Musk offers to buy Twitter

Twitter “2.0’s” own lawyers arguing in court that nothing in the Twitter Files actually counted as government censorship. Oops to Elon Musk

That’s the problem with propaganda, you can never be sure what will have happened yesterday (borrowed from Darth Putin).

This is exactly why I think the Twitter files are important once people cut through the political BS. If you’d paid at least moderate amount of attention, it’s been known for quite some time the Trump administration tried to have Twitter moderate on their behalf. Regardless of whether it’s politicians on the right or left and the level of coordination with government agencies is a bit concerning, And for all the criticism of the twitter files journalists as having a political agenda, acting as an agent of Musk, etc, the fact Taibbi and Weiss quit because of Musk’s decision to impede reasonable free-speech lends I think lends credibility to their intentions. And I think the investigation unintentionally reveals just as much about Musk and his intentions, especially when you look at how he retaliated against these journalists.
Elon wants to get rid of blocking (presumably because so many blue checks get blocked)

Of course. In the circles I follow, bigots with blue checks keep getting bubbled up to the top of a thread, meaning they get blocked right quick. The same sort of people that Musk now interacts with on the regular.
I wasn’t able to read the whole thing but stiffing Google (and Amazon?) doesn’t seem like a good idea;


I wasn’t able to read the whole thing but stiffing Google (and Amazon?) doesn’t seem like a good idea;

I’m surprised Musk is picking DeSantis over Trump because he is way more aligned with Trump’s business genius of not paying bills.
I wasn’t able to read the whole thing but stiffing Google (and Amazon?) doesn’t seem like a good idea;

Yeah, probably not the two companies you want to piss off and possibly get blacklisted from if your sole product is online. As an aside, it’s pretty startling how much money a company like twitter pays for web services.

From what I’ve read, Twitter is complaining of service reliability and such. That’s may be true but issue at heart seems to be Twitter is been transitioning to their own systems and apparently is no longer utilizing all of what they’re paying for in these massive multi year contracts with Google and AWS.

Musk seems to be using this hardball tactic of refusing to pay to persuade companies to renegotiate contracts. When Twitter stopped paying rent on their office space in CA, the media narrative was to imply Twitter had no cash. In reality, I suspect the reality was Twitter had a bunch of office space they weren’t using at all between people working from home and 1/2+ the company quitting, or getting fired. COVID tanked the demand and value of office space considerably. And the goal is to get the landlord back to the negotiating table on pre-existing contracts knowing the landlord will want to avoid the tremendous cost and energy involved taking it to court. It’s a crappy way of doing business but it can be effective.

The thing about companies like Google and Amazon is that they are probably not very dependent on revenue from Twitter to keep their own company afloat the same way a small company or property owner would be. The incentives to renegotiate aren’t nearly as strong and they can afford to hash things out in court.

Not paying bills appropriately is nothing new for Musk though. Take a look at Tesla circa 2018. The difference there was the lack of payment had less to do with renegotiation and more to do with the fact the company was operating on financial fumes. When a car company resorts to building cars in tents that should be a red flag they may be having some problems.

It’s astonishing to think that today Tesla is valued at $780B+. That’s 3x more than the next most valuable company, Toyota at $250B. GM and Ford are around $50-55B. Tesla is losing their marketshare in the EV space as competitors release their own EVs. Tesla’s true full self driving fully autonomous system is nowhere to be found after years of promises and it looks unlikely to come to fruition anytime soon.

Tesla has its battery production resources and its charging network. That’s about it in my opinion. Their cars themselves are nothing special, not well built, and stale at this point. I’m not sure Tesla’s FSD/autopilot has capabilities that no other mfg could match, rather is Tesla much more willing to use software that has not been thoroughly vetted for safety (or accept a wider margin of error) than legacy automakers who are going to be very risk adverse.

I’ve always thought Tesla would have a much better business if they just stuck with battery production, drive motors, autonomous driving software, and their charging network- and just sold it to other car companies rather than build their own.
But it’s okay when crayon-eating closet pedos running state governments pass discriminatory laws “for the children,” amirite?
His own trans daughter went to great lengths to legally disown herself from him over this very thing which speaks volumes about his bigotry.

I just wanted to point out that we're halfway through Pride month, and if not for conservatives / Republicans, I wouldn't have even known. I've seen one pride related display this month (the tip jar at the pot shop :D). Beyond that, every bit of news I've come across, and there's been plenty, has come from the other side.

They do WAY more to advertise Pride month than the people who participate. At least in my little world. The only thing I've felt being crammed down my throat isn't their gayness, it's the other sides hatred.

Obviously your experiences may be different than mine. I don't get out a ton.
Maybe he should ask for donations from his working class supporters like Trump does, nothing gives them more pleasure than donating their hard earned money to billionaires.

Twitter is being evicted from its Boulder office over unpaid rent​

Maybe he should ask for donations from his working class supporters like Trump does, nothing gives them more pleasure than donating their hard earned money to billionaires.

Twitter is being evicted from its Boulder office over unpaid rent​

He already does … Twitter has the ability to “subscribe” to tweets and people do for him. He’s sent like 6 tweets only available to his subscribers (you can see how many he sent without subscribing). Right now he only has 87 subscribers but when he first advertised the “new” (not new) functionality he had a lot more - he was even earning $100,000 a month from it.

I guess it just failed like everything else.

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