Musk offers to buy Twitter

Haha I'm off the rails in the MR thread on this topic. This may be what finally gets me banned. :oops:

Haha I'm off the rails in the MR thread on this topic. This may be what finally gets me banned. :oops:

Yeah that oughta do it.
Twitter does have ads – that is their primary revenue generator. They are just more subtle than the ads on other sites, mostly consisting of tweets that have been promoted to a prominent position, for a fee. They are less obvious than the paid content that appears on other sites.

I think the financial analysts' remarks about how Twitter will still need ads going forward are strictly about Musk having been so petulantly dismissive about the economics of running the thing. And that what Elon Musk says today about anything doesn't necessarily line up with what he'll say later or do tomorrow. Also, losing a large number of erstwhile Twitter users --for whatever reason, e.g. banned or unhappy-- could mean that it would become harder to retain current or round up new advertisers.

Heh I'm surprised I haven't got timed out for ticking the "I don't like this ad" box that Twitter offers related to the"promoted" inserts in one's feed. I have used that pretty often. Of course they find some other stuff to pop in there instead. Haven't figured out yet whether using that box means the ads get even more obnoxious or maybe more subtle, i.e. hoping you click on something because not realizing it's an ad.
Haha I'm off the rails in the MR thread on this topic. This may be what finally gets me banned. :oops:

Yeah that oughta do it.

Does look like an exit visa application... nice try anyway!
Haha I'm off the rails in the MR thread on this topic. This may be what finally gets me banned. :oops:

Why did I follow the link? PRSI flashbacks! 🤮
Wow, what a dumpster fire. LOL

I don't understand how easily threads turn so caustic over there. It's like watching a train wreck. You don't want to see it, but you can't take your eyes off of it :LOL:
I understand that emotions are running high over Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter, which I am a bit more ambivalent about, than others here. However, I do understand its importance to society, and how it is very much politics-adjacent, so tech enthusiasts are going to be passionate about something that intersects two topics which we care about.

I'm not a Twitter shareholder, don't use the platform, but understand that it is an important part of global communications and dialogue. Cursing Musk on a tech forum may be cathartic, particularly if you find MacRumors to be a silly place, but it's not going to change the situation. Regardless of where one stands on the topic, I think everyone agrees that Twitter needs fundamental improvement. Whether Elon Musk is the individual to implement that change is another matter entirely.

What I can say is that I have a great deal of respect for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. They have repeatedly held to their principles, including calling out Apple during the company's ham-fisted, self-inflicted wound with the CSAM debacle, and have been champions of true freedom of speech and individual privacy, not as a slogan used by politicians, corporations, and famous personalities.

If Elon Musk really wants to move Twitter in a positive direction, then it would behoove him to listen to the EFF, as the privacy organization points out, Twitter Has a New Owner. Here’s What He Should Do.
high over Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter,
I'm a Twitter user, more of a Twitter lurker, and perhaps it is my feed but I do see a left-leaning bias. At least Trump has said that he'll not be rejoining Twitter, though that promise is worth the paper it's written on.
Haha I'm off the rails in the MR thread on this topic. This may be what finally gets me banned. :oops:

Ummm ...


Haha I'm off the rails in the MR thread on this topic. This may be what finally gets me banned. :oops:

Looks like that post is gone so we have no real idea what you said here, you gotta screenshot them because we know how they excise what people say all the time. Assuming it's just what's in the quote here though? Sorry you got suspended, I'm frankly surprised they even allowed the topic TBH.
Interesting stat here from Statista, who knew that Twitter was at the bottom of the list.

Most popular social networks worldwide as of January 2022, ranked by number of monthly active users (in millions)​

Screen Shot 2022-04-26 at 6.29.32 AM.png
Interesting stat here from Statista, who knew that Twitter was at the bottom of the list.

Most popular social networks worldwide as of January 2022, ranked by number of monthly active users (in millions)​

That surprises me too, but I didn't even stop to think about how huge WhatsApp and TicTok are, even IG for that matter - though in my head, that's where I would've placed Twitter, like around IG levels of activity, which is clearly wrong. o_O
That surprises me too, but I didn't even stop to think about how huge WhatsApp and TicTok are, even IG for that matter - though in my head, that's where I would've placed Twitter, like around IG levels of activity, which is clearly wrong. o_O
I personally love IG, it's really all about photos for me and I also follow a lot of celebs that I've always liked. It's more personalized and never political but getting followers takes a lot of time. I just broke 2K after being on for a few years, conversely on Twitter I have over 8K but over the last two years the activity has all but completely died, it's definitely nothing like it once was. IMO (regardless of politics or personal opinion) Musk may as well have flushed that money down the toilet, there's no saving it.
Looks like that post is gone so we have no real idea what you said here, you gotta screenshot them because we know how they excise what people say all the time. Assuming it's just what's in the quote here though? Sorry you got suspended, I'm frankly surprised they even allowed the topic TBH.
I meant to take a screenshot but got sidetracked. This is what it said though
Lmao. You're all such ****ing clowns. You're trying to be moralizing but then turn it into a rant about "leftist brainwashing". Do you idiots hear yourselves? 😂
That surprises me too, but I didn't even stop to think about how huge WhatsApp and TicTok are, even IG for that matter - though in my head, that's where I would've placed Twitter, like around IG levels of activity, which is clearly wrong. o_O
Same! But I also wouldn't consider several of these as social networks like WhatsApp. They're just messaging platforms.
I meant to take a screenshot but got sidetracked. This is what it said though
Okay, it was fully captured in the quote here then (even though removed from their site), just wasn't sure if there was anything more to it. I'm guessing the mods are having a field day in that thread.
Haha I'm off the rails in the MR thread on this topic. This may be what finally gets me banned. :oops:

Yes, I confess that I succumbed to temptation and paid a - an ill-advised - visit to that thread.

Unfortunately, the post apppears to have vanished into the ether.

Have you been informed of how long they intend the suspension to run?

Wow, the sheer spleen, uniluted rage, and pure bile on show in that thread is quite simply extraordinary.
Two days. I guess they don’t want to permanently ban me yet, though others have been banned for less. They deleted every comment about why that thread is allowed to stay up as “off-topic” yet they’re allowing people to simply bash any political side like that’s somehow relevant to the conversation 🙄 They just can’t stand anyone pointing out the hypocrisy and inconsistency of the moderation. You close every thread about LGBT because it might "get political", yet you have a "Political News" section and let a thread like this stay up. Sorry, but that's hypocritical and inconsistent.
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The moderation policy there is braindead, and killing PRSI just took the stupidity to a new level. They could have put that thread into PRSI, but instead they shut down reasonable discussion of a major news event. Sure, a lot of the comments were stupid, but people are stupid.

The only thing Arn wants on the MR forums is vapid shit like “which color iPhone did you order?” Anything else can get you banned.