Musk offers to buy Twitter

They said people without accounts won't be able to see them at all? Wonder what that will do for sharing.
They said people without accounts won't be able to see them at all? Wonder what that will do for sharing.
Well, right now, I can’t see any tweets, even embedded in other sites. And apps that do tweet previews (like iMessage) seem to be broken.
Well, right now, I can’t see any tweets, even embedded in other sites. And apps that do tweet previews (like iMessage) seem to be broken.
If they're strained for bandwidth it's probably just a matter of time before all outside linking is disabled. Will be a sad day for Jay :mrgreen:
It could be that the rate limiting is per-platform, but I'm rate-limited both on iOS and on web.

If Twitter’s really at a point where they allegedly have to (noticeably) rate limit post views on their own client, regardless of the reasoning, stick a fork in them.
Really? I haven’t encountered the rate limits on Safari iOS and someone else said they hadn’t either. But maybe they plugged that hole since I checked early this morning.
Well, right now, I can’t see any tweets, even embedded in other sites. And apps that do tweet previews (like iMessage) seem to be broken.
They seem to be working here? I checked on a browser I’m not logged into to Twitter on and I still see tweets. Weird.
This is what I see on a browser that I’m not logged into Twitter on.

Post in thread 'Musk offers to buy Twitter'


If I tried to click said link of course it doesn’t work because I’m not logged in nor iMessage preview work. What do other people see on that post?
I can still see the embedded tweet (so far) and yes the link offers the "something went wrong / try again?" button.
From what I can see here with embedded tweets is that you have to be logged into Twitter to see them, so I'm disabling that for good this time because we have no way of knowing who can and can't see them on a public board.
How much longer until their largest remaining ad clients decide marketing on Twitter is a waste of $? Please let that happen soon. I can't remember rooting for the demise of a company more.
How much longer until their largest remaining ad clients decide marketing on Twitter is a waste of $? Please let that happen soon. I can't remember rooting for the demise of a company more.
If his goal was to buy and kill the platform then it seems like he's well on his way, otherwise the guy may be good at cars and rockets but he's total shit at running a tech company.
If you look back at all posts on this site with tweets embedded they're now just empty posts (presumably populated if you are signed into a Twitter account though), that has nothing to do with any changes I've made, it's Twitter cutting off access. All forum owners will have to address this.
If you look back at all posts on this site with tweets embedded they're now just empty posts (presumably populated if you are signed into a Twitter account though), that has nothing to do with any changes I've made, it's Twitter cutting off access. All forum owners will have to address this.
Nope they’re empty for me too. Being logged in does nothing. He’s just killed it for everyone.
Doesn't Musk have investors and banks involved in his Twitter purchase? It's one thing to tank his own wealth and investment, quite another to drag the wealth of others down with him. I see zero chance of Twitter returning to anywhere near the perceived greatness it once had.
Doesn't Musk have investors and banks involved in his Twitter purchase? It's one thing to tank his own wealth and investment, quite another to drag the wealth of others down with him. I see zero chance of Twitter returning to anywhere near the perceived greatness it once had.

He does. I know the Saudi’s are backing him. If he tanks Twitter I’m sure they’ll go after his remaining wealth like sharks as restitution. I hope his contracts can protect him.

Somehow I feel like it’s only a matter of time before he starts some NFT/cryptocurrency nonsense to raise money that will later turn out to be a pyramid scheme or totally manipulated.
Didn’t he put the dogecoin icon in Twitter’s sidebar to inflate the price a couple months ago?

Yes. Wasn’t the first thing he’s used his influence via a single tweet to manipulate the market values and surely won’t be the last.
Musk is now suing the law firm that handled the Twitter deal, because he thinks they made too much money:

$90 million sounds like a lot, but the law firm apparently put in months of work for a $44 billion deal.
Maybe Cliff can provide his two cents on this.
That does sound like a lot. But I don’t know what their agreement was. I’ve read the allegations that there was no success fee in the written agreement, but so far we’ve only seen musk’s side of the story.