Musk offers to buy Twitter

We don’t know what, if anything, Musk will change about Twitter. If he follows the path of most private equity purchasers, he will:

Fire lots of workers,
Transfer his own debt to become the company’s debt,
Pay himself huge amounts of money,
Try and sell the burnt-out husk for an inflated price 5 years from now,
Or have the company declare bankruptcy as a way to reduce the debt that he used to buy it.

Vulture capitalism. See also: Toys R Us.

I wonder what he even means by that.
I take it to mean he'll use it for his own megalomaniacal billionaire platform, I suppose the same argument can be made for Zuckerberg or Dorsey, in the end it's their show. Whether or not we participate is entirely up to us though, I will be opting out.
I take it to mean he'll use it for his own megalomaniacal billionaire platform, I suppose the same argument can be made for Zuckerberg or Dorsey, in the end it's their show. Whether or not we participate is entirely up to us though, I will be opting out.
I’ll stay until I have more information. Meanwhile, time to recruit more users here.
All the Conservatives who have been screaming censorship will be given access back to spew their hate and scream fire in a theatre with no repercussions, Donald Trump will be reinstated and it will descend back into the shithole it used to be.

Used to be? I'd argue it still very much is. It's just it's minorities facing the brunt of it, with LGBT folks a particularly soft target right now. The number of folks I've been following that have been suspended due to gaming the automatic report system, or just facing constant harassment to the point of leaving has really left my social network in tatters, even after Trump left office and was indefinitely suspended.
Looks like their policy is you can deactivate for 30 days, and if you don't log in during that entire time your account will be permanently deleted. I like their approach here, you'll have to think about it but it's a permanent out.

Deactivating your Twitter account​

Deactivation begins the process to permanently delete your Twitter account. This step initiates a 30-day window that gives you space to decide if you’d like to reactivate your account.
Deactivating your Twitter account means your username (or “handle”) and public profile will not be viewable on, Twitter for iOS or Twitter for Android.

Deleting your Twitter account​

After your 30-day deactivation window, your Twitter account is permanently deleted. When you don’t log into your account during the 30-day window, it lets us know you want to permanently delete your Twitter account. Once your account is deleted, your account is no longer available in our systems. You won’t be able to reactivate your previous account and you won’t have access to any old Tweets.
Once your account is deleted after the 30-day deactivation window, your username will be available for registration by other Twitter accounts.

Top things to know before deactivating your account​

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’ve decided to deactivate or delete your Twitter account:
  • Deleting your Twitter account won’t delete your information from search engines like Google or Bing because Twitter doesn’t control those sites. There are steps you can take if you contact the search engine.
  • When you deactivate your Twitter account, mentions of your account’s username in other’s Tweets will still exist. However it will no longer link to your profile as your profile will no longer be available. If you would like the content to be reviewed under the Twitter Rules, you may file a ticket here.
  • You don’t have to delete your account to change the username or email associated with your Twitter account. Go to Account information to update that anytime.
  • Logging into your account within the 30-day deactivation window easily restores your account.
  • If you want to download your Twitter data, you’ll need to request it before you deactivate your account. Deactivating your account does not remove data from Twitter systems.
  • Twitter may retain some information on your deactivated account to ensure the safety and security of its platform and people using Twitter. More information can be found here.
It's a win for:
  • Donald Trump
  • Russian hackers
  • QAnon Conspiracy Theorists
  • Fox News
  • Jan 6th sympathizers
All considered "Free Speech". I'll be dumping my account as soon as he takes over, let them have their right wing shit-hole and wallow in its echo-chamber.
You left out the shareholders. They are going to get profit, and they don’t have to worry about how Twitter will make a profit in the future.

What will be interesting to see, is if Musk’s presence doesn’t overshadow Twitter. Because things may continue to run as usual, or it becomes the new MySpace. It will also be interesting to see if something tries to step up and take Twitter’s place, the way things like Parker hoped to.
The funniest thing about all this is watching all the Trump fanatics scream about how TRIGGERED THE LIBTARDS are over this!

Fact is, most people don't seem to care one way or another. The only people that really seem to have an emotional investment in it are the same people who so fervently want to believe that Musk buying Twitter actually makes people mad.
The funniest thing about all this is watching all the Trump fanatics scream about how TRIGGERED THE LIBTARDS are over this!

Fact is, most people don't seem to care one way or another. The only people that really seem to have an emotional investment in it are the same people who so fervently want to believe that Musk buying Twitter actually makes people mad.
It bothers me because the guy is a troll with unlimited funding, look at how he went at Bernie Sanders and some others. It's not just that, it's also that many of these billionaires treat the general population as their subordinates and want to own what they say and how they say it. I have always liked what he's done with Tesla but he's made me hate him with this bullshit, no different than Trump.
The funniest thing about all this is watching all the Trump fanatics scream about how TRIGGERED THE LIBTARDS are over this!

Fact is, most people don't seem to care one way or another. The only people that really seem to have an emotional investment in it are the same people who so fervently want to believe that Musk buying Twitter actually makes people mad.
Wait until they find out that Musk isn’t going to turn Twitter into a right-wing heaven.
If the end result is that news stories become primarily journalism rather than three inches of text followed by eleven inches of tweets, I might not object too strenuously to him murdering it.
I wonder what he even means by that.

Wall Street also wondering, probably... in conjunction with asserting that he'll need ads to keep the thing afloat, despite his own assertion that "the economics" don't particularly matter to him.

I swear he's been obsessed about acquiring it mostly because someone said "uh, no" to him and he's been hell-bent ever since to make the point that money's no object when he wants to buy something.

I had my way of using Twitter pretty fine-tuned with their tools, so that it suited my purposes there. If it doesn't stay that amenable to preference-tweaking then I'll bail out. I might miss it for awhile but not much. I don't tweet much, just follow some accounts and do a few searches now and then.
Wall Street also wondering, probably... in conjunction with asserting that he'll need ads to keep the thing afloat, despite his own assertion that "the economics" don't particularly matter to him.
Twitter does have ads – that is their primary revenue generator. They are just more subtle than the ads on other sites, mostly consisting of tweets that have been promoted to a prominent position, for a fee. They are less obvious than the paid content that appears on other sites.