Musk offers to buy Twitter

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From the Financial Times. Apparently Musk thinks that calling CEOs of advertisers and berating them is a good strategy.

From the Financial Times. Apparently Musk thinks that calling CEOs of advertisers and berating them is a good strategy.

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Personally calling to berate them because he's losing? It doesn't get much more Trumponian than that.

BTW I logged on under and old account I hadn't used in years this morning for the first time in weeks to try and figure out why my Amazon Echo is acting up and the feed is completely nonsensical, mostly Asian (even though I'm in the US region) and not targeted what so over, is it just me? Seems like a very different world there now.
Yeah I'm guessing having your ad randomly appearing in the comments of a holocaust denier doesn't sit well. He's essentially stripped any and all oversight, firing Account Executives (the life blood of any company) so advertisers have no insight into their stats nor anyone to talk to about it.

So far Elon's response of "But it's free speech!" to them doesn't seem to be resonating well.
Personally calling to berate them because he's losing? It doesn't get much more Trumponian than that.

BTW I logged on under and old account I hadn't used in years this morning for the first time in weeks to try and figure out why my Amazon Echo is acting up and the feed is completely nonsensical, mostly Asian (even though I'm in the US region) and not targeted what so over, is it just me? Seems like a very different world there now.
Mine is fine. Paranoid but you double checked your own posting history to make sure some scammer/hacker hasn’t taken over the account? Low probability, but they like to do that with accounts that haven’t posted in awhile.

The only weird glitch that I’ve noticed since the take over is on the mobile website the internal Twitter back button seems to be disabled for me for the last few days - an annoyance but that’s about it. Others have noticed more and supposedly in some countries Twitter is very broken though so mileage may vary.
Good article from Ed Zitron on Kara Swisher (access journalist extraordinaire) and her recent "flip" from being a Musk sycophant to critic

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Musk has been an irascible shithead for many years, but his overwhelming clout with the media meant that he could, effectively push through any idea his little mind desired. A flamethrower? Sure. $420 Tequila? Of course. Landing humans on Mars? He said 2022, but everybody was fine with saying “within five years” or “2029.”

Musk has gotten away with a mixture of half-truths and outright lies enough times that he believed that he had the popularity to do anything, another condition afflicted upon those with billions of dollars. When he bought Twitter, I truly think that he believed everybody would be behind him, because up until that point most of the media had been. Kara Swisher gave an interview in May about how smart Elon was. Jessica Lessin of The Information described the acquisition as “like watching a business school case study on how to make money on the internet.” Hell, he was able to con banks and investors into raising $13 billion for him. Musk still had the ability to manipulate the media - and still does, in the sense that he can still get a bunch of stories about literally anything he does - but couldn’t change the reality that he did not have a plan for the website that he tied his entire financial future to.
I'm sorry - Musk is a piece of s***
Has been for a long time, in a lot of ways, and much of it is only finally getting talked about openly

"So the Hyperloop, for example, he admitted to his biographer that the reason the Hyperloop was announced—even though he had no intention of pursuing it—was to try to disrupt the California high-speed rail project and to get in the way of that actually succeeding.

I would say the Boring Company just kind of slides in there as a way to distract from efforts to improve public transit and have a greater focus on transit as a means of solving these problems with the automobile. Instead of, say, building subway systems he could say, look we’re going to build these really cheap tunnels, you’ll be able to take your car into it. And later he said, why also make it so people who don’t have cars can use it, too. And that promise doesn’t exist any longer either. And that’s really good for him as an automaker."

Not just Apple, but the EU also
The world is quickly tiring of the antics and behavior Elon
People are increasingly "done" with you thinking you can do whatever you want

"So the Hyperloop, for example, he admitted to his biographer that the reason the Hyperloop was announced—even though he had no intention of pursuing it—was to try to disrupt the California high-speed rail project and to get in the way of that actually succeeding.

I would say the Boring Company just kind of slides in there as a way to distract from efforts to improve public transit and have a greater focus on transit as a means of solving these problems with the automobile. Instead of, say, building subway systems he could say, look we’re going to build these really cheap tunnels, you’ll be able to take your car into it. And later he said, why also make it so people who don’t have cars can use it, too. And that promise doesn’t exist any longer either. And that’s really good for him as an automaker."

Honestly, if we want to talk about Musk being a distraction from efforts to combat Climate Change, these are much more relevant, IMO. Car dependency, especially in urban cores, is a huge drain. On the city coffers, on people's time, on efficient land use, and uses more energy (fuel, electricity) than if we provide more alternatives. We bulldozed urban cores to run highways through poor neighborhoods, so I don't buy that we can't fix car dependence in urban cores, and improve land use efficiency to make more housing available. Cites have been made less dense in the 20th century.

Derailing the infrastructure we need to build to make re-densification of urban centers possible is a pressing concern for climate change. And here Musk flat out admits his goals were to derail HSR and metro in the bay area and LA.
Elon Musk has met with Tim Cook at Apple's headquarters.

Clearly they are putting aside their differences so that they can figure out ways to serve us more ads.
Sad to hear this, the only one with a "difference" was the world's richest troll. Tim Cook obviously caved but should've never given that asshole the time of day.
Sad to hear this, the only one with a "difference" was the world's richest troll. Tim Cook obviously caved but should've never given that asshole the time of day.

I dunno given Musk was mum about the details of the conversation it could’ve been more along the lines of “this beautiful duck pond is where we drown MFers” 🙃
I dunno given Musk was mum about the details of the conversation it could’ve been more along the lines of “this beautiful duck pond is where we drown MFers” 🙃
He probably crashed the front door and demanded that the receptionist get him down there.