghanistan while he mentioned his son's cancer​

Sister sinister clownhood​
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What do you get when we elect clowns to Congress? A disgusting circus.

Boebert heckled Biden about deaths in Afghanistan while he mentioned his son's cancer​

Sister clownhood​
Clowns have much more class.
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